Bible verses about "tree" | Matthew

Genesis 1:12

12 And the erth brought forth herbe and grasse sowing seed euery one in hys kynde, and trees berynge frute, and hauynge theyr seed in themselues, euery one in hys kynde. And God sawe that it was good,

Genesis 2:17

17 But of the tree of knowledge of good & bad se that thou eate not: For euen the same daye thou eatest of it thou shalt dye the dethe.

Genesis 3:17

17 And vnto Adam he sayd: For as moch as thou hast obeyed the voyce of thy wyfe, and hast eaten of the tree of which I commaunded the, sayinge: Se thou eate not therof: curssed be the erth for thy sake. In sorow shalt thou eate therof all dayes of thy lyfe:

Ecclesiastes 11:3

3 When the cloudes are full, they poure oute rayne vpon the earthe. And when the tree falleth (whether it be towarde the South or North) in what place soeuer it fall, there it lyeth.

Jeremiah 10:1-25

1 Heare the worde of the Lorde, that he speaketh vnto the, O thou house of Israell: 2 Thus sayth the Lorde: Ye shall not learne after the maner of the Heathen, & ye shall not be afrayed for the tokens of heauen: for the Heathen are afrayed of suche: 3 yea all the customes and lawes of the Gentiles are nothinge, but vanite. They hewe doune a tree in the wood with the handes of the worcke man, and fashyon it with the axe: 4 they couer it ouer with gold or siluer, they fasten it with nayles and hammers, that it moue not. 5 It standeth as styfe as the palmetree, it can not neyther speake nor go, but must be borne. Be not ye afrayed of suche, for they can do neyther good nor euill. 6 But there is none lyke vnto the, O Lorde, & great is the name of thy power. 7 Who wolde not feare the? Or what Kinge of the Gentyles wolde not obeye the. For amonge all the wyse men of the Gentyles, & in all their kyngdomes, there is none that maye be lickened vnto the. 8 They are all together vnlearned and vnwyse. All theyr conninge is but vanyte: 9 namelye, woode, syluer, whiche is brought oute of Tharsis, and beaten to plates: and golde from Ophir, a worcke that is made with the hande of the craftesmen and the caster, clothed with yelowe sylcke & scarlet: euen so is the worcke of theyr wyse men altogether. 10 But the Lorde is a true God, a lyuynge God, and an euerlastinge kyng. Yf he be wroth, the earthe shaketh: all the Gentiles maye not abyde his indygnacyon. 11 As for theyr Goddes, it maye well be sayde of them: they are Goddes, that made neyther heauen nor earthe: therfore shall they peryshe from the earthe, & from al thynges vnder heauen 12 But (as for oure God) he made the earth with his power, and with hys wysdom hath he fynished the whole compasse of the worlde, wyth hys discrecion hath he spred oute the heauens. 13 At his voyce the waters gather together in the ayre, he draweth vp the cloudes from the vttermoste partes of the earth: he turneth lyghtenyng to rayne, & bryngeth forth the windes oute of theyr treasures: 14 Hys wysdom maketh all men fooles. And confounded be all casters of ymages, for that they cast, is but a vayne thynge, and hath no lyfe. 15 The vayne craftesmen with theyr worckes, that they in theyr vanite haue made, shall peryshe one with another in the tyme of vysitacyon. 16 Neuertheles, Iacobs porcyon is not suche: but it is he, that hath made all thynges, and Israel is the rode of hys enherytaunce: The Lorde of Hostes is his name. 17 Put awaye thyne vnclennesse oute of the lande, thou that arte in the stronge cyties. 18 For thus sayth the Lorde: Beholde, I wyl nowe thruste oute the inhabitours of this land a greate waye of, and trouble them of suche a fashyon, that they shall no more be founde. 19 Alas how am I hurte? Alas, howe paynefull are my scourges vnto me? For I consydre this sorowe by my selfe, & I must suffre it. 20 My tabernacle is destroyed, and al my coardes are broken. My children are gone fro me, & can no where be found. Nowe haue I none to sprede oute my tente, or to set vp my hanginges. 21 For the herdmen haue done folyshly, that they haue not soughte the Lorde. Therfor haue they dealt vnwysely wyth theyr cattell, and all are scatred abroade. 22 Beholde, the noyse is harde at hande, and greate sedycyon out of the north: to make the cytyes of Iuda a wyldernesse, and a dwellynge place for Dragons. 23 Now I knowe (O Lorde) that it is not in mans power to ordre hys owne wayes, or to rule hys owne steppes and goinges. 24 Therfor chasten thou vs, O Lorde, but wyth fauoure and not in thy wrath, brynge vs not vtterlye to naught. 25 Poure oute thyne indygnacion rather vpon the Gentyles, that knowe the not, and vpon the people that call not on thy name: And that because they haue consumed, deuoured and destroyed Iacob, and haue roted out hys glorye.

Daniel 4:10-12

10 I sawe a vysyon in my heade vpon my bed: and beholde, there stode a tre vpon the grounde, 11 whiche was verye hye, greate and myghtye: the heygth reached vnto the heauen, and the bredth extended to all the endes of the earthe, 12 hys leaues were fayre, he had verye muche frute, so that euerye man had ynough to eate therein. The beastes of the feld had shadowes vnder it, and the foules of the ayre dwelte in the bowes therof. Shortly, all creatures fed of it.

Matthew 12:33

33 Either make the tree good, and his frute good also: or els make the tree euyll, and hys frute euyll also. For the tree is knowen by his frute.

Luke 6:43

43 It is not a good tre that bryngeth forth euyll frute: neither is that au euil tre that bringeth forth good frute.

John 15:5

5 I am the vyne, and ye are the braunches. He that abydeth in me, and I in him, the same bryngeth forth muche frute. For without me can ye do nothynge.

Acts 5:30

30 The God of our father raysed vp Iesus whom ye slewe and hanged on tree.

Genesis 1:11

11 And God sayde: let the erth brynge forth herbe and grasse that sowe seed, and fruteful trees, that bere frute euery one in his kynde, hauyng their seed in them selues vpon the erth. And it came so to passe.

Psalms 1:3

3 Suche a man is lyke a tree planted by the watersyde, that bringeth forthe hys frute in due season. His leaues shall not fall af, & loke whatsoeuer he doth, it shall prospere.

Matthew 3:10

10 Euen now is the axe put vnto the rote of the trees: so that euerye tre which bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewen doun & cast into the fire.

Revelation 22:2

2 In the middes of the strete of it, and of eyther syde of the ryuer was the wode of lyfe: which bare .xij. maner of frutes: & gaue frute euerye moneth: and the leaues of the wodde serued to heale the people wythall.

Revelation 22:14

14 Blessed are they that do his commaundementes that theyr power maye be in the tree of lyfe, & maye enter in thorowe the gates into the cite.

Genesis 2:9

9 And the Lord god made to sprynge out of the erth, all maner trees bewtyfull to the syght and pleasant to eate, and the tree of lyfe in the myddes of the garden: and also the tree of knowledge of good and euell.

Proverbs 13:12

12 Longe taryenge for a thing that is differed, greueth the hert: but when the desyre commeth, it is a tre of lyfe.

Jeremiah 17:8

8 For he shalbe as a tre, that is planted by the water syde: which spredeth out the rote vnto moystness, whom the heate can not harme, when it commeth, but his leaues are grene. And though there growe but lytle frute because of drouth, yet is he not carefull, but he neuer leaueth of to brynge forth fruite.

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