Bible verses about "habits" | Matthew

Job 31:5-6

5 Yf I haue cleaued vnto vanitie or yf my fete haue runne to disceyue: 6 let me be weyed in an euen balaunce that God may se my innocency.

Proverbs 13:1-25

1 A wyse sonne wyll receaue hys fathers warnynge, but he that is scornefull, wyl not heare when he is reproued. 2 A good man shall enioye the fruite of hys mouth, but he that hath a froward mind shalbe spoyled. 3 He that kepeth his mouth, kepeth his lyfe: but who so speaketh vnaduised findeth harme. 4 The slogarde woulde fayne haue, and can not get his dsyre: but the soule of the diligente shall haue plenty. 5 A ryghtuous man abhorreth lyes, but the vngodlye shameth both other and hym selfe. 6 Ryghtuousnesse kepeth the innocente in the waye, but vngodlynesse shal ouerthrow the sinner. 7 Some men are rych, thoughe they haue nothynge: againe some men are pore hauing greate ryches. 8 With goodes euery man deliuereth his lyfe, and the poore wyll not be reproued. 9 The lyght of the rightuous maketh ioyfull, but the candle of the vngodly shalbe put out. 10 Among the proud ther is euer strife, but amonge those that do all thynges wyth aduysemente, ther is wysdome. 11 Hastely gotten goodes are sone spent, but they that be gathered together with the hand, shall increase 12 Longe taryenge for a thing that is differed, greueth the hert: but when the desyre commeth, it is a tre of lyfe. 13 Who so despiseth the word destroyeth hym selfe: but he that feareth the commaundemente shal haue peace. 14 The law is a wel of life vnto the wise, that it may kepe him from the snares of death, 15 Good vnderstanding geueth fauour, but hard is the way of the despisers. 16 A wyse man doth al thinges with dyscrecyon, but a foole wyl declare his folly. 17 An vngodly messanger bryngeth myschyefe, but a faythfull embassytour is wholsome. 18 He that thynketh scorne to be refourmed, commeth to pouertie & shame: but who so receaueth correction, shal come to honou 19 When a desyre, is brought to passe, it delyteth the soule: but fooles abhorre him that eschueth euell. 20 He that goeth in the company of wyse men, shalbe wyse: but who so is a companyon of foles, shalbe hurte. 21 Mischefe foloweth vpon synners, but the ryghtuous shal haue a god reward. 22 Which their chylders chyldren shal haue in possession, for the riches of the synner is layed vp for the iuste. 23 Ther is plentuousnesse of fode in the feldes of the pore, and shalbe increased out of measure. 24 He that spareth the rod, hateth hys son: but who so loueth hym, holdeth hym euer in nurtoure. 25 The ryghtuous eateth, and is satisfied, but the belly of the vngodly hath neuer ynough.

Matthew 7:12

12 Therfore whatsoeuer ye woulde that men shoulde do to you, euen so do ye to them. Thys is the lawe and the Prophetes.

2 Timothy 2:26

26 that they may come to them selues agayne out of the snare of the deuyll, whiche are nowe taken of hym at hys wyll.

1 Corinthians 11:1

1 Folowe me, as I do Christe.

Ephesians 4:28

28 Let hym that stole, steale no more, but let hym rather laboure wyth his handes some good thynge, that he maye haue to geue vnto hym that nedeth.

2 Peter 2:19

19 They promis them libertie, and are them selues the bonde seruauntes of corrupcyon. For of whomsoeuer a man is ouer come, vnto the same is he in bondage.

Jeremiah 13:23

23 For lyke as the man of Iude maye chaunge hys skyne, and the cat of the mountayne her spottes: so maye ye that be exercysed in euell, do good.

Acts 20:35

35 I haue shewed you all thinges, how that so laborynge ye ought to receyue the weake & to remember the wordes of the lorde Iesu, how that he sayde: it is more blessed to geue then to receyue.

Proverbs 4:20-27

20 My sonne, marcke my words, and encline thyne eare vnto my saiynges. 21 Let them not depart from thine eyes, kepe them euen in the myddest of thyne herte. 22 For they are lyfe vnto all those that fynde them, and health vnto all their bodyes. 23 Kepe thyne herte wyth all dilygence, for there vpon hangeth lyfe. 24 Put awaye from the a frowarde mouth, and let the lippes of sclander be farre from the. 25 Let thyne eyes beholde the thinge that is righte, and let thine eye liddes loke straight before the. 26 Pondre the path of thy fete, so shal al thy waies be sure. 27 Turne not a side, neither to the righte hande ner to the lefte, but withholde thy fote from euel.

Ephesians 5:1

1 Be ye folowers of God as deare children,

Hebrews 10:25

25 and let vs not forsake the feloshyppe that we haue among our selues, as the maner of some is: but let vs exhort one another and that so muche the more, because ye se that the day draweth nye.

Mark 7:20-23

20 And he sayde that defileth a man, whiche cometh out of a man. 21 For from within, euen out of the herte of men, procede euel thoughtes: aduoutry, fornication, murther, 22 theft, coueteousnes, wickednes, deceyte: vncleanenesse and a wicked eye, blasphemy, pryde, folishenes: 23 all these euell thinges come from within and defile a man.

1 Corinthians 6:12

12 All thinges are lawfull vnto me: but all thinges are not profitable. I may do all thynges, but I wil be brought vnder no mans power,

1 Corinthians 10:13

13 There hath none other temptacion taken you, but suche as foloweth the nature of man. But God is faythful whiche shall not suffre you to be tempted aboue your strength: but shall in the middest of the temptacion make a waye to escape out.

Romans 12:2

2 And fashyon not youre selues lyke vnto thys worlde. But be ye chaunged in youre shape, by the renuynge of youre wyttes, that ye may fele what thynge that good, that acceptable, and perfect wyll of God is.

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