Bible verses about "desires" | Matthew

Psalms 20:4

4 Graunte the thy hertes desyre, and fulfill all thy mynde.

Romans 1:24-27

24 Wherfore God lykewyse gaue them vp vnto their hertes lustes vnto vncleanes, to defyle theyr owne bodies betwene them selues: 25 whyche turned hys truth vnto a lye, and worshipped and serued the creatures more then the maker, whyche is blessed for euer. Amen. 26 For this cause God gaue them vp vnto shamefull lustes. For euen theyr women dyd chandge the natural vse vnto the vnnaturall. 27 And lykewyse also the men lefte the naturall vse of the woman, and brent in theyr lustes one on another. And man with man wroughte fylthynes, and receiued in them selues the reward of theyr errour, as it was accordinge.

1 Corinthians 6:18

18 Fle fornycatyon. Al synnes that a man doth, are without the body. But he that is a fornicatour, sinneth agaynst his owne bodye.

Romans 13:13-14

13 Let vs walke honestlye as it were in the daye lyght: not in eatynge and drynkynge: neyther in chamburynge and wantonnes, neyther in stryfe & enuiynge: 14 but put ye on the Lorde Iesus Christ. And make not prouysyon for the fleshe, to fulfyll the lustes of it.

Proverbs 10:24

24 The thinge that the vngodly are afrayed of, shall come vpon them, but the rightuous shall haue their desyre.

Matthew 6:33

33 But rather seke ye first the kyngdome of heauen and the rightuousnes therof, & all these thynge shalbe ministred vnto you.

Psalms 37:4-5

4 Delyte thou in the Lorde, & he shall geue the thy hertes desire. 5 Committe thy waye vnto the Lorde, sette thy hope in hym, and he shall brynge it too passe.

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