Bible verses about "whores" | JMNT

Matthew 7:17-27

17 "Likewise every good (or: = healthy) tree constantly produces fine, beautiful (choice; ideal) fruit, but the decaying and rotten tree repeatedly bears bad and worthless (= inedible) fruit. 18 "A good, healthy tree normally has no power to bear bad and worthless fruit, neither [is] a rotten tree [able] to continue producing fine, beautiful fruit. 19 "Every tree not habitually producing choice, ideal fruit is normally being cut out [of the orchard] – and is normally being thrown into a fire (= used for fire wood). 20 "Consequently, you folks will recognize and come to accurately know them from their fruits (= from what their lives produce). 21 "Not everyone constantly saying to Me, 'O Lord! Lord!' will proceed to be entering into the reign (or: sovereign rule; kingdom; realm of action and rule) of the heavens (or: which has the character of, and emanates from, the atmospheres) but rather, the one habitually performing the result or progressively producing the effect of the will, intent and purpose of My Father – the One within and in union with the heavens, and in the midst of the atmospheres – [will proceed entering]. 22 "Within (or: On) That Day many will repeatedly say to Me, 'Lord! O Lord! do (or: did) we not prophesy in (or: by) Your Name? And do (or: did) we not cast out demons (Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influences) in (or: by) Your Name? And do (or: did) we not perform many works of power and ability in (or: by) Your Name? 23 "And at that time I will repeatedly confess assuredly to them, 'I never came to know or became acquainted with you folks (or: I not even once had intimate, experiential knowledge of you). Those people habitually working (performing; or: making a trade of; making a living in) the lawlessness are now to go off to a space (or: territory) away, and proceed in giving way to Me and making room for Me.' [Ps. 6:9] 24 "Everyone, then, who continues obediently hearing these words (thoughts; ideas; messages) of Mine, and habitually does them (or: acts on them), will progressively be made to be and to become like an intelligent, considerate, thoughtful, prudent and sensible adult male, who builds (or: built) his house upon the rock-mass. 25 "And when the rain descended (or: falls) and the rivers came (or: come) [flooding] and the winds blew (or: blow) and lunged (or: fall toward; lash against) that house, it did (or: does) not fall, for it had been provided with a foundation and continued being established upon the rock-mass. 26 "And by contrast, everyone who continues hearing the words (thoughts; ideas; messages) of Mine and yet is not continuing in doing them (or: acting on them) will progressively be made to be and to become like a stupid, senseless adult male (= an ignorant and careless builder) who built (or: builds) his house upon the sand. 27 "And when the rain descended (or: falls) and the rivers came (or: come) [flooding] and the winds blew (or: blow) and lunged (or: fall toward; lash against) that house, it fell (or: falls), and its fall (collapse) was great."

Mark 9:43-45

43 "Further, if ever your hand should at some point be entrapping you (be giving cause for stumbling or becoming captured, trapped, held in bondage or enslaved), at once cut it off! It is ideal [for] you, yourself, to enter into the Life maimed, than, having the two hands, to go off into the Valley of Hinnom (or: Gehenna; [note: this is a ravine south of Jerusalem where fires were kept burning to consume the dead bodies of animals, criminals and refuse]) – into the fire which is not extinguished. [note: Nestle-Aland, Westcott & Hort, Tasker, and Panin texts, following the oldest MSS, omit vss. 44 and 46, which are the same as vs. 48; MSS A D and others contain them: "'where their maggot (or: worm) continues not coming to the end [of its food], and the fire continues not being extinguished.']

Mark 9:45-45

45 "And if your foot should begin repeatedly entrapping you in some snare, at once cut it off! It is ideal [for] you, yourself, to enter into the Life lame and crippled, than, having the two feet, to be thrown into the Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna: the city dump).

Ephesians 5:1-6:24

1 Keep on becoming (or: Progressively come to be), then, imitators (those made exactly alike so as to portray, express and represent by means of imitation) of God, as beloved (or: like loveable) children, 2 and keep on walking (walking around; = progressively living and maintaining your life) within, and in union with, Love, according as the Christ also loves (or: to the same level and commensurately as the Anointed One loved) you, and gives (or: gave) Himself over (or: up; alongside) in our behalf (over us and our [situation]; [other MSS: you]): a bearing toward and a bringingto be face to face, and then an offering (or: sacrifice) by (or: in; with; to; for) God (or: an approach [present], even a sacrifice by God) [turning] into a fragrant odor (sweet smell). 3 But all sexual vice (prostitution; fornication; sexual acts contrary to custom) and uncleanness (impurity), or greed (desiring or having more than one's due; gaining and having advantage over others), let it continuously not even be named among (or: within) you folks according as it is constantly appropriate (proper; conspicuously suitable and befitting) for set-apart people (or: holy and sacred folks). 4 And obscenity (ugliness; indecency; indecorum; shamefulness; baseness), even stupid (moronic; foolish) speaking (talking) or coarse joking (vulgar talking; insinuation; wittiness; quickness in making repartee; making a good turn), which things it has not been proper or fitting to have come up but rather (in preference), giving of thanks (or: conversation marked by grace, gratitude and favor in well-being). 5 For this you people constantly know (or: perceive), habitually recognizing by experience, that every practicer of sexual vice (or: male prostitute; paramour), or unclean (impure [in character]; morally indecent) person, or greedy (covetous; desiring advantage or more than one's due) one who is (or: continues being) an idolater, is not now holding enjoyment ofan inheritance (does not currently continue having use of an allotted gift from someone who has died) within the Christ's and God's reign or sphere of sovereign activity (or: kingdom; [p46: within the reign of God]). 6 Let no one keep on deceiving (or: seducing) you by empty words (or: messages; reasons; thoughts; ideas), for because of these things, God's inherent fervor (natural impulse and disposition; intrinsic teeming desire and swelling passion; or: anger; indignation) is continuously coming upon [note: cf John 3:36] the sons of The Disobedience (the incompliance; or: = folks having the quality of not being convinced or being disobedient and stubborn). 7 Stop, therefore, becoming (or: Therefore you folks are not to continuously come to be) their joint partakers (their joint members or partners; ones sharing together with them), 8 for you folks were once existing being darkness (dimness; obscurity; gloom; shadiness), yet (or: but) now [you are] light, within and in union with [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh]. 9 Be constantly walking about (= Habitually conduct yourselves) as children of Light (born ones from light) for the fruit of the Light [other MSS: Spirit] [is] in union with (or: [exists] within the midst of) all Goodness (virtue; beneficence), Justice (fair and equitable dealing in rightwised relationships which accord with the Way pointed out; also = covenant participation) and Truth (or: Reality) 10 repeatedly testing so as to prove (or: approve) what is (or: continually exists being) fully pleasing and compatible (happily acceptable; well pleasing; good pleasure) to (or: for; in; with) the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh]. 11 And do not continually participate together (involve yourselves in joint communion or community; or: Stop having fellowship together) in unfruitful acts (works; deeds; performances) of the Darkness (dimness in the shadows; gloom and obscurity; [comment: = the ignorance; = the lack of light; may refer to past religious acts]), but rather even be continually questioning and cross-examining to expose (unmasking and making facts known), refute and reprove to bring conviction (= bring light to them), 12 for you see, it is obscene (base; ugly; indecent; shameful) to habitually even be speaking of the things [which] secretly (or: in a hidden manner) may be coming into existence (be occurring; be being birthed) by them. 13 Now everything (or: the whole), while being continuously exposed to show fact, beingrefuted and/or reproved unto conviction, is by the light being continuouslymanifested (clearly displayed, made apparent and shown for what it is), 14 for you see, all that is continuously being manifested (clearly displayed, made apparent and is progressively shown for what it is) is, and continually exists being, light.Wherefore Heis now saying, "Let the sleeper (the person continuously down and being fast asleep) be waking up, continue rousing, and then stand up (arise) from out of the midst of the dead ones, and the Christ will continue shining upon you (enlightening you)!" 15 Be continuously observing exactly (or: accurately), then, brothers (= fellow believers; members of the Family), how you habitually walk about [or, with other MSS: Be continually observing, then, how accurately you are conducting yourselves]: not as unwise folks, but rather as wise ones, 16 making it a habit [to be] intensively buying-out for yourselves (as at a market, exhausting the supply; redeeming; reclaiming) the season (fitting situation; opportunity; fertile moment), because the days (= present times) are of a bad quality (or: a gush of misery; unsound; harmful; or: in a sorry plight; or: toilsome). 17 On account of this, stop becoming (or: Do not continually come to be) foolish ones (folks not having common sense; people without reflection or intelligence; imprudent ones; thoughtless and inattentive folks), but rather, be constantly understanding (sending your perceptions together to comprehend) what [is] the will (result of the resolve; determination of what shall be done; design; effect of the purpose) of the Lord (= Christ or Yahweh; [other MSS: God; Christ]). 18 And stop being made drunk (or: Do not be continuously made intoxicated) by wine, within which exists the disposition of one having no hope of safety (unsavingness; dissipation and ill health; desperation), but rather be continuously or repeatedly filled full in spirit (within [the] Spirit; within the midst of [the] Breath-effect; in the sphere of attitude; in union with [the] Breath), 19 continuously speaking (making vocal utterances) to (or: among) yourselves in psalms and hymns (or: songs of praise; festive songs) and spiritual odes (songs; chants), continually singing and playing stringed instruments (making music; psalming; sharply touching or plucking [the strings or chords]) in (or: by; with; or: for) your hearts to (or: for; by; with: in) the Lord [= Christ, or, Yahweh], 20 constantly giving thanks (expressing gratitude; or: speaking of the well-being that is in grace and favor) to God, even [the] Father [p46 & others: to the Father, even God] at all times (or: always; = on all occasions) concerning all things (or: for everything; or: over all mankind), within the midst of and in union with the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ [= the Messiah], 21 while continually setting and arranging yourselves under (placing yourselves in humble alignment; subordinating yourselves; being submissive) so as to support one another, in respect for Christ (or: in union with the reverence which is an Anointing; within Christ's fear; in reverence pertaining to, and the source of which is [the] Anointed One [other MSS: God]). 22 Wives (or: Women) [are] to (or: with) their own husbands (or: adult males), as to (or: with) the Lord (or: the Owner; or: = Christ, or, Yahweh) [note: this reading follows p46, B, Clement, Origen, other church fathers & other MSS, and is the reading in Westcott and Hort, Panin, Nestle-Aland, Tasker, and is bracketed by Griesbach; however, the following reading is also in Clement, Origen, other church fathers and MSS, as well as in Aleph and A: Wives, be by habit humbly aligned and placed subordinate so as to be supportive to your own husbands, as to (or: in; by; for) the Lord], 23 because a husband exists being a head of (or: is a source with reference to) the wife as also (or: even as) the Christ [is] Head (or: Source) of the called-out community (the ecclesia; the summoned-out assembly); He Himself is (continually exists being) [the] Savior (Deliverer; Rescuer; Restorer to health and wholeness) of the Body. 24 But, just as the called-out community (summoned-forth assembly) continuously humbly aligns and places itself under for (or, as a passive: is normally subjected in support to) the Christ, thus also the wives to (or: for; with) the husbands, in everything (or: within all; among all mankind). 25 O husbands, be constantly loving [your] wives (or: Men, continue loving the women), accordingly and correspondingly as the Christ also loved (or: to the degree that, and commensurately as, the Anointed One loves) the called-out community, and gave Himself up (or: commits and gives Himself over) in behalf of (for the sake of; over [the situation of]) her, 26 to the end that He may set her apart (separate her; consecrate and make her holy), cleansing (purging) [her] by the bath of the Water [that is] within a result of a flow (or: in union with a gush-effect; or: in the midst of aspoken word, a declaration, or an utterance), 27 so that He Himself could place beside Himself (or: should present to and make to stand alongside in Himself) the glorious (held in high esteem; in-glorious-array) called-out community, continuously having neither spot (or: stain), nor wrinkle, nor any of such things, but to the contrary, to the end that she may continuously exist being set-apart (holy; different from the ordinary and profane) and flawless (unblemished; or: unblamable). 28 Thus (or: In like manner; In this way) the husbands also are continuouslyindebted (thus: obligated) to constantly love their wives as their own bodies (= persons).The one constantly loving his own wife continues loving himself, 29 or you see, no one ever yet (at any time) hated (or: hates) his own flesh (= his body and interior self) but rather continually intensively nourishes (feeds and supports) and warms (cherishes; comforts) it, according as also the Christ [does] the called-out community, 30 because we are (we exist continuously being) members of His Body. 31 Answering this (or: In the place facing this [situation or reality]), "a man will continue leaving behind his father and mother, and he will be progressively glued (welded) to his wife, and the two will continue being [made] into one flesh (= one physical unit as though being one body)." [Gen. 2:4] 32 This secret (or: mystery) is great (= important), but I am speaking unto (or: into; with a view to) Christ, even (or: and; as well as) unto (or: into) the called-out community (or: the called-out person; or: the summoned-forth assembly). 33 Moreover, you men also, individually, each one thus (in this way) be continually loving his own wife (or: woman) as (or: as she were) himself, andso the result will be that the wife would continually have deep respect for (or: may habitually stand in reverential awe of; can normally be fearing with a healthy respect for) the husband (or: adult man).

Ephesians 6:1-24

1 You children make it a habit to humbly listen and pay attention to, and thus submissively obey, your parents, in union with the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], for this is in accord with the Way pointed out (is fair, right and just). 2 "Be continuously honoring (holding in respect; valuing; reverencing; treating as precious and with dignity) your father and mother," which very one is a foremost implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive) within an act of promising (or: in [the] promise; or: = that embodies assurance), 3 "to the end that it may come to be well and easy for (or: to; in) you and you will continue existinga long time upon the land (or: earth)." [Ex. 20:12; Deut. 5:16] 4 And so you fathers: do not continually bring along inherent fervor to (or: irritate; exasperate to anger; bring impulse alongside) your children, but rather be continually nourishing them within child-training discipline and education, and then the placing (or: setting) of the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] in the mind (or: as well as the Master's mind-set; or: and the Owner's admonition; or: and instruction about the Lord). 5 Slaves: you folks be continually paying attention, listening humbly to and obeying [your] owners (masters) those [being such] in respect to the flesh (= this human condition and natural realm) with fear (or: respect, reverence, = earnestness) and trembling (= concerned focus), joined with singleness (simplicity; uncompoundedness; = pureness of substance) of your heart (= with the core of your being willing one thing [comment: which is Kierkegaard's "the Good"]), as though to (or: as if for; as being in, and with) the Christ, 6 not in accord with eye-service (or: in line with slavery to the eyes [of folks watching]; or: = doing it only when being watched) as folks desiring to please men, but rather as slaves of Christ, constantly doing (performing; producing) the will and intent of God from out of [the] soul (= with the whole inner being: mind, will, emotion, life-force; or: = spontaneously) 7 with a good disposition (well-mindedness; a good will; a good attitude), habitually serving (or: being; working) as a slave, as for (or: to; in; with) the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ], and not for (or: to) people (humans; mankind), 8 having seen and thus knowing (perceiving; being aware; recognizing) that each person, if he or she may do some good thing (perform some virtuous act; produce some excellence and quality), this she, or he, will continue receiving for herself, or himself, for kindly keeping alongside of the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh]: whether slave, whether free. 9 And now for the owners (lords; masters): be practicing (continually doing) the same toward them, constantly being lax (loosening up) in the threatening, knowing (having seen; being aware) also that their Owner (Lord; Master) as well as yours is continuously existing within [the] atmospheres (or: heavens), and partiality through respect or acceptance of faces (= persons) does not exist alongside of Him. 10 Of the remainder (or: Finally), be constantly empowering yourselves within (engendering ability within yourselves), centered in and in union with [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] even within, and in union with, the force (or: strength) of His might (or: the mightiness of His strength and forcefulness): 11 you folks must enter within (or: clothe yourselves with) the full suit of armor and implements of war (panoply; the complete equipment for men-at-arms) which is God (or: which comes from and belongs to God), in order for you to be continuously able and powerful to stand (or: to make a stand) facing toward the crafty methods (stratagems) of the adversary (or: that which throws folks into dualism with divided thinking and perceptions; or: the person that throws something through the midst and casts division; the one who thrusts things through folks; the slanderer who accuses and deceives; or, commonly called: the "devil"), 12 because for us [other MSS: for you] the wrestling is not against (toward; with a view to) blood and flesh (= physical bodies), but rather against (toward; i.e., "face to face" with) the beginning controls and rules (or: original rulings; or: rulers and controllers; governments; those things or people in first position; the beginning things or people; the original ones; the princes) and face to face with the rights and privileges (or: liberties to do as one pleases; or: authorities; or: aspects from out of existence), with a view to the strengths of the System (or: strengths of the order; or: universal powers; the world's strong-ones) of this darkness (realm of shadows, gloom and dimness; [comment: = ignorance]), facing (toward; or: with a view to) the spiritual aspects (or: breath-effected attitudes; or: conditions and qualities of a spirit) of the worthlessness (the badness of conditions; the unsoundness and miserableness; the wickedness and depravity; the evil and malice; the disadvantageousness; the unprofitableness; the thing that brings toilsome labor and a gush of misery) among those situated upon elevated positions (or: situated within the heavenly positions or places; among the imposed heavenly realms; positioned in union with the celestials and heavenly ones; resident within the midst of added atmospheres). [note: this verse could be speaking about the ruling authorities of the religious world of ignorance, with its now worthless sacrifices, or, about the political system of darkened strength which was currently in power, bringing bad situations; Walter Wink, in Engaging the Powers, uses the phrase against suprahuman systems and forces for part of this verse] 13 On account of this, you folks receive back again (or: at once take up) the full suit of armor (panoply; implements of war) which is God (or: which belongs to and has its source in God), to the end that you would have powerand be able to withstand and resist (to stand opposite, over against as facing an opponent; or: stand in [other folks'] place, instead of [them]) within the harmful and misery-gushed day (or: the day of bad conditions), and then accomplishing all (achieving and effecting everything [the whole]), to stand firm. 14 You folks stand (or: at once take your stand), then, after girding yourselves aroundyour waist (or: loins) in union with Truth and within the midst of Reality, and then, entering within (putting on; clothing yourself with) the breastplate armor (cuirass; corslet) of fair and equitable dealing (or: which is the rightwised relationships of the Way pointed out; the Righteousness; the Justice; also = covenant inclusion and participation), 15 and next sandaling (or: binding under) the feet in readiness and preparedness which comes from, has the character of and which belongs to the good news (or: message of goodness, ease and well-being) of the Peace (or: which are peace and harmony [= shalom]) 16 within all things and situations (or: in union with all people) [be] at once receiving again (or: taking back up) the large oblong shield of the Faith (or: Trust; Confidence; Faithfulness; Assurance; Loyalty), within which you will continue having powerand be progressively ableto extinguish all the fiery arrows of and from the worthless person (or: evil one; unsound and miserable situation; disadvantageous and unprofitable condition; malicious and depraved attitude; toilsome labor that is gushed with misery). 17 And at once accept (or: receive and retain) for yourselves the helmet of the Deliverance (or: which comes from the Salvation; that belongs to health and wholeness; which is the restoration to the original realm and condition) and the Spirit's sword (the short sword from the Attitude; or: the dagger which is spirit; the dirk which is the Breath-effect) the one being God's gush-effect (or: which is the result of the flow from God; the one existing [as] a result of a flux or an effect of a continuous movement, the source of which is God; or: which is a spoken Word of God; or: that being an utterance or declaration which is God).

Ephesians 6:19-24

19 and further, in behalf of me, so that to me a word (or: message; thought; idea; logos) would be given, in the midst of opening my mouth in freedom of speaking openly in public and with the boldness and rights of a citizen, to make known the secret (or: mystery) of the good news (or: which is the message of goodness, ease and well-being), 20 over which I am an old man in a manacle (or: on behalf of which I continue performing the duties of an elder and an ambassador in a chain!) to the end that within Him (or: it) I may speak freely (or: in public, boldly as a citizen), as it is necessary for me to speak. 21 Yet so that you also may know (may have seen, so as to perceive) the things that [come] down to (or: on) me (= my circumstances and affairs), what I am continually involved in (what matters or business I am transacting; what I'm doing), everything (or: all) will proceed being made known to you [by] Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful attending servant within the Lord,

Ephesians 6:18-24

18 By means of all thought, desire or imparted message toward having things be well (or: Through every prayer) and request (or: declaration) regarding need, [be] folks continuously thinking, speaking and acting toward goodness and well-being (or: praying) within every season (in union with every fitting situation; on every occasion; in the midst of every fertile moment) within and in union with [the] Spirit (Breath-effect; Attitude), while maintaining a constant alertness (or: in spirit being constantly vigilant and abstaining from sleep), also, to that end, in all focus to unremitting and stout continuance (or: in union with every view to resolute, potent perseverance which brings control) and request regarding need concerning (or: surrounding) all of the set-apart folks (holy ones; saints; sacredly different people),

Ephesians 6:22-24

22 whom I send (or: sent) to you for this very purpose, to the end that you may come to know our concerns (or: circumstances) and [that] he may call your hearts alongside (assist, admonish, encourage, comfort and give relief to your hearts; = do the work of a paraclete for the cores of your beings). 23 Peace and harmony [= shalom] to the brothers (= family or fellow believers; [p46 reads: the set-apart folks]), and love (unrestricted acceptance; [A reads: mercy]) along with faith and trust, from God, [the] Father and Lord, Jesus Christ (or: from Father God, and {or: even} [the] Lord Jesus Christ). 24 Grace and favor, in union with incorruption (or: within a state or condition of being unspoiled, and being incorruptible [note: see 1 Cor. 15:42]), [are] with all the people continuously loving our Lord (or: Owner; Master), Jesus Christ ([the] Anointed Jesus). Amen (It is so; Count on it)! [written circa A.D. 58 Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson] Subscription [some MSS]: To Ephesians. [others add]: Written from Rome, through Tychicus. Possibly a circular letter to the assemblies in first century Asia Minor

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