Bible verses about "bisexuals" | Matthew

1 Corinthians 6:9

9 Do ye not remembre, howe that the vnrightuous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceyued. For neither fornicatours, neither worshipers of ymages, neither whormongers, neyther weaklinges, neither abusers of them selues wyth the mankynde,

1 Corinthians 7:7-9

7 For I woulde that all men were as I my selfe am: but euerie man hath hys proper gyfte of God, one after this maner, another after that. 8 I saye vnto the vnmaryed men and wyddowes: it is good for them, if they abyed euen as I do. 9 But and if they cannot abstayne, let them mary. For it is better to mary, then burne.

Matthew 19:11-12

11 He sayde vnto them: all men can not awaye with that sayinge, saue they to whome it is geuen. 12 There are chaste whiche were so borne out of theyr mothers bealy. And there are chaste whiche be made of men. And there be chast which haue made them selues chaste for the kyngdom of heauens sake. He that can take it let hym take it.

Romans 13:8-10

8 Owe nothynge to anye man: but to loue one another. For he that loueth another, fulfylleth the lawe. 9 For these commaundementes Thou shalte not commyt aduoutrye: Thou shalte not kyll: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalte not beare false wytnesse: Thou shalte not desyre: and so forth (yf there be anye other commaundente) they are all comprehended in thys saiynge: Loue thyne neyghboure as thy selfe. 10 Loue hurteth not hys neyghbour. Therfore is loue the fulfyllynge of the lawe.

Romans 1:27

27 And lykewyse also the men lefte the naturall vse of the woman, and brent in theyr lustes one on another. And man with man wroughte fylthynes, and receiued in them selues the reward of theyr errour, as it was accordinge.

Galatians 3:28

28 Nowe is there no Iewe neyther gentyle, ther is neyther bonde nor free: there is neyther man nor woman, but ye are all one thyng in christ Iesu.

Leviticus 18:22

22 Thou shalt not lye wyth makynde as wt womankynd, for that is abhominacion.

Isaiah 56:3-5

3 Then shall not the straunger, which cleaueth to the Lorde, saye: Alas the Lorde hath shut me cleane oute from his people. Nether shall the gelded man say: lo, I am a drye tre. 4 For thus sayth the Lorde, fyrste vnto the gelded that kepeth my Sabboth: Namelye: that holdeth greately of the thynge that pleaseth me, and kepeth my couenaunte: 5 Vnto them wyll I geue in my housholde and within my walles, a better herytage and name then yf they had bene called sonnes and doughters I wyll geue them an euerlastynge name, that shall not peryshe.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

9 Do ye not remembre, howe that the vnrightuous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceyued. For neither fornicatours, neither worshipers of ymages, neither whormongers, neyther weaklinges, neither abusers of them selues wyth the mankynde, 10 neither theues, neythe couetous, neither dronkardes, neither cursed speakers, neither pyllars, shall inherete the kyngedome of God. 11 And suche were ye verelye, but ye are washed, ye are sanctifyed, ye are iustifyed by the name of the Lorde Iesus, and by the spyryte of our God.

Romans 1:26-27

26 For this cause God gaue them vp vnto shamefull lustes. For euen theyr women dyd chandge the natural vse vnto the vnnaturall. 27 And lykewyse also the men lefte the naturall vse of the woman, and brent in theyr lustes one on another. And man with man wroughte fylthynes, and receiued in them selues the reward of theyr errour, as it was accordinge.

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