Bible verses about "samson" | Great

Judges 15:13-17

13 They answered hym, sayenge: No, but we wyll bynde the, and delyuer the vnto their handes: But we wyll not kyl the. And they bounde him with two new cordes, & brought hym from the rocke. 14 And when he came to Lehi, the Philistines showted agaynst him. And the sprete of the Lord came vpon hym, and the cordes that were vpon hys armes, became as flaxe that was burnt wt fyer, for the bandes lowsed from of hys handes. 15 And he founde a rotten Iawe bone of an asse, and put forth hys hande, and caught it, and slue a thousande men therwith. 16 And Samson sayde: with the Iawe of an asse, haue I made heapes of them: with the Iawe of an asse haue I slaine a thousand men. 17 And when he had left speakyng, he cast awaye the Iawe bone out of hys hand, and called the place Ramath Lehi.

Judges 16:21-31

21 But the Philistines toke hym, and put oute his eyes, & brought hym downe to Azath, and bounde hym with two fetters of brasse. And he dyd grynde in the preson house, 22 howbeit the heare of hys head beganne to growe agayne after that he was shauen. 23 Then the lordes of the Philistines gathered them together, for to offer a solempne offrynge vnto Dagon theyr God, and to reioyse: for they sayde, oure God hath delyuered Samson oure enemy into oure handes. 24 And when the people sawe hym, they praysed theyr God: for they sayde: our God hath delyuered into oure handes oure enemy, and destroyer of oure countreye, whych slue manye of vs. 25 And when theyr hertes were merye, it fortuned, that they sayde: sende for Samson, that he maye make vs laugh. And they fette Samson oute of the preson house, and he played before them, and they set hym betwene the pyllers. 26 And Samson sayd vnto the ladd that leed him by the hand: sett me that I maye touche the pyllers, that the house stande vpon, and that I maye leane to them. 27 And the house was full of men & women. And there were all the lordes of the Philistines. And there were vpon the roufe a thre thousande men and wemen, that behelde whyle Samson played. 28 And Samson called vnto the Lord, and sayde: O Lorde God, thyncke vpon me, and strengthen me, at thys tyme onlye, O God, that I maye be aduenged of the Philistines for my two eyes. 29 And Samson caught the two middel pillers on which the house stode, and on which it was borne vp, the one in hys ryght hande, and the other in hys lefte, 30 and sayde: my soule shall dye with the Philistines, and bowed them with all hys myghte. And the house fell vpon the lordes and vpon all the people that were therin. And so the deed which he slewe at hys deeth, were moo then they whych he slewe in hys lyfe. 31 And then hys brethren and al the house of hys father came downe, & toke him vp, & brought hym, and buryed hym betwene Zarah and Estahol, in the buryinge place of Manoah hys father. And he iudged Israell twentye yeares.

Judges 16:30

30 and sayde: my soule shall dye with the Philistines, and bowed them with all hys myghte. And the house fell vpon the lordes and vpon all the people that were therin. And so the deed which he slewe at hys deeth, were moo then they whych he slewe in hys lyfe.

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