Bible verses about "mind" | Matthew

Joshua 1:8

8 let not the boke of thys lawe departe out of thy mouthe: But recorde therein daye & night that thou mayest be circumspect to do accordyng to all that is wrytten therein. For then shalt thou make thy waye prosperouse, & then thou shalt haue vnderstandyng.

Psalms 119:15

15 I wyl exercise my selfe in thy commaundementes, and haue respect vnto thy fotepathe

Philippians 2:5

5 Let the same mynde be in you that was in Christ Iesu:

2 Corinthians 5:17

17 Therfore yf anye man be in Christe, he is a newe creature. Olde thynges are passed awaye, beholde all thynges are become newe.

1 John 4:18

18 There is no feare in loue, but perfecte loue casteth out all feare, for feare hath paynfulnes. He that feareth is not perfect in loue.

1 Peter 5:8

8 Be sober and watch, for your aduersary the deuyll as a roringe Lyon walketh aboute, sekinge whom he may deuour,

Philippians 4:6-8

6 Be not carefull: but in all thinges shewe your petition vnto God in prayer and supplication, wyth geuinge of thankes. 7 And the peace of God, whiche passeth al vnderstandynge, kepe your hertes and myndes in Chryste Iesu. 8 Furthermore brethren, whatsoeuer thynges are true, whatsoeuer thinges are honest, whatsoeuer thinges are iuste, whatsoeuer thinges are pure, whatsoeuer thinges pertaine to loue, whatsoeuer thinges are of honeste report: yf there be anie vertuous thinge yf there be anye laudable thinge,

Isaiah 26:3

3 And thou, whiche art the doar & hast the matter in hand, shalt prouyde for peace, euen the peace that men hope for in the.

Colossians 2:8

8 Beware least anye man come and spoyle you thorowe philosophie and disceitful vanitie, thorowe the tradicions of men, and ordinaunces after the world, and not after Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:5

5 wherewith we ouerthrowe Imaginations and euerye hye thynge that exalteth it selfe agaynste the knoweledge of God, and brynge into captiuite all vnderstandynge to the obedience of Christe,

2 Timothy 1:7

7 For God hath not geuen to vs the spiryte of feare, but of power and of loue, and of sobrenes of mynde.

Romans 12:1-2

1 I beseche you therfore brethren, by the mercyfulnes of God, that ye make your bodyes a quicke sacrifyce holye and acceptable vnto God, which is youre reasonable seruynge of God: 2 And fashyon not youre selues lyke vnto thys worlde. But be ye chaunged in youre shape, by the renuynge of youre wyttes, that ye may fele what thynge that good, that acceptable, and perfect wyll of God is.

Colossians 3:2

2 Set youre affeccion on thinges that are aboue, and not on thinges, which are on the earth.

Romans 8:5-6

5 For they that are carnally, are carnally mynded. But they that are spirituall, are ghostly minded. 6 To be carnally mynded is death. But to be spiritually minded is lyfe and peace.

Topical data is from, retrieved November 11, 2013, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.