Bible verses about "determination" | Matthew

John 8:32

32 and shal know the truth, and the truthe shall make you free.

Romans 8:35-39

35 Who shall seperate vs from the loue of God shall tribulation? or anguyshe? or persecution? othere honger? other nakednesse? other peryll? other swearde? 36 As it is wrytten: For thy sake are we killed al day longe, and are counted as shepe appointed to be slayne. 37 Neuerthelesse in all these thynges we ouercome stronglye thorowe hys helpe that loued vs. 38 Yea and I am sure that neyther death, neither life, neyther angels, nor rule, neythere power, neythere thinges presente, neyther thynges to come, 39 neyther heyght, neyther loweth, neyther any other creature? shall be able to depart vs from the lowe of God, shewed in Christ Iesu our Lord.

Hebrews 12:1

1 Wherfore let vs also (seyng that we are compassed wyth so great a multytude of witnesses) laye awaye all that presseth doune, and the synne that hangeth on and let vs runne, wyth pacience vnto the batayle that is set before vs

Philippians 3:12-14

12 Not as though I had alreadie atteined to it, either were already perfecte: but I folowe yf that I maye comprehende that, wherin I am comprehended of Christ Iesu. 13 Brethren I count not my selfe that I haue gotten it: but one thinge I say. I forget that, whiche is behinde, & stretche my selfe vnto that whiche is before, 14 and prease vnto the marke appointed, to obteine the reward of the high callinge of God in Christe Iesu.

Ruth 1:16-18

16 But Ruth saide: entreate me not to leaue the, and to returne from after the, for whether thou goest, I will go, & where thou dwelleste, there I wil dwelle: thy people are my people, and thy God is my God. 17 Where thou dyest, I wil dye, and there wilbe buried. The Lorde do so and so to me, excepte that death onlye departe the and me a sondre. 18 When she saw that she woulde nedes go with her, she left speakinge vnto her.

Romans 12:1-2

1 I beseche you therfore brethren, by the mercyfulnes of God, that ye make your bodyes a quicke sacrifyce holye and acceptable vnto God, which is youre reasonable seruynge of God: 2 And fashyon not youre selues lyke vnto thys worlde. But be ye chaunged in youre shape, by the renuynge of youre wyttes, that ye may fele what thynge that good, that acceptable, and perfect wyll of God is.

Romans 15:4

4 Whatsoeuer thynges are wrytten afore tyme, are wrytten for oure learnyng, that we thorowe pacyence and comforte of the scrypture myght haue hope.

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I knowe what I haue deuysed for you sayeth the Lorde. My thoughtes are to geue you peace, and not trouble (whiche I geue you all redye) & that ye might haue hope agayn.

2 Timothy 4:7

7 I haue fought a good fyght, and haue fulfylled my course, and haue kepte the fayth.

Philippians 4:13

13 I can do al thinges thorowe the helpe of Christe whiche strengtheth me.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

24 Perceyue ye not howe that they whyche runne in a course, runne all, yet but one receiueth the reward. So runne that ye maye obtayne. 25 Euery man that proueth maysters abstaineth from all thinges. And they do it to obtaine a corruptible croune: but we to obtaine an vncorruptible croune. 26 I therfore so runne, not as an uncertaine thinge. So fight I not as one that beateth the ayer: 27 but I tame my bodye and bringe it into subieccion, leste after that I haue preached to other, I my selfe should be a cast away.

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