Bible verses about "baldness" | Matthew

2 Kings 2:23

23 And he went from thence vp to Bethel. And he was goynge vp in the waye, there came lytle laddes out of the citie and mocked him, and sayde to him: go vp thou bald head, go vp thou bald heade.

Leviticus 21:5

5 They shal make them no baldnesse vpon their heedes or shaue of the lockes of theyr beardes, nor make any markes in their flesh

Isaiah 3:16-24

16 Moreouer thus sayth the Lorde: Seynge the doughters of Sion are become so proude, and come in with stretched oute neckes, and with vayne wanton eyes: seynge they come in tryppynge so nycely with their fete: 17 Therfore shall the Lorde shaue the heades of the doughters of Syon, and make theyr bewtye bare in that daye. 18 In that daye shall the Lord take awaye the gorgyousnes of theyr apparel & spanges, chaynes, parlaftes, 19 and colares, bracelettes & hooues, 20 the goodly floured wide & broderd rayment, brusshes & headebandes, 21 rynges and garlandes, 22 holye daye clothes & vales, kerchues & pynnes, 23 glasses & smockes, bonettes and taches. 24 And in steade of good smell there shalbe styncke amonge them. And for theyr gyrdles there shalbe louse bandes. And for well set hearre there shalbe baldnesse. In steade of a stomacker, a sackclothe, and for theyr bewtye wytherydnesse & sunneburninge.

Jeremiah 48:37

37 All heades shalbe shauen, and all beardes clypped of: all handes bounde, and all loynes gyrded aboute with sackclothe.

2 Kings 2:23-24

23 And he went from thence vp to Bethel. And he was goynge vp in the waye, there came lytle laddes out of the citie and mocked him, and sayde to him: go vp thou bald head, go vp thou bald heade. 24 And he turned backe and loked on them and cursed them in the name of the Lorde. And there came two Beares out of that wood, & tare .xlij. of the boies.

Micah 1:16

16 Make the balde, & shaue the, because of thy tender chyldren: Make the cleane balde as an Aegle, for they shalbe caryed awaye captyue from the.

Isaiah 3:24

24 And in steade of good smell there shalbe styncke amonge them. And for theyr gyrdles there shalbe louse bandes. And for well set hearre there shalbe baldnesse. In steade of a stomacker, a sackclothe, and for theyr bewtye wytherydnesse & sunneburninge.

Leviticus 13:41

41 If his heyre fal before in his foreheed, then he is foreheedbald and cleane.

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