Bible verses about "purity" | Matthew

Romans 13:14

14 but put ye on the Lorde Iesus Christ. And make not prouysyon for the fleshe, to fulfyll the lustes of it.

Galatians 5:19-21

19 The dedes of the flesh are manyfeste, which are these aduoutrye, fornicacyon, vncleannes, wantonnes, 20 Idolatrye wytchecrafte, hatred, varyaunce, zele, wrathe stryfe, sedityon, sectes, 21 enuiynge, murther, drounkennes, glottonye, and suche lyke: of the whiche I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tymes past, that they whiche commytte suche thynges shall not enheryte the kingdome of God.

Ephesians 5:5

5 For this ye knowe, that no whormonger, other vncleane persone, or couetous person, whyche is the worshypper of Images, hath anye inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christe and of God.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

3 For this is the will of God, euen that ye shoulde be holy, and that ye shoulde abstayne from fornicacion, 4 that euerye one of you should know, howe to kepe his vessell in holynes and honoure, 5 and not in the luste of concupiscence, as do the heathen, which know not God, 6 that no man go to far and defraude his brother in bargaining: because the Lorde is a reuenger of al suche thinges as we tolde you before tyme and testified. 7 For God hath not called vs to vncleanes, but vnto holines. 8 He therfore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, whiche hath sente his holye spirite amonge you.

Colossians 3:5

5 Mortifie therfore, youre members whiche are on the earth, fornicacion, vnclenes, vnnatural, lust euil concupiscence, and couetousnesse, which is worshippinge of Idolles,

Philippians 4:8

8 Furthermore brethren, whatsoeuer thynges are true, whatsoeuer thinges are honest, whatsoeuer thinges are iuste, whatsoeuer thinges are pure, whatsoeuer thinges pertaine to loue, whatsoeuer thinges are of honeste report: yf there be anie vertuous thinge yf there be anye laudable thinge,

Hebrews 13:18

18 Praye for vs. We haue confydence because we haue a good conscience in all thynges, and desyre to lyue honestlye.

Psalms 51:10

10 Make me a cleane hert, O God, & renue a right sprete within me.

1 Corinthians 6:18

18 Fle fornycatyon. Al synnes that a man doth, are without the body. But he that is a fornicatour, sinneth agaynst his owne bodye.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

3 For this is the will of God, euen that ye shoulde be holy, and that ye shoulde abstayne from fornicacion, 4 that euerye one of you should know, howe to kepe his vessell in holynes and honoure, 5 and not in the luste of concupiscence, as do the heathen, which know not God,

Hebrews 13:4

4 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes, and let the chambre be vndefyled: for whorekepers and aduouterers God wyll iudge.

1 John 1:9

9 If we knowledge oure sinnes, he is faythfull and iust, to forgeue vs our sinnes, and to clense vs from al vnrightuousnes.

1 Timothy 4:12

12 Let no man despyse thy youthe: but be vnto them that beleue, an ensample, in worde in conuersacyon, in loue, in spyryte, in fayth & in purenes.

Psalms 119:9

9 Beth. Where withall shall a yonge man clense his waye? Euen by rulynge hym selfe after thy worde.

Matthew 5:8

8 Blessed are the pure in hert: for thei shal se God.

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