Bible verses about "gossipers" | Matthew

Proverbs 11:13

13 A dissembling person will discouer preuy thinges, but he that is of a faythful hert, wil kepe counsayl.

Proverbs 16:27

27 An vngodly personne styreth vp euell, and in hys lipps he is as an whote burnyng fyre.

James 1:1-27

1 Iames the seruaunte of God and of the Lorde Iesus Christ sendeth gretyng to the twelue trybes whiche are scattered here and there. 2 My brethren, count it excedyng ioye when ye fal into dyuers temptacyons, 3 for as muche as ye knowe howe that the triynge of youre fayth bryngeth pacience: 4 and let pacyence haue her perfect worke, that ye maye be perfecte and sounde, lackynge nothynge. 5 Yf anye of you lacke wysedome, let hym axe of God whiche geueth to all men indyfferentlye, and casteth no man in the teath: and it shal be geuen hym. 6 But let hym axe it in faith and wauer not. For he that doubteth is lyke the waues of the sea, toste of the wyndes & caried wyth vyolence. 7 Neyther let that man thynke that he shal receyue any thynge of the Lorde. 8 A waueryng mynded man is vnstable in all hys wayes. 9 Let the brother of low degre reioyce in that he is exalted, 10 and the ryche in that he is made lowe. For euen as the flower of the grasse, shal he vanysh away. 11 The sonne riseth with heat, and the grasse widereth, and hys flower falleth awaye, & the beautye of the fashyon of it perysheth: euen so shal the ryche man peryshe wyth hys aboundaunce. 12 Happy is the man that endureth in temptacyon, for when he is tryed, he shal receyue the croune of lyfe, which the Lorde hath promised to them that loue hym. 13 Let no man saye when he is tempted, that he is tempted of God. For god tempteth not vnto euyl, neyther tempteth he any man: 14 But euerye man is tempted, drawne awaye, & entysed of hys owne concupiscence. 15 Then when luste hath conceyued, she bringeth forth sinne, & sinne when it is fynyshed bryngeth forthe death. 16 Erre not my deare brethren. 17 Euery good gyfte, and euerye perfecte gyfte, is from aboue and commeth doune from the father of lyght wyth whome is no varyablenes, neyther is he chaunged vnto darkenes. 18 Of hys owne wyll begat he vs wyth the worde of lyfe, that we shoulde be the fyrste frutes of hys creatures. 19 Wherfore deare brethren, let euerye man be swyfte to heare, slowe to speake, and slow to wrath. 20 For the wrath of man worketh not that whiche is ryghtuous before God. 21 Wherfore laye a parte all fylthynes, all superfluytye of malycyousnes, and receyue wyth mekenes the worde that is grafted in you, whiche is able to saue your soules. 22 And se that ye be doars of the worde & not hearers onely, deceyuyng your owne selues wyth sophystrye. 23 For yf any heare the word, and do it not, he is lyke vnto a man that beholdeth his bodly face in a glasse. 24 For assone as he hath loked on hym selfe, he goeth hys waye, and forgetteth immediatly what hys fashyon was. 25 But who so loketh in the perfecte lawe of lybertye, and contynueth therin (yf he be not a forgetfull hearer, but a doar of the worke) the same shall be happye in hys dede. 26 Yf anye man amonge you seme deuoute, & refrayne not his tonge, but deceyue his owne hert: thys mannes deuocyon is in vayne. 27 Pure deuocyon and vndefyled before God the father is thys: to visite the fatherlesse and wyddowes in theyr aduersitye, and to kepe hym selfe vnspotted of the worlde.

James 3:6

6 and the tonge is fyre, and a worlde of wickednes. So is the tong set among our members, that it defyleth the whole body and setteth a fyre all that we haue of nature, & is it selfe set a fyre euen of hell.

1 John 2:1-29

1 My lytle chyldren, these thinges wryte I vnto you, that ye sinne not, yf anye man synne, yet we haue an aduocate with the father, Iesus Christe, whiche is rightuouse, 2 and he it is that obtayned grace for our sinnes, not for oure sinnes onelye, but also for the synnes of al the worlde. 3 And herby we are sure that we knowe him, yf we kepe his commaundementes. 4 He that sayth I knowe him, and kepeth not his commaundementes, is a liar, and the veritie is not in him. 5 Whosoeuer kepeth his worde, in him is the loue of God, perfecte in dede. And there by knowe we that we are in him. 6 He that sayeth he abydeth in him ought to walke euen as he walked. 7 Brethren I wryte no newe commaundemente vnto you, but that olde commaundemente, which ye hearde from the beginning. 8 The olde commandement is the word, which ye heard from the beginninge. Againe a new commaundement I write vnto you, a thinge that is true in him, and also in you, for the darkenes is past, and the true light now shineth. 9 He that sayeth how that he is in the light, and yet hateth his brother, is in dackenes euen vntill this tyme. 10 He that loueth his brother, abideth in the lyghte, and there is none occasion of euill in him. 11 He that hateth his brother, is in darckenes and walketh in darckenes, and can not tell whether he goeth, because that darckenes hath blinded his eyes. 12 Babes I wryte vnto you, how that youre sinnes are forgeuen you for his names sake. 13 I wryte vnto you fathers, how that ye know him, that was from the beginninge. I wryte vnto you yong men, how that ye haue ouercome the wicked. I write to you lytel children, howe that ye knowe the father, 14 I wryte vnto you fathers, how that ye knowe him, that was from the beginninge. I wryte vnto you young men, how that ye are stronge and the word of God abyeth in you, & ye haue ouercome that wycked. 15 Se that ye loue not the world, neyther the thynges that are in the worlde. Yf anye man loue the worlde the loue of the father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world (as the luste of the fleshe, the lust of the eyes, and the pryde of goodes) is not of the father, but of the world. 17 And the world vanysheth away, and the lust therof, but he that fulfilleth the will of God, abideth euer. 18 Litel chyldren, it is the last time, and as ye haue hearde how that Antichriste shall come, euen nowe are there many Antichristes come alredye. Wherby we knowe that it is the last tyme. 19 They went out from vs, but they were not of vs. For yf they had bene of vs: they woulde no doubte, haue continued wyth vs. But that fortuned, that it myghte appeare, that they were not of vs. 20 And ye haue an oyntment of the holye ghost and ye knowe all thinges. 21 I wrote not vnto you, as though ye knewe not the trueth, but as though ye knewe it, and knowe also that no lye commeth of trueth. 22 Who is a liar but he that denyeth that Iesus is Christ? The same is the Antechrist that denyeth the father and the sonne. 23 Whosoeuer denyeth the sonne, the same hath not the father. 24 Let therfore abyde in you that same, whiche ye hearde from the beginninge, shall remaine in you, ye also shal continue in the sonne, and in the father. 25 And this is the promes, that he hath promysed vs euen eternal lyfe. 26 This haue I written vnto you concerning them, that disceyue you. 27 And the anointinge, whiche ye haue receiued of him, dwelleth in you. And ye nede not that anye man teache you, but as the anointing teacheth you al thinges, and is true, and is no lye, & it is taught you, euen so byde therin. 28 And now babes abide in him, that when he shal appeare, we maye be bolde, and not be made ashamed of him at his comming: 29 If ye knowe that he is rightuous, knowe also that he whiche foloweth rightuousnes, is borne of hym.

Proverbs 20:19

19 Medle not with hym that bewrayeth secretes, and is a sclaunderer, and disceaueth with hys lippes.

Leviticus 19:16

16 Thou shalt not goo vp & doune a preuy accusee amonge thy people, nether shalt thou helpe to shedde the bloud of thy neyghbour: I am the Lorde.

James 3:8

8 But the tonge can no man tame. It is an vnrulye euyll ful of deadly poyson.

James 4:11

11 Back byte not one another, brethren. He that backbyteth hys brother, and he that iudgeth hys brother, backbyteth the lawe, and iudgeth the lawe. But and yf thou iudge the law, thou art not an obseruer of the law, but a iudge.

Romans 1:29

29 beyng ful of al vnryghtuous doing, of fornicacion, wickednes, couetousnes, maliciousnes, full of enuye, murther, debate, disceite, euyl condicioned, whisperers,

1 Timothy 5:13

13 And also they learne to go from house to house ydle, ye not ydle onelye, but also tryflynge and busybodyes speakynge thynges whiche are not comely.

Proverbs 16:28

28 A frowarde bodye causeth stryfe, and he that is a blabbe of his tonge, maketh deuisyon amonge princes.

Proverbs 6:16-19

16 There be sixe thinges which the Lorde hateth, and the seuenth he vtterly abhorreth: 17 A proude loke, a dyssemblynge tonge, handes that shede innocent bloud, 18 an hert that goeth about with wicked ymaginacions, fet that be swift in rening to do mischefe, 19 a false witnes that bringeth vp lies, and such one as soweth dyscord amonge brethren,

Psalms 101:5

5 Who so preuely sclaundereth hys neyghboure. hym wyl I destroye: Who so hath a prowd loke and an hye stomacke, I may not awaye with him.

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