Bible verses about "aging" | Matthew

Genesis 6:3

3 And the Lorde sayde: My spirite shall not alway striue wyth man, for they are flesh. Neuerthelesse I wyl geue them yet space, an .C. & .xx. yeres.

Job 12:12

12 Amonge olde personnes there is wysdome, & amonge the aged is vnderstandinge.

Psalms 92:12-14

12 The righteous shall florish lyke a palme tree, and growe like a Cedre of Libanus. 13 Suche as be planted in the house of the Lorde, be frutefull, 14 plenteous and grene.

Psalms 37:25

25 I haue bene yonge, and now am olde: yet sawe I neuer the righteous forsaken, nor hys sede to seke their bread.

Psalms 103:5

5 Whiche satisfeth thy desyre wyth good thynges, makyng the yonge and lusty as an Aegle.

Isaiah 46:3-4

3 Herken vnto me, O house of Iacob, & all ye that remayne yet of the housholde of Israel: whom I haue borne from youre mothers wombe, & brought you vp from your birth, tyll ye weere growen: 4 I whych shall beare you vnto youre laste age: I haue made you, I wyll also noryshe you, beare you and saue you.

Isaiah 46:4

4 I whych shall beare you vnto youre laste age: I haue made you, I wyll also noryshe you, beare you and saue you.

1 Timothy 5:8

8 Yf there be anye that prouideth not for hys owne, & namely for them of hys housholde the same denyeth the fayth, & is worsse then an infydele.

Leviticus 19:32

32 Thou shalt ryse vp before the hoorehed, & reuerence the face of the olde man & dread thy god, for I am the Lorde.

Psalms 92:12-15

12 The righteous shall florish lyke a palme tree, and growe like a Cedre of Libanus. 13 Suche as be planted in the house of the Lorde, be frutefull, 14 plenteous and grene. 15 That they maye shew, how true the Lorde my strength is, and that there is no vnrighteousnesse in hym.

Titus 2:3

3 And the elder women lykewyse, that they be in such rayment as becommeth holynes, not false accusars, not geuen to muche drynkynge, but teachers of honest thinges

Psalms 71:9

9 Cast me not away in myne old age forsake me not when my strength fayleth me.

Proverbs 16:31

31 Age is a crowne of worshippe, if it be founde in the waye of ryghtuousnes.

Psalms 71:18

18 Forsake me not, O GOD, in myne olde age, when I am gray headed: vntyll I haue shewed thyne arme vnto chylders chyldren, and thy power to all them that are yet for to come.

Proverbs 20:29

29 The strength of yong men is their worship, and a gray head, is an honour vnto the aged.

2 Corinthians 4:16

16 Wherfor we are not weryed, but though oure outwarde man perysh: yet the inwarde man is renewed daye by daye.

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