Bible verses about "faithful" | Matthew

Matthew 6:31-33

31 Therfore take no thought saiynge: what shall we eate, or what shall we dryncke, or wherewith shal we be clothed? 32 After all these thynges seke the gentils. For your heauenlye father knoweth that ye haue neade of all these thynges. 33 But rather seke ye first the kyngdome of heauen and the rightuousnes therof, & all these thynge shalbe ministred vnto you.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

4 Loue suffreth longe, and is curteous. Loue enuieth not. Loue doth not frowardelye, swelleth not, dealeth not dishonestlye, 5 seketh not her owne, is not prouoketh to anger, thinketh not euil, 6 reioiceth not in iniquitie: but reioiseth in the trueth, 7 suffreth all thinge, beleueth all thinges, hopeth al thinges, endureth in all thinges.

Hebrews 11:1

1 Fayth is a sure confydence of thynges which are hoped for, & a certayntye of thynges which are not sene.

Philippians 1:1-30

1 Paule and Tymotheus the seruauntes of Iesu Christe. To all the sainctes in Christe Iesu, which are at Philippos, wyth the Bishops and Deacons. 2 Grace be wyth you and peace from God oure father, and from the Lorde Iesus Christe. 3 I thanke my God wyth all remembraunce of you, 4 all wayes in al my prayers for you, and praye wyth gladnes, 5 because of the fellowshyppe, whyche ye haue in the Gospell from the fyrste daye vnto nowe: 6 and am surelye certifyed of this, that he whyche began a good worke in you, shall go forth wyth it vntyll the daye of Iesus Christe, 7 as it becommeth me so to iudge of you al, because I haue you in my herte, and haue you also euerye one companions of grace wyth me, euen in my boundes as I defende and stablishe the Gospel. 8 For God beareth me recorde howe greatlye I longe after you all from the very herte rote in Iesus Christe. 9 And this I praye, that youre loue maye increase more and more in knowledge, and in al fealinge, 10 that ye myght accepte thinges moste excellent, that ye might be pure and such as should hurte no mannes conscience, vntyll the daye of Christe, 11 fylled with the fruites of rightuousnes, which fruites come by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and laude of God. 12 I woulde ye vnderstode brethren that my busines is happened vnto the greater furtheringe of the Gospel. 13 So that my boundes in Christe are manifeste thorowe out al the iudgement hal and in al other places: 14 In so much that many of the brethren in the Lorde are boldened thorowe my boundes, & dare more largely speake the worde without feare. 15 Some there are whiche preache Christ of enuie and stryfe, and some of good wyll. 16 The one parte preacheth Christe of strife and not purelye supposinge to adde more aduersitye to my boundes. 17 The other parte of loue, because they se that I am set to defende the Gospell. 18 What then? So, that Christe be preached al maner wayes, whether it be by occasion, or of true meaninge, I therin ioye: ye & will ioye. 19 For I knowe that this shall chaunce to my saluacion, thorowe your prayer and mynystringe of the spyryte of Iesu Christe, 20 as I hertely loke for and hope that in nothinge I shalbe ashamed, but that wyth all confydence as alwayes in tymes paste, euen so nowe Christe shall be magnyfyed in my bodye, whether it be thorowe lyfe, or else death. 21 For Christe is to me lyfe, and death is to me auauntage. 22 Yf it chaunce me to lyue in the fleshe, that is to me frutefull for to worke, and what to chose 23 I wote not. I am constrayned of two thinges: I desire to be lowsed and to be wyth Christe, whiche thinge is best of all. 24 Neuerthelesse to abyde in the fleshe is more nedeful for you. 25 And thys am I sure of that I shall abyde, and wyth you all continue for the furtheraunce and ioye of your faith, 26 that ye may more aboundantly reioyce in Iesus Christe thorowe me, by my comminge to you again. 27 Onlye let your conuersation be as it becommeth the Gospell of Christ, that whether I come and se you, or els be absent, I maye yet heare of you, that ye continue in one spyrite, and in one soule, labouring as we do, to mayntayne the fayth of the Gospell, 28 and in nothing fearing your aduersaries: whiche is to them a token of perdicion, and to you of saluation, and that of God. 29 For vnto you it is geuen, that not onely ye should beleue on Christ, but also suffre for his sake, 30 and haue euen the same fyght, whiche ye sawe me haue and now heare of me.

Revelation 2:10

10 Feare none of those thynges, which thou shalt suffre. Behold, the deuil shal caste of you into pryson, to tempte you, and ye shal haue tribulacion .x. dayes. Be faythful vnto the death, & I wyl geue the a croune of life.

1 Corinthians 10:13

13 There hath none other temptacion taken you, but suche as foloweth the nature of man. But God is faythful whiche shall not suffre you to be tempted aboue your strength: but shall in the middest of the temptacion make a waye to escape out.

1 John 1:9

9 If we knowledge oure sinnes, he is faythfull and iust, to forgeue vs our sinnes, and to clense vs from al vnrightuousnes.

Luke 16:10

10 He that is faythfull in that whiche is least, the same is faythfull in muche. And he that is vnfaythfull in the least, is vnfaythfull also in muche.

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