Bible verses about "africa" | Matthew

Genesis 2:11

11 The name of the one is Phison, he it is that compasseth all the lande of Heuyla,

Genesis 10:6-20

6 The sonnes of Ham were: Chus, Misraim, Phut, & Canaan. 7 The sonns of Chus were Seba, Heuyla, Sabta, Rayma, and Sabtema. And the sonnes of Rayma were: Sheba, & Dedan. 8 Thus also begat Nemrod which began to be myghty in the earth. 9 He was a myghty hunter in the syghte of the Lorde: Wherof came the prouerbe: he is as Nemrod that myghty hunter in the syght of the Lord. 10 And the begynnyng of hys kyngdome was Babell, Erech, Achad, & Chalne in the lande of Synear: 11 Oute of that land came Assur, & builded Niniue, & the citye Rehoboth, & Calah, 12 and Ressen betwene Niniue & Calah. That is a greate cytye. 13 And Mizrim begat Ludim, Enamim, Leabim, Naphtuhim, 14 Pathrusim, & Casluhim: from whence came the Philystyns, and the Capththerynes. 15 Canaan also begat Zidon hys eldest sonne & Heth, 16 Iebusi, Emori, Girgosi, 17 Him, Arki. Sini, 18 Aruadi, Zemari, & Harmati. And afterward sprange the kinreds of the Cananites. 19 And the costes of the Cananites were from Sydon tyll thou come to Gerara & to Asa, & tyl thou come to Sodoma, Gomorra, Adama, Zeboim, euen vnto Lasa. 20 These were the chyldren of Ham in theyr kynredes, tonges, Landes, and nations.

2 Chronicles 14:12

12 And the Lord smote the blacke Mores before Asa & Iuda, that they fled.

Esther 1:1

1 In the tyme of Ahasuerus which raygned from Iudia vnto Ethiophia ouer an hundred & seuen and twentye landes,

Isaiah 18:1-7

1 Wo be to the land of flieng shippes, whyche is of thys side the floude of Ethiopia: 2 whych sendeth her message ouer the sea in shyppes of redes vpon the water: and sayeth: go sone & do youre message vnto a straunge and harde folke, to a fearful people, and to a people that is forther then this: to a desperate and pylled folke, whose lande is deuyded from vs with riuers of water. 3 Yea, al ye that syt in the compasse of the worlde, and dwell vpon the earthe, when the token shalbe geuen vpon the mountaynes, then loke vp: & when the horne bloweth, then herken to, 4 for thus hath the Lorde sayde vnto me. I layde me doune, and pondred the matter in my house, at the noone day when it was hote. And there fell a mistynge shower, lyke a dewe, as it happened in Haruest. 5 But the frutes were not yet type cut of, and the grapes were but younge and grene. Then one smote of the grapes wyth an hoke, yea he hewed doune also the bowes and the braunches and dyd cast them awaye. 6 And thus they were layde waste, for the foules of the mountaynes, and for the beastes of the earthe together. So that the foules sat there vpon, and the beastes of the earth wyntered there. 7 Then shall there be a present brought vnto the Lord of Hostes, euen that harde folke, that fearful folke, and that forther is then thys: that desperate and pylled folke (whose lande is deuided from vs with floudes of water) vnto the place of the name of the Lorde of Hostes: euen vnto the hyll of Syon.

Isaiah 45:14

14 The Lorde hath sayde moreouer: The occupiers of Egypte, the marchauntes of the Morians and Sabees, shall come vnto the with trybute, they shalbe thyne, they shall folowe the, & go with cheynes vpon their fete. They shall fall downe before the, and make supplicacyon vnto the. For God (without whom there is none other God) shall be with the.

Jeremiah 46:9

9 Get you to horse backe, rol forth the Charrettes, come forth ye worthies: ye Morians, ye Libeans with your bucklers ye Lideans with youre bowes:

Jeremiah 38:7-13

7 So Ieremy stack fast in the myre. Now when Abedmelech the Morian beinge a chamberlayne in the kinges courte, vnderstode, that they had cast Ieremy into the dongeon: 8 he went out of the kinges house, & spake to the king (which then sat vnder the porte of Beniamin) these wordes: 9 My Lorde the king where as these men medle with Ieremye the prophet, they do him wrong. Namely, in that they haue put him in preson, there to dye of honger, for there is nomore bread in the city. 10 Then the kynge commaundeth Abedmelech the Morian and sayde: Take from hence .xxx. men whom thou wilt, & drawe vp Ieremy the prophet oute of the dongeon, before he dye. 11 So Abedmelech toke the men with him, & went to the house of Amalech, and there vnder an almery he gat olde ragges & worne cloutes, and let them doune by a coarde, into the dongeon to Ieremy. 12 And Abedmelech the Morian sayde vnto the prophet Ieremy: O put these ragges and cloutes vnder thine arme holes, betwyxte them and the coardes, & Ieremy dyd so. 13 So they drew vp Ieremy wyth coardes and toke him out of the dongeon, & he remayned in the fore entry of the preson.

Amos 9:7-8

7 O ye chyldren of Israell, are ye not vnto me, euen as the Moryans, sayeth the Lorde? haue not I brought Israell out of the land of Egypte, the Philystues from Capthor, and the Sirians from Cyr? 8 Beholde, the eyes of the Lorde are vpon the realme that synneth, to rote it clene out of the earth: Neuertheles, I wyll not vtterly destroye the house of Iacob, sayeth the Lorde.

Daniel 11:43

43 For thorowe his goynge in, he shal haue dominion ouer the treasures of siluer and gold & ouer al the precyous Iewels of Egypt, Lybia and Ethiopia.

Ezekiel 29:10

10 Beholde, therfore, I wyll vpon the & vpon thy waters: I wyll make the lande of Egypte waste and desolate, from the towre of Syenes vnto the borders of the Moryans land,

Nahum 3:6-10

6 I wyll caste dyrte vpon the, to make the be abhorred, and a gasyng stocke: 7 Yea al they that loke vpon the, shall starte backe, and say: Niniue is destroyed. Who wyll haue pyte vpon the: where shall I seke one to conforte the? 8 Art thou better then the greate cytie of Alexandria? that lay in the waters, and had the waters rounde about it: whiche was strongly fensed and walled with the sea? 9 Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength and that excedynge greate aboue measure. Aphrica and Lybia were her helpers, 10 yet was she dryuen away, and brought into captiuite: her yonge chyldren were smiten doune at the heade of euerye strete, the lottes were cast for the most auncient men in her, and al her mightye men were bounde in chaynes.

Zephaniah 3:9-13

9 And then wyll I clense the lyppes of the people, that they may euerychone call vpon the name of the Lord, and serue hym with one shulder. 10 Such as I haue subdued, and my chyldren also whome I haue scatred abroade, shall brynge me presentes beyond the waters of Ethiopia. 11 In that tyme shalte thou no more be confounded, because of all thy ymagynacyons, where thorow thou haddest offended me: for I wyll take awaye the proude boasters of thyne honoure from the, so that thou shalte no more tryumphe because of my holy hyll. 12 In the also will I leaue a small poore simple people, which shal trust in the name of the Lorde. 13 The remnaunt of Israel shal do no wyckednes, nor speake lyes, neyther shall there anye disceytful tunge be founde in theyr mouthes. For they shalbe fed, and take theyr reste, and no man shall make them afrayed.

Numbers 12:1

1 And Myriam & Aaron spake agaynst Moses, because of hys wyfe of Inde which he had taken: for he had taken to wife one of Inde.

Psalms 68:31

31 The princes shall come out of Egipt, the Morians land shall stretch out her handes vnto God.

Acts 10:34-35

34 Then Peter opened hys mouth and saide: Of a trueth I perceyue, that God is not partyall, 35 but in all people he that feareth hym and worketh rightuousnes, is accepted wyth hym.

Acts 8:27-31

27 And he arose and wente on. And beholde a man of Ethiopia, whiche was a chamberlayne, and of greate auctorite with Candace quene of the Ethiopians, and had the rule of all her treasure, came to Hierusalem for to praye. 28 And as he returned home againe sittinge in hys charet, he reade Esay the prophete. 29 Then the spyrite sayed to Phylippe: God neare, and ioyne thy selfe to yonder charete. 30 And Philippe ranne to him, and hearde hym reade the Prophete Esaias and saied: Vnderstandeste thou what thou readeste? 31 And he saied: how can I excepte I had a gyde? And he desiered Philyp, that he woulde come vp and syt wyth hym.

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