Bible verses about "science" | Matthew

Genesis 1:1

1 In the beginnynge GOD created heauen and erth.

Job 26:7

7 He stretched oute the north ouer the emptie, & hangeth the earth vpon nothinge.

Proverbs 14:15

15 An ignoraunt boddy beleueth all thynges, but who so hath vnderstandyng, loketh well to his goinges.

Ecclesiastes 1:13-17

13 applied my mynde to seke out & search for the knowlege of all thinges that are done vnder heauen. Such trauayle and labour hath God geuen vnto the chyldren of men, too exercyse them selfes therein. 14 Thus I haue considred all the thynges that come to passe vnder the Sunne, & so, they are all but vanitie & vexacion of mynde. 15 The croked can not be mayde strayght, & the fautes can not be numbred. 16 I commoned wyth myne owne hert, saying: lo, I am come to a greate estate, & haue gotten more wisdome, then all they that haue bene before me in Ierusalem. Yea, my hert had great experience of wysedome & knowlege, 17 for there vnto I applyed my mynde: that I might knowe what were wisdome & vnderstanding, what were errour & folishnes. And I perceyued that this also was but a vexacion of minde:

Ecclesiastes 1:6-7

6 The wynde goeth towarde the South, & fetcheth hys compasse about vnto the North, & so turneth into him self agayn. 7 All floudes runne into the sea, & yet the sea is not filled: for loke vnto what place the waters runne, thence they come agayn.

Isaiah 40:22

22 That he sytteth vpon the circle of the worlde, and that al the inhabytours of the worlde are in comparison of him, but as greshoppers: That he spredeth out the heauens as a coueryng, that he stretcheth them out, as a tent to dwell in:

Romans 1:20

20 So that his inuisible thinges, that is to saye, hys eternall power and Godhead, are vnderstand & sene by the workes from the creation of the worlde. So that they are wythout excuse,

Hebrews 3:4

4 Euery house is prepared of some man. But he that ordeyned al thinges is God.

Psalms 104:5

5 Thou hast layed the earth vpon her foundacion, that it neuer moueth at any tyme.

Isaiah 40:12

12 Who hath holden the waters in hys fyst? Who hath measured heauen with his spanne, and hath comprehended all the earth of the worlde in thre fyngers? Who hath weyed the mountaynes and hylles?

Colossians 1:17

17 and he is before all thinges, and in hym all thinges haue theyr beynge.

Job 38:4-30

4 Where wast thou, when I layde the foundacyons of the earth? Tel planely yf thou hast vnderstandyng. 5 Who hath measured it, knoweste thou? Or, who hath spreade the lyne vpon it? 6 Wherevpon stande the pylers of it? Or who layed the corner stone? 7 Where wast thou when the mornyng starres praysed me together & all the chyldren of God reioysed triumphantly? 8 Who shut the sea with dores, when it brake forth as a chyld oute of his mothers wombe? 9 When I made the cloudes to be a coueryng for it, & swadled it wyth the darcke? 10 when I gaue it my commaundement, makynge dores & barres for it, 11 saying: Hytherto shalt thou come, but no forther, & here shalte thou laye doune thy proude & hye waues. 12 Haste thou geuen the mornyng his charge (as sone as thou wast borne) and shewed the daye sprynge his place, 13 that it might take holde of the corners of the earthe, & that the vngodlye myght be shaken out? 14 Theyr tokens & weapons haste thou turned lyke claye & set them vp agayne as the chaunginge of a garment. 15 Yea thou hast spoyled the vngodly of theyr lyght, & broken the arme of the proude. 16 Camest thou euer into the grounde of the sea: or haste thou walked in the lowe corners of the depe? 17 Haue the gates of death ben opened vnto the, or haste thou sene the dore of euerlasting treasure? 18 Hast thou also perceiued, how broad the earth is? Nowe yf thou haste knowledge of all, 19 then shewe me where lyght dwelleth, & where darcknes is: 20 that thou mayest brynge vs vnto theyr quarters, yf thou canste tell the waye to theyr houses. 21 Knewest thou (when thou wast borne) how olde thou shuldest be? 22 Wentest thou euer into the threasuryes of the snowe, or haste thou sene the secrete places of the hayle, 23 whiche I haue prepared agaynst the tyme of trouble, agaynste the tyme of battell and warre? 24 By what waye is the lyghte parted, and the heate dealte oute vpon the earth? 25 Who deuydeth the aboundaunce of waters into ryuers, or who maketh a waye for the stormye wether, 26 that it watereth & moystureth the drye and baren grounde, 27 to make the grasse growe in places where no body dwelleth, and in the wyldernes where no man remayneth? 28 Who is the father of rayne? Or who hath begotten the droppes of dewe? 29 Oute of whose wombe came the yse? Who hath gendred the coldnes of the ayre? 30 that the waters are as harde as stones, and lye congeled aboue the depe.

Psalms 111:2

2 The worckes of the Lorde are greate, sought oute of all them, that haue pleasure therin.

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