Bible verses about "backsliding" | Matthew

Jeremiah 24:7

7 And I wyll geue them an herte, to knowe, how that I am the Lorde. They shalbe my people, and I wyll be their God, for they shall returne vnto me wt their whole herte.

Hosea 14:1

1 O Israel, turne the nowe, vnto the Lorde thy God, for thou hast taken a greate fall thorow thy wickednes.

Hosea 14:4

4 O (yf they wolde do thys) I shulde heale theyr sores: yea wyth al my herte wolde I loue them: so that my wrath shuld cleane be turned awaye from them.

Luke 9:62

62 Iesus sayed vnto hym. No man that putteth hys hande to the plough, and loketh backe, is apte to the kyngdome of God.

Ephesians 2:8-9

8 For by grace are ye made safe thorowe fayth, and that not of youre selues. For it is the gyfte of God, 9 and commeth not of workes, leste anye man should bost him selfe.

2 Peter 2:20-22

20 For yf they, after they haue escaped from the fylthines of the worlde thorowe the knowledge yf the Lord and of the sauiour Iesus Christe, are yet tangled agayne therin and ouercome, then is the latter ende worsse wyth them then the beginninge. 21 For it had bene better for them not haue knowen the way of rightuousnes then after they haue knowen it to turne from the commaundementes geuen vnto them. 22 It is happened to them accordinge to the true prouerbe: The dogge is turned to his vomet againe, and the sowe that was washed, to her wallowing in the mire.

Revelation 2:1-4:11

1 Vnto the messenger of the congregacion of Ephesus writte, these thinges, sayeth he that holdeth the .vij. starres in his right hand, and walketh in the middes of the seuen golden candelstickes: 2 I knowe thy workes, and thy laboure, & thy pacience, and howe thou cannest not forbeare them, whyche are euyl, and examinedst them which saye they are Apostles and are not, & hast found them lyars 3 and dydest washe thy selfe. And hast pacience, and for my names sake hast labored and hast not faynted: 4 Neuertheles I haue somwhat agaynste the, for thou hast left thy fyrst loue. 5 Remember therfore from whence thou arte fallen, and repente, and do the fyrste workes. Or els I wil come vnto the shortlye, and wil remoue thy candelsticke out of his place, excepte thou repent. 6 But this thou hast because thou hatest the dedes of the Nicolaytans, which dedes I also hate. 7 Let him that hath eares heare, what the spirite sayeth vnto the congregacions. To him that ouercommeth, wyl I geue to eate of the tree of lyfe, whyche is in the middes of the Paradyse of God. 8 And vnto the angell of the congregacion of Smyrna wryte: These thynges sayeth he that is fyrst, and the last, which was dead & is alyue. 9 I knowe thy workes and tribulacion and pouertye, but thou art rych: And I know the blasphemy of them, whiche call them selues Iewes and are not, but are the congregacion of Sathan. 10 Feare none of those thynges, which thou shalt suffre. Behold, the deuil shal caste of you into pryson, to tempte you, and ye shal haue tribulacion .x. dayes. Be faythful vnto the death, & I wyl geue the a croune of life. 11 Let him that hath eares, heare what the spyryte sayth to the congregacyons. He that ouercommeth, shall not be hurte of the second death. 12 And to the messenger of the congregacion in Pergamos wryte: Thys sayth he, whych hath the sharpe sweard, wyth two edges. 13 I know thy workes, and where thou dwellest euen where Sathans seate is, and thou kepest my name, and hast not denyed my fayth. And in my dayes, Antypas was a faithful wytnes of myne whych was slaine among you, where Sathan dwelleth. 14 But I haue a fewe thinges against the, that thou hast there, them that maintaine the doctryne of Balam, whiche taught in Balake, to put occasyon of synne before the chyldren of Israel, that they shoulde eate of meate dedicate vnto ydoles & committe fornicacion. 15 Euen so hast thou them that mayntaine the doctryne of the Nicolaytans whiche thinge I hate. 16 But be conuerted, or els I wyll come vnto the shortlye, and wil fyght agaynst them wyth the swearde of my mouth. 17 Let him that hath eares, heare what the spyryte sayeth vnto the congregacyons. To hym that ouercommeth will I geue to eate Manna, that is hyd and wyll geue hym a whyte stone, and in the stone a new name wrytten, whiche no man knoweth sauynge he that receiueth it. 18 And vnto the messenger of the congregacion of Thiatyra wryte. This sayth the sonne of God, which hath hys eyes lyke vnto flame of fyre, whose feete are lyke brasse: 19 I knowe thy workes and thy loue, seruyce, and fayth, and thy pacience, and thy dedes, whyche are mo at the laste then at the fyrst. 20 Notwithstandinge I haue a fewe thinges against the, that thou sufferest that woman Iesabel, which called her selfe a prophetisse, to teache and to deceyue my seruauntes to make them commit fornicacion, and to eate meates offered vp to Idols. 21 And I gaue her space to repent of her fornicacion and she repented not. 22 Beholde I wyl caste her into a bed, and them that commit fornicacyon wyth her into greate aduersytie, except they turne from their dedes. 23 And I will kyl her chyldren wyth death. And all the congregacions shal know, that I am he, whiche searched the reynes and hertes. And I will geue vnto euery one of you according vnto youre workes. 24 Vnto you I say, and vnto eyther of them of Thiatyra, as manye as haue not knowen this learning, and whiche haue not knowen the depnes of Sathan (as they say) I wyl put vpon you none other burthen, 25 but that whiche ye haue allreadye. Hold faste, tyll I come, 26 and whosoeuer ouercommeth and kepeth my workes vnto the ende, to hym wyl I geue power ouer nacions, 27 and he shal rule them with a rodde of yron: and as the vessels of a potter, shall he breake them to sheuers. Euen as I receyued of my father, 28 so wyll I geue him, the morninge starre. 29 Let hym that hath eares, heare what the spyryte sayeth to the congregations.

Revelation 3:1-4:11

1 And write vnto the messenger of the congregation of Sardis, this sayth he that the spyryte of God & the .vij. starres. I know thy workes, thou hast a name, thou lyuest and thou arte deade. 2 Be awake & strengthe the thinges whiche remayne, that are ready to dye. For I haue not founde thy workes perfecte before God. 3 Remember therfore howe thou hast receiued and hearde, and hold faste & repent. Yf thou shalt not watche, I wyl come on the as a thiefe, and thou shalt not knowe, what hour I wil come vpon the. 4 Thou hast a fewe names in Sardys, whyche haue not defyled their garmentes: and they shal walke wyth me in whyte, for they are worthy. 5 He that ouercommeth, shalbe clothed in whyte araye, and I wyll not put out hys name out of the boke of lyfe, and I wyll confesse his name before my father, and before his angels. 6 Let hym that hath eares, heare what the spyryte sayeth vnto the congregacions. 7 And wryte vnto the tydinges bringer of the congregacyon of Philadelphia, this sayeth he that is holy and true, which hath the keye of Dauid, which openeth and no man shutteth, and shutteth & no man openeth. 8 I know thy workes. Beholde I haue set before the an open doore, and no man can shut it, for thou hast a lytel strength, and hast kept my saiynges: and hast not denyed my name, 9 Behold I make them of the congregacion of Sathan, which cal them selues Iewes and are not, but do lye: Beholde: I wyl make them that they shal come and worshyppe before thy fete, and shal knowe that I loue the. 10 Because thou hast kepte the wordes of my pacience, therfore I wyll kepe from the houre of temptacyon, which wyll come vpon al the worlde, to tempte them that dwell vpon the earth. 11 Beholde: I come shortlye. Holde that, which thou hast, that no man take awaye thy croune. 12 Hym that ouercommeth, wyl I make a pyller in the temple of my God, and he shal go no more out. And I wyl wryte vpon him, the name of my God, and the name of the cytye of my God, newe Ierusalem, which commeth doune out of heauen from my God, & I wyl wryte vpon him my newe name. 13 Let him that hath eares, heare what the spirite sayeth vnto the congregacions. 14 And vnto the messenger of the congregacion, which is in Laodicia wryte: Thys sayth (Amen) the faythful and true wytnes, the beginninge of the creatures of God. 15 I knowe thy workes, that thou art neyther colde nor hote. I would thou were colde or hote. 16 So then because thou arte betwene both, and neyther colde nor hote. I wyll, spewe the out of my mouth: 17 because thou art ryche and increased wyth goodes, and hast nede of nothinge, and knowest not howe thou art wretched and miserable, poore, blind and naked. 18 I counsel the to bye of me golde tryed in the fyre, that thou mayest be ryche, and whyte raymente, that thou mayest be clothed, that thy fylthye nakednes do not appere, & annointe thine eyes wyth eye salue, that thou maiest se. 19 As manye as I loue, I rebuke and chastes. Be feruent therfore and repente. 20 Behold I stande at the dore and knocke. Yf anye man heare my voice and open the dore. I wil come in vnto him, and will suppe with him, and he wyth me. 21 To hym that ouercommeth, wyl I graunt to sit with me in my seate euen as I ouercame and haue sitten wyth my father, in his seate. 22 Let him that hath eares, heare what the spyrite sayth vnto the congregacions.

Revelation 4:1-11

1 After thys I loked, and beholde a dore was open in heauen, and the fyrst voyce which I hearde, was as it were of a trompete, talkynge wyth me which sayd: come vp hether, and I wyll shewe the thynges, whyche must be fulfylled herafter. 2 And immediatly I was in the spyryte: and behold a seate was put in heauen, and one sate on the seate. 3 And he that sate was to loke vpon, lyke vnto a Iaspar stone and a Sardin stone: And there was a rayne bowe aboute the seate, in syght lyke to an emeralde. 4 And about the seate were .xxiiij. seates. And vpon the seates .xxiiij. elders syttynge clothed in whyte rayment, & had on their heades crounes of golde. 5 And out of the seate proceded lyghteninges, and thonderinges, and voyces, and there were seuen lampes of fyre, burninge before the seate, whiche are the seuen spirites of God. 6 And before the seate there was a sea of glasse lyke vnto a Crystal, and in the middes of the seate, and roundabout the seat were .iiij. beastes full of eyes before and behinde, 7 and the fyrste beast was lyke a Lyon, the second beast lyke a calfe, and the thyrde beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beaste was lyke a fliyng egle. 8 And the .iiij. beastes had eche one of them .vi. wynges about him, and they were full of eies wythin. And they had no reste, daye neither nyghte sayinge. Holye, holye, holy, Lord God almyghtye, whyche was and is, and is to come. 9 And when those beastes gaue glorye and honour, and thankes to him that sate on the seate, whiche lyueth for euer and euer, 10 the .xxiiij. elders fel doune before him that sate on the throne, and worshypped him that lyueth for euer, and cast their crounes before the throne, saiynge: 11 thou art worthy Lorde to receiue glory and honour and power, for thou hast created al thinges, and for thy wylles sake they are and were created.

Proverbs 24:16

16 For a iust man falleth seuen tymes, and riseth vp againe, but the vngodly fal into wickednes.

Proverbs 14:14

14 An vnfaythful personne shalbe filled wyth hys owne wayes, but a good man wyl beware of suche.

Jeremiah 3:22

22 O ye shrinkynge chyldren, turne agayne, (sayinge: lo, we are thyne, for thou arte the Lorde oure God:) And so shall I heale your bacturnynges.

Jeremiah 8:5

5 Wherfore then is this people and Ierusalem gone to farre backe, that they turne not agayne. They are euer the longer the more obstynate, & wyl not be conuerted.

Jeremiah 14:7

7 Doutles oure owne wickednesse rewarde vs: But Lorde do thou accordinge to thy name, though oure transgressyons and synnes be many.

2 Corinthians 13:5

5 Proue youre selues whether you be in the fayth or not. Examen your owne selues: know ye not your owne selues, howe that Iesha Christe is in you, except ye be casteawayes?

Jeremiah 3:12

12 and therfore go preache these wordes towarde the North, and saye: Thou shrenkinge Israel, turne agayne (sayeth the Lord) and I wyll not turne my face from you, for I am mercyfull, sayeth the Lorde, and I will not alwaye beare displeasure agaynste the:

Hebrews 6:4-6

4 For it is not possible that they whiche were ones lyghted, and haue tasted of the heauenly gyft, and were become partakers of the holy ghoste, 5 and haue tasted of the good worde of God, and of the worlde to come: 6 yf they fall, shoulde be renued agayne vnto repentaunce: for as muche as they haue (as concernynge them selues) crucifyed the sonne of God a freshe makynge a mocke of hym.

1 John 1:9

9 If we knowledge oure sinnes, he is faythfull and iust, to forgeue vs our sinnes, and to clense vs from al vnrightuousnes.

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