Bible verses about "pornography" | Matthew

Philippians 4:8

8 Furthermore brethren, whatsoeuer thynges are true, whatsoeuer thinges are honest, whatsoeuer thinges are iuste, whatsoeuer thinges are pure, whatsoeuer thinges pertaine to loue, whatsoeuer thinges are of honeste report: yf there be anie vertuous thinge yf there be anye laudable thinge,

1 Corinthians 6:18

18 Fle fornycatyon. Al synnes that a man doth, are without the body. But he that is a fornicatour, sinneth agaynst his owne bodye.

Galatians 5:19-25

19 The dedes of the flesh are manyfeste, which are these aduoutrye, fornicacyon, vncleannes, wantonnes, 20 Idolatrye wytchecrafte, hatred, varyaunce, zele, wrathe stryfe, sedityon, sectes, 21 enuiynge, murther, drounkennes, glottonye, and suche lyke: of the whiche I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tymes past, that they whiche commytte suche thynges shall not enheryte the kingdome of God. 22 But the frute of the spiryte, is loue, ioye peace, longe sufferynge, gentylnes, goodnes, faithfulnes, 23 mekenes, temperauncye. Against suche there is no lawe. 24 They that are Christes haue crucyfyed the fleshe with the appetytes and lustes. 25 If we lyue in the spyryte: let vs walke in the spyryte.

1 Corinthians 6:9

9 Do ye not remembre, howe that the vnrightuous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceyued. For neither fornicatours, neither worshipers of ymages, neither whormongers, neyther weaklinges, neither abusers of them selues wyth the mankynde,

James 1:14-15

14 But euerye man is tempted, drawne awaye, & entysed of hys owne concupiscence. 15 Then when luste hath conceyued, she bringeth forth sinne, & sinne when it is fynyshed bryngeth forthe death.

1 Corinthians 6:13

13 Meates are ordeyned for the belly, and the belly for meates, but God shall destroye both it and them. Let not the bodye be applied vnto fornication, but vnto the Lorde, and the Lorde vnto the body.

1 John 3:4-10

4 Whosoeuer committeth synne, committeth vnrightuousnes also, for synne is vnrightuousnes. 5 And ye knowe that he appered to take awaye oure synnes, & in him is no sinne. 6 As many as byde in him synne not, whosoeuer synneth, hath not sene him, neyther hath knowen him. 7 Babes let no man deceiue you. He that doth rightuousnes is rightuous, euen as he is righteous. 8 He that committeth sinne, is of the deuil, for the deuil sinneth sence the beginninge. For this purpose appered the sonne of God to lowse the workes of the deuil. 9 Whosoeuer is borne of God, sinneth not, for hys seed remaineth in him, and he can not sinne, because he is borne of God. 10 In this are the chyldren of God knowen, and the chyldren of the deuil. Whosoeuer doth not rightuousnes, is not of God, neyther he that loueth not his brother.

Psalms 119:37

37 O turne awaye myne eyes, leste they behold vanite, and quycken me in thy way.

1 Corinthians 10:13

13 There hath none other temptacion taken you, but suche as foloweth the nature of man. But God is faythful whiche shall not suffre you to be tempted aboue your strength: but shall in the middest of the temptacion make a waye to escape out.

Hebrews 13:4

4 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes, and let the chambre be vndefyled: for whorekepers and aduouterers God wyll iudge.

1 John 2:16

16 For all that is in the world (as the luste of the fleshe, the lust of the eyes, and the pryde of goodes) is not of the father, but of the world.

1 Corinthians 6:18-20

18 Fle fornycatyon. Al synnes that a man doth, are without the body. But he that is a fornicatour, sinneth agaynst his owne bodye. 19 Either knowe ye not howe that youre bodies are the temple of the holye ghoste, whyche is in you, whome ye haue of God, and how that ye are not your owne? 20 For ye are dearlye boughte. Therfore glorifye ye God in youre bodyes, and in youre spyrytes, for they are Goddes.

Matthew 5:28

28 But I saye vnto you, that whosoeuer loketh on a wife, lustinge after her, hath committed adulterye with her alredy in his herte

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