Bible verses about "precious" | Matthew

Psalms 116:15

15 right deare in the syghte of the Lorde is the death of his saynctes.

Proverbs 20:15

15 A mouth of vnderstanding is more worth then gold, many precious stones, & costly iewels.

Psalms 127:3

3 Lo, chyldren & the frute of the wombe are an heritage & gift, that commeth of the Lorde.

1 Peter 2:1-25

1 Wherfore laye a syde all malycyousnes, and all gyle, and dyssymulacyon, and enuye, and all backbytynge: 2 and as newe bourne babes, desyre that reasonable mylke whiche is wythout corrupcyon that ye maye growe therein. 3 If so be that ye haue tasted howe pleasaunt the Lorde is, 4 to whome ye come as vnto a lyuinge stone dysalowed of men, but chosen of God and precyous: 5 and ye as lyuynge stones, are made a spirytuall housse, and an holye priesthode, for to offer vp spyrytuall sacryfyce, acceptable to God by Iesus Christe. 6 Wherfore it is contained in the scrypture: beholde, I put in Syon an head corner stone, electe and precyous: and he that beleueth on hym, shall not be ashamed. 7 Vnto you therfor whiche beleue, he is precyous, but vnto them whiche beleue not, the stone whiche the buylders refused the same is made the head stone in the corner, 8 and a stone to stomble at, and a rocke to offende them whiche stomble at the word, and beleue not that whereon they were set. 9 But ye are a chosen generacyon, a royall priesthode, an holye nacyon and a peculyar people that ye shoulde shewe the vertues of hym that called you oute of darkenes into his marueylous lyght, 10 whiche in tyme past were not vnder mercye, but nowe haue obtayned mercye. 11 Dearely beloued, I beseche you as straungers and pylgremes, obstayne from fleshely lustes, which fyght agaynste the soule, 12 and se that ye haue honest conuersacyon amonge the Gentyls, that they whiche backbyte you as euyll doars, maye se youre good workes and prayse God in the daye of visitacyon. 13 Submyt youre selues vnto all maner ordinaunce of man for the Lordes sake, whether it be vnto the kynge as vnto the chiefe heade: 14 other vnto rulars, as vnto them that are sent of hym, for the punyshemente of euyll doars: but for the laude of them that do wel. 15 For so is the wyll of God, that ye put to sylence the ignorauncye of the folyshe men: 16 as fre, and not as hauynge the lybertye for a cloke of maliciousnes, but euen as the seruauntes of God. 17 Honoure all men. Loue brotherlye felowship. Feare God, and honour the kynge. 18 Seruauntes obeye your maysters wyth al feare, not onelye yf they be good, and courteous: but also thoughe they be frowarde. 19 For it is thanke worthy yf a man for conscience towarde God endure griefe, suffering wrongfullye. 20 For what prayse is it, yf when ye be buffeted for your faultes, ye take it pacientlye? But and yf when ye do well, ye suffre wrong and take it pacyently, then is there thanke wt God. 21 for here vnto verelye were ye called: for Christe also suffered for vs, leauynge vs an ensample that we shoulde folowe his steppes, 22 whiche dyd no synne, neyther was there gyle founde in hys mouth: 23 which when he was reuyled, reuyled not agayne: when he suffered, he threatened not: but commytted the cause to him that iudgeth ryghtuously, 24 which hys owne selfe bare oure synnes in hys body on the tree, that we shoulde be delyuered from synne, and shoulde lyue in ryghtuousnes. By whose strypes ye were healed. 25 For ye were as shepe goynge astraye: but are nowe returned to the shepeherde and byshop of your soules.

Jeremiah 15:19

19 Vpon these wordes, thus sayde the Lorde vnto me: If thou wylt turne agayne, I shall set the in my seruyce: and yf thou wylt take out the thynge that is precious from the vile, thou shalt be euen as myne owne mouth. They shall conuerte vnto the, but turne not thou vnto them:

Isaiah 43:4

4 because thou wast deare in my sight, and because I set by the, and loued the. I pylled all men for the, & delyuered vp al people for thy sake,

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