Bible verses about "influence" | Matthew

Proverbs 10:17

17 To take hede vnto the chastenyng of nurtoure, is the way of lyfe: but he that refuseth to be refourmed, goeth wrong.

Proverbs 9:9

9 Geue a discrete man but an occasion, & he wilbe the wiser, teache a righteous man, and he will increase.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

16 For al scripture geuen by inspyracion of God, is profytable to teache, to improue, to amende and to instruct in ryghtuousnes, 17 that the man of God maye be perfecte and prepared vnto all good workes.

1 Peter 3:15

15 but sanctifie the Lorde God in your hertes. Be ready alwaies to geue an answere to euery man that axeth you a reason of the hope, that is in you, and that with mekenes & feare,

Galatians 5:7-9

7 Ye dyd runne wel: who was a let to you, that ye shoulde not obeye the trueth? 8 Euen that counsell that is not of hym that called you. 9 A lytell leuen doeth leuen the whole lumpe of dowe.

1 Peter 3:16

16 hauinge a good conscience, that when they backbyte you as euyl doers, they maye be ashamed, for as muche as they haue falsely accused your good conuersation in Christ.

1 Peter 2:12

12 and se that ye haue honest conuersacyon amonge the Gentyls, that they whiche backbyte you as euyll doars, maye se youre good workes and prayse God in the daye of visitacyon.

Proverbs 13:20

20 He that goeth in the company of wyse men, shalbe wyse: but who so is a companyon of foles, shalbe hurte.

Proverbs 27:17

17 Lyke as one yron whetteth another, so doth one man conforte another.

Matthew 5:13-16

13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but & if the salt haue lost her saltnes, what can be salted therwith? It is thensforth good for nothinge, but to be cast out, and to be troden vnder fote of men. 14 Ye are the light of the worlde. A cytye that is set on an hill, can not be hid, 15 neither do men light a candell & put it vnder a bushell, but on a candelsticke, and it lighteth al that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shyne before men that they maye se your good workes, and gloryfye your father which is in heauen.

1 Corinthians 15:33

33 Be not deceiued: malicious speakinges corrupte good maners.

Topical data is from, retrieved November 11, 2013, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.