Bible verses about "seed" | Great

Genesis 1:29-30

29 And God sayde: Beholde, I haue geuen you euery herbe sowynge seed, which is in the vpper face of all the earth: and euery tre in the which is the frute of tree, and that soweth seed, that they maye be meate vnto you. 30 To euery beast of the earth also, and to euery byrde of the ayre, and to euery suche thinge as crepeth vpon the earth (wherin is a lyuing soule) I haue geuen all grenenes of herbe to be meat. And it came so to passe.

Genesis 1:11-12

11 And God sayde: let the earth bring forth grene herbe, which maye engendre seed: and frutefull tre, yeldyng frute after hys kynde, whose seed maye be in it self vpon the earth. And it came to passe. 12 And the earth brought forth grene herbe, makynge seede after hys kynde: and tree yeldynge frute, whose seed was in it selfe after hys kynde. And God sawe that it was good.

Leviticus 19:19

19 Ye shall kepe myne ordinaunces. Thou shalt not let catell gendre wyth a contrary kynde, nether sowe thy felde wyth myngled seed, nether shalt thou put on any garment of lynen and wollen.

Mark 4:8

8 And some fel vpon good grounde, and dyd yelde frute that sprong vp, and grewe, and brought forth, some thyrty folde, and some syxtye folde, and some an hundred folde.

Titus 1:1-16

1 Paul the seruaunt of God, and apostle of Iesu Christ accordinge to the fayth of goddes electe, and accordynge to the knowledge of the trueth, which is after godlynes 2 in the hope of eternall lyfe, which God (that cannot lye) promysed before the worlde beganne: 3 but hath opened his worde at the tyme appoynted thorowe preachinge, which is commytted vnto me, accordynge to the commaundement of God oure saueoure. 4 To Tytus hys naturall sonne after the commen fayth. Grace mercy & peace from God the father & from the Lorde Iesu Christ oure saueoure. 5 For this cause left I the in Creta, that thou shuldest refourme the thynges that are vnperfect, & shuldest ordeyne elders in euery cytie, as I had appoynted the. 6 If eny be blamelesse, the husband of one wyfe, hauynge faythfull children, which are not slaundred of ryote, nether are disobedient. 7 For a bysshope must be blamesse, as the stewarde of God: not stubborne, not angrye not geuen to moch wyne, no fyghter, not geuen to fylthy lucre: 8 but a keper of hospitalite, one that loueth goodnes sobre, ryghteous, godly, temperat, 9 and such as cleueth vnto the true worde of doctryne, that he maye be able also to exhorte by wholsome learnynge, & to improue them that saye agaynst it. 10 For ther are many vnruely and talkers of vanite, and disceauers of myndes, specially they that are of the circumcision, 11 whose mouthes must be stopped which peruert whole houses, teachinge thinges which they ought not, because of fylthy lucre. 12 One of them selues (euen a prophete of their awne) sayde: The Cretyans are all wayes lyars, euyll beastes, slowe belyes. 13 Thys wytnes is true: wherfore rebuke thou them sharply, that they maye be sounde in the fayth, 14 not takynge hede to Iewes fables and commaundementes of men that turne awaye the trueth. 15 Unto the pure, are all thynges pure: but vnto them that are defyled and vnbeleuynge, is nothynge pure: but euen the mynde and conscience of them is defyled. 16 They confesse that they knowe God: but with the dedes they denye hym seinge they are abominable and disobedient, & vnapte vnto euery good worcke.

Genesis 1:12

12 And the earth brought forth grene herbe, makynge seede after hys kynde: and tree yeldynge frute, whose seed was in it selfe after hys kynde. And God sawe that it was good.

Hosea 10:12

12 Sowe vnto ryghteousnes, and reape the frutes of weldoinge: plowe vp your freshe lande, for it is tyme to seake the Lorde tyll he come and rayne rightuousnesse vpon you.

Luke 8:1-56

1 And it fortuned afterwarde, that he hym selfe also wente through oute cyties and townes: preachinge, and shewynge the kyngdome of God, and the twelue with hym. 2 And also certayne women, which were healed of euell spretes, and infirmytes. Mary which is called Magdalen (oute of whom wente seuen deuyls) 3 and Ioanna the wyfe of Chusa. Herodes stewarde, and Susanna, and many other, which minystred vnto hym of theyr substaunce. 4 When moch people were gathered together, and were come to him out of all cytes, he spake by a similytude. 5 The sower wente out to sowe hys seede: and as he sowed, some fell by the waye syde, & it was troden downe, and the foules of the ayre deuoured it vp. 6 And some fell on stone, and as sone as it was spronge vp, it withred awaye because it lacked moystnes. 7 And some fell amonge thornes, and the thornes sprange vp with it, and choked it. 8 And some fel on good grounde, and sprange vp, and bare frute, an hundred folde. And as he sayd these thinges, he cryed: He that hath eares to heare, let hym heare. 9 And his disciples asked hym sayenge: what maner of simylytude is thys? 10 And he sayd: vnto you is it geuen to knowe the secretes of the kingdome of God: but to other by parables, that when they se, they shuld not se: & when they heare, they shuld not vnderstande. 11 The parable is this. The seed is the worde of God. 12 Those that are besyde the waye, are they that heare, then commeth the deuyll, and taketh a waye the worde out of their hertes, lest they shulde beleue and be saued. 13 They on the stones, are they which when they heare, receaue the word with ioye, and these haue no rotes: which for a whyle beleue, and in tyme of temptacyon go awaye. 14 And that which fell amonge thornes, are they which whan they haue heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and ryches, and volupteous lyuinge, and brynge forth no frute. 15 That which fell in the good grounde, are they, which with a pure and good herte heare the worde, and kepe it, and brynge forth frute thorow pacyence. 16 No man, whan he lyghteth a candell, couereth it with a vessel, or putteth it vnder a table, but setteth it on a candelsticke, that they which enter in, maye se the light. 17 Nothing is in secret, that shal not come abrode. Nether any thynge hydd, that shall not be knowen, and come to lyghte. 18 Take hede therfore, howe ye heare. For whosoeuer hath, to hym shalbe geuen: And whosoeuer hath not, from him shalbe taken: euen that same which he supposeth that he hath. 19 Then came to him his mother & his brethren, and coulde not come at him for prease 20 And it was tolde hym, and sayde: Thy mother and thy brethren stande without, and wold se the. 21 He answered and said vnto them: my mother and my brethren are these, which heare the worde of God, and do it. 22 And it chaunsed on a certayne daye, that he went into a shyp, and his disciples also, & he sayde vnto them: Let vs go ouer vnto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth 23 But as they sayled, he fell a slepe and there arose a storme of wynde in the lake, & they were fylled wt water, and were in ieopardy. 24 And they came to hym, and awoke hym saying: Master master, we are loost. Then he arose, and rebuked the wynde and the tempest of water, and they ceased, and it wexed calme. 25 And he sayde vnto them: where is youre fayth? They feared, and wondred amonge them selues, saying: what (thynke ye) is thys? for he commaundeth both the windes & water, and they obey hym? 26 And they sayled vnto the region of the Gederenites, which is ouer agaynst Galile. 27 And whan he went out to land, ther met him out of the cytie a certayne man, which had a deuyll longe tyme, and ware no clothes, nether abode in eny house: but in graues. 28 When he sawe Iesus & had cryed, he fell downe before him, & wt a loude voyce sayde. What haue I to do with the Iesus, thou sonne of the God moost hyest? I beseche the torment me not: 29 for he commaunded the foule sprete to come oute of the man. For ofte tymes he had caught hym, and he was bounde with chaynes, and kepte with fetters: and he brake the bondes, and was caryed of the fende into wyldernes. 30 And Iesus asked him saieng: What is thy name? And he sayde: Legion, because many deuyls were entred into hym. 31 And they besought hym that he wolde not commaunde them, to go out into the depe. 32 And there was there, an heard of many swyne, feding on an hyll: and they besought him, that he wold suffre them to enter into them. And he suffred them. 33 Then went the deuels out of the man, & entred into the swyne. And the heard ranne heedlyng with violence into the lake, and were choked. 34 When the herdmen sawe what had chaunsed, they fled, and tolde it in the cytie & in the villages. 35 And they came out to se what was done: and came to Iesus, & founde the man (out of whom the deuyls were departed) sittyng at the fete of Iesus: clothed, & in his right mynde, and they were afrayed. 36 They also which sawe it, tolde them by what meanes he (that was possessed of the deuyl) was healed. 37 And all the multitude of the Gederenites, besought him, that he wold departe from them: for they were taken with great feare. And he gate him vp into the shyp, and returned backe agayne. 38 Then the man (out of whom the deuyls were departed) besought hym that he myght be with hym. But Iesus sent him awaye, sayinge: 39 Go home agayne to thyne awne house, and shewe what thinges soeuer God hath done for the. And he went his waye, and preached thorow out all the cytie, what thinges soeuer Iesus had done vnto him. 40 And it fortuned that when Iesus was come agayne, the people receaued him. For they all wayted for him. 41 And beholde, there came a man named Iairus (& he was a ruler of the synagoge) & he fell downe at Iesus fete praying him, that he wold come into his house, 42 for he had but one daughter onely, vpon a .xij. yeare of age, and she laye a dying. But as he went, the people thronged hym. 43 And a woman, hauing an issue of bloud .xij. yeres (which had spent all her substaunce vpon phisicions, nether coulde be holpen of eny) 44 came behynd him, & touched the hem of his rayment: & immediatly her issue of bloud staunched. 45 And Iesus sayd: who is it that touched me? When euery man denyed, Peter (and they that were wt hym) sayd: Master, the people thrust the & vexe the, & sayest thou who touched me? 46 And Iesus sayd: Some body hath touched me. For I perceaue, that vertue is gone out of me. 47 When the woman sawe that she was not hyd, she came trymbling, and fell at hys fete, and tolde hym before all the people, for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediatly. 48 And he sayd vnto her: Daughter, be of good comforte. Thy fayth hath saued the, go in peace. 49 Whyle he yet spake, ther came one from the rulers of the synagoges house, which sayd to hym: thy daughter is deed, desease not the Master. 50 But when Iesus hearde that worde, he answered the father of the damosell. Feare not, beleue onely, and she shalbe made whole. 51 And when he came to the house, he suffred no man to go in with hym, saue Peter, Iames, and Iohn, and the father and the mother of the mayden. 52 Euery body weept, and sorowed for her. And he said: Wepe not. The damosel is not deed, but slepeth. 53 And they laught hym to scorne, knowyng that she was deed. 54 And he thrust them all out, and caught her by the hand, and cryed, sayinge: Mayde, aryse. 55 And her sprete came agayne, and she rose straight waye. And he commaunded to geue her meat. 56 And the father & the mother of her were astonyed. But he warned them, that they shuld tell no man what was done.

2 Corinthians 9:6

6 This yet I saye: he which soweth lytell, shal reape lytell: & he that soweth (in geuyng) largelye and frelye, shall reape plenteouslye:

1 Peter 1:22-25

22 euen ye whych haue purifyed youre soules thorow the sprete, in obeynge the trueth wyth brotherly loue vnfayned, se that ye loue one another wyth a pure hert feruently: 23 for ye are borne a newe, not of mortall seed, but of immortall, by the worde of God, which lyueth and lasteth for euer. 24 For all flesshe is grasse, and all the glory of man is as the floure of grasse. The grasse wyddereth, and the floure falleth awaye, 25 but the worde of the Lord endureth euer And thys is the worde, whych by the Gospell was preached vnto you.

Genesis 1:11

11 And God sayde: let the earth bring forth grene herbe, which maye engendre seed: and frutefull tre, yeldyng frute after hys kynde, whose seed maye be in it self vpon the earth. And it came to passe.

Matthew 17:20

20 Iesus sayd vnto them: Because of youre vnbelefe. For verely I saye vnto you: yf ye haue fayth as a grayne of musterd seed, ye shall saye vnto this mountayne: remoue hence to yonder place, and it shall remoue: nether shal eny thinge be vnpossible vnto you.

Galatians 6:8

8 For he that soweth in his flesshe, shall of the flesshe reape corrupcyon. But he that soweth in the sprete, shall of the sprete reape lyfe euerlastynge.

1 Corinthians 15:36-38

36 Thou foole, that which thou sowest, is not quickened, except it dye. 37 And what sowest thou? Thou sowest not that body that shalbe: but bare corne (as of wheet, or of some other) 38 but God geueth it a body at his pleasure, to euery seed his awne body.

1 Corinthians 15:38

38 but God geueth it a body at his pleasure, to euery seed his awne body.

Matthew 13:1-58

1 The same daye went Iesus out of the house, and sat by the see syde, 2 and moche people were gathered together vnto him, so gretly that he went, and sat in a shippe, and all the people stode on the shore. 3 And he spake many thynges to them by similitudes, sayinge: Beholde, the sower went forth to sowe. 4 And whan he sowed, some sedes fell by the wayes syde, and the fowles came, and deuoured them vp. 5 Some fell vpon stony places, where they had not moche erth, and anone they spronge vp, because they had no depnesse of erth: 6 and when the sonne was vp, they caught heat, & because they had no rote, they wyddred awaye. 7 Agayne, some fell amonge thornes, and the thornes spronge vp and choaked them. 8 But some fell into good ground, & brought forth frute: some an hundred folde, some syxtie folde, some thyrtie folde. 9 Whosoeuer hath eares to heare, let him heare. 10 And the disciples came, & sayde vnto him? Why speakest thou to them by parables? 11 He answered and sayde vnto them: it is geuen vnto you to knowe the secretes of the kyngdome of heauen, but to them it is not geuen. 12 For whosoeuer hath, to him shall be geuen: and he shall haue aboundaunce. But whosoeuer hath not: from him shalbe taken awaye euen that also which he hath. 13 Therfore speake I to them by similitude: for they seinge, se not: and hearinge, they heare not: nother do they vnderstand. 14 And in them is fulfylled the prophecie of Esaias, which sayth: with the eares ye shall heare, and shall not vnderstand and seinge ye shall se, and shall not perceaue. 15 For these peoples hertes is wexed grosse, and their eares are dull of hearynge, and theyr eyes haue they closed, lest at any tyme they shuld se with their eyes, and heare with their eares, & shuld understand with their herte, & be conuerted, that I also myght heale them. 16 But blessed are youre eyes, for they se: & youre eares, for they heare. 17 Uerely I saye vnto you, that many prophetes & righteous men haue desyred to se those thinges which ye se, & haue not sene them: & to heare those thinges which ye heare, and haue not hearde them. 18 Heare ye therfore the similitude of the sower. 19 Whan one heareth the word of the kingdome, & understandeth it not, then commeth the euyll man, & taketh awaye that which was sowen in hys hert: thys is he, which was sowne by the waye syde. 20 But he that receaued the sede which was cast into stony places, the same is he that heareth the worde, and anone with ioye receaueth it, 21 yet hath he no rote in hym selfe, but dureth for a season: for whan tribulacyon or persecucyon happeneth because of the worde, by and by he falleth. 22 He also that receaued sede into the thornes, is he that heareth the worde: and the care of this worlde, and the dissaytfulnes of ryches, choke vp the worde, and so is he made vnfrutefull. 23 But he that receaued sede into the good ground is he that heareth the worde, and vnderstandeth it: which also beareth frute, & bringeth forth, some an hundred folde, some syxtie folde, some thyrtye folde. 24 Another similitude put he forth vnto them, sayinge: The kyngdome of heauen is lykened vnto a man, which sowed good seed in his felde. 25 But whyll men slept, his enemie came, & sowed tares among the wheate, & went his waye. 26 But when the blade was sprong vp, and had brought forth frute, there appeared the tares also. 27 So the seruauntes of the housholder came, and sayde vnto him. Syr, dyddest not thou sowe good seed in thy felde? from whence then hath it tares? 28 He sayde vnto them, the enuious man hath done this. The seruauntes sayde vnto him: wylt thou then that we go, and wede them vp? 29 But he sayde, nay, lest while ye gather vp the tares ye plucke vp also the wheate with them, 30 let bothe growe together vntill the haruest, and in tyme of haruest, I wyll saye to the repers gather ye fyrst the tares, and bynde them together in sheues to be brent: but gather the wheate into my barne. 31 Another parable put he forth vnto them, sayinge. The kyngdome of heauen is lyke to a grayne of mustard seed, which a man toke & sowed in his felde, 32 which is the leest of all seedes. But when it is growne, it is the greatest among herbes, and is a tree: so that the byrdes of the ayer come, and make theyr nestes in the braunches therof. 33 Another similitude spake he vnto them: The kyngdom of heauen is lyke vnto leuen, which a woman taketh and hydeth in thre peckes of meale, tyll all be leuened. 34 All these thinges spake Iesus vnto the people by similitudes, & with out a parable spake he nothynge vnto them, 35 that it myght be fulfylled, which was spoken by the prophet, that sayth I will open my mouth in parables: I wyll speake forth thynges which haue bene kepte secrete from the begynning of the world. 36 When the people were sent awaye, then came Iesus into the house. And his disciples came vnto him, saying: declare vnto vs the parable of the tares of the felde. 37 He answered and sayd vnto them. He that soweth the good seed, is the sonne of man. 38 The feld is the worlde. And the chyldren of the kyngdome, they are the good seed: the tares are the chyldren of the wycked: 39 the enemie that soweth them, is the deuyll. The haruest is the ende of the worlde: the reapers be the Angels. 40 Euen as the tares therfore, are gathered & brent in the fyre: so shall it be in the ende of this worlde. 41 The sonne of man shall sende forth his Angels, & they shall gather out of his kyngdome all thinges that offende, and them which do iniquite: 42 and shall cast them into a furnes of fyre. There shalbe waylinge & gnasshyng of teth. 43 Then shall the righteous shine as the Sonne in the kyngdom of their father. Whosoeuer hath eares to heare, let him heare. 44 Agayne, the kyngdom of heauen is lyke vnto treasure hid in the felde, the which a man hath found and hydd: and for ioye therof goeth & selleth all that he hath, & byeth the felde. 45 Agayne, the kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a marchaunt man, sekyng goodly pearles, 46 which (when he found one precious pearle) went & solde all that he had, & bought it. 47 Agayne, the kyngdom of heauen is lyke vnto a nett, that was cast into the see & geathered of all kynde 48 which when it was full men drewe to land, & sat downe & geathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad awaye. 49 So shall it be at the ende of the worlde. The angelles shall come & seuer the bad from amonge the good, 50 & shall cast them into a furnace of fyre: there shalbe wayling & gnasshing of teth. 51 Iesus saieth vnto them: haue ye vnderstande all these thinges? They saye vnto him: ye Lorde. 52 Then sayde he vnto them. Therfore euery Scribe which is taught vnto the kyngedome of heauen, is lyke vnto a man that is an housholder, which bryngeth forth out of his treasure, thinges newe and olde. 53 And it came to passe that when Iesus had finisshed these similitudes, he departed thence: 54 And whan he came into his awne countre, he taught them in their synagoges, in so moch, that they were astonnied and sayde: whence commeth this wysdome and powers vnto to him? 55 is not this the carpenters sonne? Is not hys mother called Mary? and hys brethren, Iames and Ioses and Simon and Iudas? 56 And are not all his systers with vs? Whence hath he then all these thynges? 57 And they were offended at hym. Iesus sayde vnto them: A prophete is not without honoure, saue in his awne countre, and in hys awne house. 58 And he did not not many miracles there, because of theyr vnbelefe.

Genesis 1:29

29 And God sayde: Beholde, I haue geuen you euery herbe sowynge seed, which is in the vpper face of all the earth: and euery tre in the which is the frute of tree, and that soweth seed, that they maye be meate vnto you.

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