Bible verses about "infertility" | Matthew

Genesis 25:21

21 And Isaac made intercession vnto the Lord for his wife, bicause she was barren: and the Lord was entreated of hym, & Rebecca hys wyfe conceyued:

Genesis 1:28

28 And God blessed them, & God sayde vnto them: Growe and multiplye & fyl the erth, & subdue it, & haue dominion ouer the fyshes of the sea, and ouer the foules of the ayre, and ouer al the beastes that moue on the erth.

Deuteronomy 7:14

14 Thou shalt be blessed aboue al nations, there shal be neither man nor woman vnfruitfull among you, nor any thing vnfrutful amonge youre cattell.

1 Samuel 2:21

21 And the Lorde visited Hannah so that she conceyued and bare thre sonnes & two doughters But the boye Samuel grewe dwellynge styll with the Lorde.

Psalms 128:3

3 Thy wyfe shalbe as the frutefull vyne vpon the walles of thy house. Thy chyldren lyke the Olyue braunches rounde about thy table.

Philippians 4:13

13 I can do al thinges thorowe the helpe of Christe whiche strengtheth me.

Deuteronomy 8:2

2 And thinke on all the waye whych the lord thy God ledde the this .xl. yere in the wildernesse, for to humble the and to proue the, to wete what was in in thyne herte, whether thou wouldest kepe his commaundements or no,

Psalms 139:13

13 For my reynes are thyne, thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe.

Psalms 127:3

3 Lo, chyldren & the frute of the wombe are an heritage & gift, that commeth of the Lorde.

Psalms 147:3

3 He healeth the contryte in herte, and byndeth vp their woundes.

Isaiah 54:1-17

1 Therfore be glad nowe, thou baren that bearest not. Reioyce, singe, and be mery, thou that arte not with chyld. For the desolate hath mo children, then the maried wife sayeth the Lorde. 2 Make thy tente wyder, and sprede out the hanginges of thyne habytacion: spare not, laye forth thy coardes, and make faste thy stakes, 3 for thou shalt breake oute on the ryght syde and on the left, & thy sede shall haue the Gentyles in possessyon, & dwell in the desolate cities. 4 Feare not, for thou shalte not be confounded: Be not ashamed, for thou shalt not come to confusyon. Yea thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remembre the dyshonoure of thy wedowheade. 5 For he that made the, shalbe thy Lorde & husband (whose name is the Lorde of hostes) & thyne auenger shalbe euen the holy one of Israel, the Lorde of the whole worlde. 6 For the Lord shal call the, beynge as a desolate sorowful woman and as a younge wyfe that hath broken her wedlocke: sayeth thy God. 7 A lytle whyle haue I forsaken the, but with greate mercyfulnes shall I take the vp vnto me. 8 When I was angry, I hyde my face from the for a lytle season, but thorowe euerlasting goodnes shall I pardon the, sayeth the Lorde thyne auenger. 9 And this must be vnto me as the water of Noe: for as lyke I haue sworne that I wyll not brynge the water of Noe any more vpon the worlde: so haue I sworne that I wil neuer be angrye with the, nor reproue the: 10 The mountaynes shal remoue and the hylles shal fal doune: but my louing kindnesse shall not moue, & the bonde of my peace shal not fal doune from the, saith the lord thy mercifull louer. 11 Beholde thou pore, vexed and despysed: I will make thy walles of precious stones, & thy foundacyon of Saphires, 12 thy wyndowes of Christal, thy gates of fyne cleare stone, and thy borders of pleasaunt stones. 13 Thy children shall all be taught of god & I wyll geue them plenteousnes of peace. 14 In rightuousnes shalt thou be grounded, and be farre from oppressyon: for the whiche thou nedeste not be afrayed, nether for hynderaunce for it shall not come nye the. 15 Beholde, the aleaunt that was farre from the, shal dwel with the: & he that was sometyme a straunger vnto the. shalbe ioyned with the: 16 Beholde, I make the smyth that bloweth the coales in the fyre, & he maketh a weapen after hys handy worck. I make also the waster to destroye: 17 but al the weapens that are made agaynste the, shal not prospere. And as for all tunges, that shall resiste the in iudgement, thou shalte ouercome them, and condempne them. This is the herytage of the Lordes seruauntes, and the ryghtuousnes that they shal haue of me, sayeth the Lorde.

Luke 1:36-37

36 And beholde thy cosyn Elyzabeth hath also conceyued a sonne in her age: & thys is her syxt moneth though she be called barren: 37 for with God can nothing be vnpossyble.

Hebrews 11:11

11 Thorow fayth Sara also receyued strength to be with chyld, and was delyuered of a child when she was past age, because she iudged hym faythfull which had promysed.

Romans 5:3-5

3 Nether do we so only: but also we reioice in tribulacion. For we know that tribulation bryngeth pacience, 4 pacience bringeth experience, experience bringeth hope. 5 And hope maketh not ashamed, for the loue of God is sheed abroade in our hertes by the holye ghost, which he is geuen vnto vs.

Romans 12:12

12 Reioyce in hope. Be pacyent in trybulacyon. Contynue in prayer.

1 Samuel 1:1-28

1 There was a man of Ramathaim Zophim, of mount Ephraim named Elkanah, the sonne of Ieroham, the sonne of Elihu, the sonne of Thohu, the sonne of zuph an Ephratite: 2 which had two wiues, the one called Hannah, & the other Phenennah. And Phenennah had children but Hannah had none. 3 And the sayde man went out of his citie euery festful day, to praye & to offer vnto the Lord of hostes: where the two sonnes of Eli (Hophni and Phinehes) were the Lordes priestes. 4 And it fel on a day as Elkanah had offered that he gaue to Phenennah his wife & to al her sonnes & doughters porcions. 5 But vnto Hannah he gaue a porcion with a heuye chere, for he loued her, neuerthelesse the Lorde had made her barren. 6 And therto her enemye Phenennah vexed her a good in castinge her in the thete, howe the Lorde had made her barren. 7 And so did she yere by yere as oft as she went vp to the house of the Lord. And so chafed her, wherfore Hannah wepte and ate not. 8 Then sayde Elkanah her husband to her: Hannah why wypeste thou? And why eatest thou not? & why is thyne herte so troubled? am not I better to the, then ten sonnes? 9 Then Hannah rose vp after that they had eaten and droncke in Siloh. And Eli the prieste sate vpon a stole by one of the syde postes of the temple of the Lord. 10 And she was troubled in her spretes, and prayed vnto the Lorde, and wepte sore, 11 and vowed a vowe and said: Lord of hostes, yf thou wylt loke on the wretchednesse of thyne handmayde, and shalt remembre me, and not forget thyne handmayde, & shalte geue vnto thyne handmayde a manchylde I wyll geue him vnto the Lord, all the dayes of hys lyfe, & there shal neyther raser or sheres come vpon hys heade. 12 And as she continued prayinge before the Lorde, Eli marked her mouth. 13 For Hannah she spake in her hert, and her lippes dyd but moue onely, but her voyce was not heard. And therfore Eli toke her for droncken 14 & sayd vnto her: how long wilt thou be droncken? put away from the, the wine that thou hast 15 Hannah answered & sayd: not so my Lorde, I am a woman sorowfull in myne hert, & haue droncke nether wyne nor any stronge drinck, but I haue poured out my soule before the Lorde. 16 Counte not thyne handemayde to be lyke a doughter of vnthriftynes: for out of the aboundaunce of my meditacyon, and greafe haue I spoken hytherto. 17 Eli aunswered and sayde: Go in peace the God of Israel shall graunt the thy petycyon that thou haste asked of hym. 18 Then she sayd: let thyne handmayde fynd grace in thy sight. And so the woman wente her waye, and dyd eate, and loked no more so sadde. 19 And they rose vp erlye, and bowed them selues before the Lorde, & then returned & went to theyr house to Ramath. And Elkenah laye by hys wyfe Hannah, and the Lorde remembred her. 20 And in processe of tyme she couceyued and bare a sonne, & called hys name Samuel: because she had asked hym of the Lord. 21 And Elkanah and all hys house went vp to offer vnto the Lorde, bothe the offerynges due for the feaste and also his vowes: 22 but Hannah went not vp for she sayde vnto her husbande: I wyl tarye vntyll the ladde be wened, & then I wil bring hym, that he maye apeare before the Lorde, & there abide for euer. 23 And Elkanah her husband sayde to her: do what semith the best: tary vntyll thou hast wened hym, onelye the Lorde make good his saying. And so the woman abode, and gaue her sonne sucke, vntyll she wened hym. 24 And then she toke hym wyth her, when she had wened hym, with thre bullockes & an Epha of floure, & a bottel of wyne, & brought him vnto the house of the Lorde in Siloh how be it the chylde was yet young. 25 And they slew the bullockes, & brought in the ladde to Eli, 26 & then she sayde: Oh my Lorde: as truly as thy soule lyueth my Lorde: I am the woman that stode by the here, praying vnto the Lorde, 27 and for thys ladde I praied, & the Lorde hath geuen me my desyre which I asked of him: 28 & therfor I also lend him the Lord, as long as he may be lent the Lorde. And so they prayed there vnto the Lord.

John 16:33

33 These wordes haue I spoken vnto you, that in me you myght haue peace. For in the worlde shall you haue tribulacyon: but be of good cheare. I haue ouercome the worlde.

Mark 11:24

24 Therfore I saye vnto you, whatsoeuer ye desyre when ye praye, beleue that ye shall haue it, and it shall be done vnto you.

Psalms 113:9

9 Whyche maketh the baren woman to kepe house, and to be a ioyfull mothere of chyldren. Prayse the euerlastyng.

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