Bible verses about "locusts" | Matthew

Exodus 10:1-19

1 The Lord sayed vnto Moses: go vnto Pharao: neuerthelesse I haue hardened hys herte, & the hertes of hys seruauntes, that I myght shew these my signes amongest them, 2 & that thou tell in the audience of thy sonne, & of thy sonnes sonne, the pageantes which I haue played in Egypt, and the miracles which I haue done among them: that ye may know how that I am the Lord. 3 Then Moses and Aaron went in vnto Pharao, and sayd vnto hym: Thus sayth the Lorde God of the Hebrues: howe longe shall it be or thou wylt submit thy selfe vnto me? Let my people go that they may serue me. 4 If thou wylt not lette my people go: beholde, to morrowe wyll I brynge greshoppers into thy lande, 5 and they shall couer the face of the earth that it can not be seene, and they shal eate the residue whiche remayneth vnto you and escaped the hayle: and they shall eate all youre grene trees vppon the feilde, 6 and they shall fyll thy houses, and all thy seruauntes houses, & the houses of al the Egyptyans after suche a maner: as nether thy fathers nor thi fathers fathers haue sene sence the tyme they were vpon the earth vnto thys day. And he turned him selfe about, and went out from Pharao. 7 And Pharaos seruauntes said vnto him: How long shal we be thus euyll entreated? Lette the men goo that they maye serue the Lord theyr God: wylte thou not yet knowe that Egypt is destroyed? 8 And then Moyses and Aaron were brought againe vnto Pharao, and he sayed vnto them: Goo and serue the Lorde youre God, but who are they that shall go? 9 And Moyses answered: we wyll go with yonge and olde: yea, & with our sonnes and with our daughters, and wyth our shepe & oxen must we go. For we must hold a feast vnto the Lorde. 10 And he sayd vnto them: let it be so? The Lorde be wyth you, should I lette you goo, and your chyldren also? Take hede, for ye haue some myschiefe in hande, 11 Nay not so: but go ye that are men and serue the Lorde, for that was your desyre. And they thruste them out of Pharaos presence. 12 And the Lord sayd vnto Moses: Stretch out thyne hande ouer the Lande of Egypte, for greshoppers, that they come vppon the Land of Egypt and eat all the herbes of the lande, and al that the hayle lefte vntouched. 13 And Moses stretched forth his rod ouer the Lande of Egypt, and the Lorde brought an east wynd vpon the Land, all that daye and all nyghte. And in the mornynge the Easte wynde brought the Greshoppers, 14 and the greshoppers wente vp ouer all the Land of Egypt and lyghted in all quarters of Egypte verye greuouslye: so that before theym were there no suche greshoppers, neither after them shal be. 15 And they couered all the face of the earth, so that the land was darke therwyth. And they ate all the herbes of the land and all the fruites of the trees whyche the haile had left: so that there was no grene thynge left in the trees & herbes of the felde, thorow all the land of Egypte. 16 Then Pharao, called for Moses & Aaron in haste & sayed: I haue synned agaynste the Lord your God and against you. 17 Forgyue me yet my sinne only thys once, & pray vnto the Lord your God that he may take away from me thys death onely. 18 And he went out from Pharao, & prayed vnto the Lord: 19 & the Lord turned the wynd into a myghty strong west wynde, & it toke away the greshoppers and cast them into the rede sea: so that ther was not one greshopper in all the coastes of Egypte.

Exodus 10:15

15 And they couered all the face of the earth, so that the land was darke therwyth. And they ate all the herbes of the land and all the fruites of the trees whyche the haile had left: so that there was no grene thynge left in the trees & herbes of the felde, thorow all the land of Egypte.

Psalms 105:34

34 He spake the worde, and ther were greshoppers and catyrpyllers innumerable.

Revelation 9:1-12

1 And the fyfte Angel blewe, and I sawe a starre fall from heauen vnto the earth, And to hym was geuen the keye of the bottomlesse pyt. 2 And he opened the bottomlesse pyt, and there arose the smoke of a great fornace. And the sunne, and the ayer were darkened by the reason of the smoke of the pytt. 3 And there came out of the smoke locustes vpon the earth, and vnto them was geuen power as the Scorpions of the earth haue power. 4 And it was commaunded them, that they should not hurt the grasse of the earth, neyther any grene thinge, neither any tree, but onely those men which haue not the seale in their foreheades, 5 and to them was commaunded that they should not kyll them, but that they should be vexed fyue monethes, and theyr payne was as the payne that commeth of a scorpion, when he hath stonge a man. 6 And in those dayes shal men seke death, and shal not finde it, and shall desyre to dye, and death shal flye from them. 7 And the similitude of the locustes was lyke vnto horsses prepared vnto battayl, and on theyr heades were as it were crounes, lyke vnto gold and their faces were as it had bene the faces of men. 8 And they had heere as the heere of women. And theyr teeth were as the teeth of Lyons. 9 And they had habbergions, as it were habbergyons of Iron. And the sounde of theyr wynges, was as the sounde of charettes, when many horsses runne together to battayle. 10 And they had tayles lyke vnto Scorpyons, and there were stynges in theyr tayles. And their power was to hurte men fyue monethes. 11 And they had a kynge ouer them, whych is the angel of the bottomlesse pyt, whose name in the Hebrue tonge, is Abodon, but in the Greke tonge, Appollion. 12 One wo is paste, and behold two woes come after thys.

Joel 1:4-7

4 Loke what the caterpyller hath lefte, that hath the greshopper eaten vp: what the greshopper lefte, that hath the locuste eaten vp: & what the locuste hath lefte, that hath the blastyng consumed. 5 Wake vp ye dronkardes, & wepe: mourne all ye wynesuppers, because of youre swete wyne, for it shall be taken away from your mouth. 6 Yea, a myghtye and an innumerable people shal come vp into my lande: these haue teeth lyke the teethe of Lyons, and chaftbones lyke the lyonesses. 7 They shal make my vyneyarde waste, they shall pyll of the barckes of my fygge trees, strype them bare, cast them away, & make the braunches whyt.

Joel 2:25

25 And as for the yeares that the greshopper, locuste, blastynge, & caterpyller (my greate hoste, whiche I sente amonge you) haue eaten vp, I shal restore them to you agayne,

Mark 1:6

6 Iohn was clothed with camylles heare, & with a gerdyll of a skyn about hys loynes. And he dyd eate locustes, and wilde honey,

Revelation 9:4

4 And it was commaunded them, that they should not hurt the grasse of the earth, neyther any grene thinge, neither any tree, but onely those men which haue not the seale in their foreheades,

Revelation 9:7-10

7 And the similitude of the locustes was lyke vnto horsses prepared vnto battayl, and on theyr heades were as it were crounes, lyke vnto gold and their faces were as it had bene the faces of men. 8 And they had heere as the heere of women. And theyr teeth were as the teeth of Lyons. 9 And they had habbergions, as it were habbergyons of Iron. And the sounde of theyr wynges, was as the sounde of charettes, when many horsses runne together to battayle. 10 And they had tayles lyke vnto Scorpyons, and there were stynges in theyr tayles. And their power was to hurte men fyue monethes.

Leviticus 11:22

22 euen these of them ye maye eate: the arbe & al hys kynde: the Selaam with al hys kynde: the Hargol and all the kynde, the Hagab and all hys kynde.

Proverbs 30:27

27 The greshoppers haue not a gyde, yet go thei forth together by heapes.

Revelation 9:3-10

3 And there came out of the smoke locustes vpon the earth, and vnto them was geuen power as the Scorpions of the earth haue power. 4 And it was commaunded them, that they should not hurt the grasse of the earth, neyther any grene thinge, neither any tree, but onely those men which haue not the seale in their foreheades, 5 and to them was commaunded that they should not kyll them, but that they should be vexed fyue monethes, and theyr payne was as the payne that commeth of a scorpion, when he hath stonge a man. 6 And in those dayes shal men seke death, and shal not finde it, and shall desyre to dye, and death shal flye from them. 7 And the similitude of the locustes was lyke vnto horsses prepared vnto battayl, and on theyr heades were as it were crounes, lyke vnto gold and their faces were as it had bene the faces of men. 8 And they had heere as the heere of women. And theyr teeth were as the teeth of Lyons. 9 And they had habbergions, as it were habbergyons of Iron. And the sounde of theyr wynges, was as the sounde of charettes, when many horsses runne together to battayle. 10 And they had tayles lyke vnto Scorpyons, and there were stynges in theyr tayles. And their power was to hurte men fyue monethes.

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