Bible verses about "damascus" | Matthew

Genesis 15:2

2 And Abram answered: Lorde Iehouah, what wylte thou gyue me: I go childeles, and the cater of myne house, thys Eleasar of Damasco hath a sonne.

Genesis 14:15

15 And set hym selfe & hys seruantes in aray, & fel vpon them by nyght, & smote them, & chased them awaye vnto Hobba: which lyeth on the lyft hand of Damascos,

1 Kings 20:34

34 And Benhadad saide: the cytyes whiche my father toke from thy father, I wyll restore agayne. And thou shalt make streates for the in Damasco, as my father dyd in Samaria. And I wyll make an appointment with the and sent the away. And so made an appoyntment with him and sent hym awaye.

2 Kings 16:9

9 And the king of Assyrya herkened to hym, and went to Damasco, and toke it, and caried the people away to Kir, and slue Razin.

1 Kings 11:24

24 Which Razon gathered men vnto hym, & be came captayne ouer the companye, when Dauid slue them. And they went to Damasco, and dwelt therein, & raygned in Damasco.

2 Kings 14:28

28 The rest of the deedes of Ieroboam, and all he dyd, & his powre how he fought, & how he restored Damasco and Hemath to Iuda in Israel are written in the boke of the chronicles of the kinges of Israel.

Isaiah 7:8

8 for the head cytye of the Syryans is Damascus, but the head of Damascus is Razin. And after fyue and threscore yeare, shall Ephraim be no more a people.

Isaiah 17:2

2 The cyties of Aroer shalbe waste: the catell shal lye there, and no man shal fray them awaye.

Amos 1:5

5 Thus wyll I breake the barres of Damascus, and rote out the inhabyter from the felde of Auen, & hym that holdeth the scepter, out of the pleasaunt house: so that the people shalbe dryuen oute of fayre Syrya, sayeth the Lord.

Amos 1:3

3 Thus sayth the Lord: for thre & foure wyckednesses of Damascus, I wil not spare her, because they haue throshed Galaad with yron flales:

Ezekiel 47:17

17 Thus the borders from the sea forte, shalbe Hazar Euan, the border of Damascus the North, and the borders of Hemath: that is the North parte.

1 Kings 19:15

15 Then the Lorde sayde vnto hym: go and turne thy waye to the wyldernesse of Damasco, and go and annoynte Hazael to be kynge of Siria.

Isaiah 8:4

4 For why, or euer the child shall haue knowledge to saye: Abi and Im (that is father, and mother): shall the ryches of Damascus, and the substaunce of Samaria be taken awaye, thorowe the kynge of the Assirians.

2 Samuel 8:6

6 and put soudyours in Syra Damascon. And the Syryans became seruauntes to Dauid, payeng trybute. And thus the Lord saued Dauid in all that he went to.

Acts 9:1-9

1 And Saul yet breathynge out threatening & slaughter against the Disciples of the Lorde, went vnto the hye priest, 2 and desired of him letters to Damasco to the synagoges that if he founde anye of thys way, whether they were men or women, he mighte bring them bound vnto Hierusalem. 3 But as he went on his iorneye, and was come nye to Damasco, sodenly there shyned round aboute him a lyght from heauen, 4 & he fell to the earth, and hearde a voice saiyng to him: Saul, Saul why persecutest thou me? 5 And he saide: what art thou Lorde? And the Lorde saide: I am Iesus whom thou persecutest it shalbe hearde for the to kycke agaynste the prycke. 6 And he both tremblinge and astonied sayde: Lorde what wylt thou haue me to do? And the Lorde sayde vnto hym: aryse, and go into the cytye, and it shal be tolde what thou shalt do. 7 Then the men whiche iornyed wyth hym stode amased, for they heard a voice, but sawe no man. 8 And Saul arose from the earth, and opened his eyes, but saw no man. Then led they hym by the hande, and broughte him into Damasco. 9 And he was thre dayes wt out sight & neyther eate nor dranke.

Isaiah 17:1

1 This is the heauy burthen vpon Damascus: Behold Damascus shalbe no more a citie, but an heape of broken stones.

Isaiah 17:1-14

1 This is the heauy burthen vpon Damascus: Behold Damascus shalbe no more a citie, but an heape of broken stones. 2 The cyties of Aroer shalbe waste: the catell shal lye there, and no man shal fray them awaye. 3 Ephraim shal no more be strong, and Damascus shal no more be a kingedom. And as for the glory of the remnaunt of the Sirians it shalbe as the glory of the children of Israel sayeth the Lorde of Hostes. 4 At that tyme also shal the glory of Iacob be very poore, and his fatnes leane. 5 It shal happen to them, as when one sheareth in haruest, which cutteth his handfull with the sickle, and when one gathereth the sheaues together in the valley, of Raphaim 6 there remaineth yet some eares ouer: Or as when one shaketh an olyue tre, whiche fyndeth but two or thre olyue beries aboue in the toppe, & foure or fyue in the braunches. Thus the Lorde God of Israel hath spoken. 7 Then shall man conuerte agayne vnto his maker, and turne his eyes to the holy one of Israel. 8 And shall not turne to the aulters that are the worcke of his owne handes, neyther shal he loke vpon groues & ymages, which his fingers haue wrought. 9 At the same tyme shall their stronge cities be desolate, lyke as were ones the forsaken plowes & corne, which they forsoke, for feare of the children of Israel. 10 So shalt thou (O Damascus) be desolate because thou hast forgotten God thy Sauyoure, & hast not called to remembraunce the rocke of thy strength. Wherfore thou hast also set a fayr plat, & grafted a straung branch. 11 In the day when thou diddest plant it, it was greate, and gaue sone the frute of thy sede. But in the daye of haruest, thou shalt reape and heape of sorowes and myseries. 12 Wo be to the multitude of muche people, that rush in lyke the sea, and to the heape of folke, that runne ouer al lyke greate waters. 13 For thoughe so manye people increase as the flowynge waters, and though they be armed yet they fle farre of, and vanyshe awaye lyke the dust with the winde vpon an hill, and as the whirle winde thorow a storme. 14 Thoughe they be fearfull at night, yet in the morninge it is gone with them. This is their porcyon, that do vs harme, and heritage of them, that robbe vs.

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