Bible verses about "partying" | Great

Proverbs 23:17

17 Let not thyne herte be gelous to folowe synners, but kepe the styll in the feare of the Lord all the daye longe:

Ecclesiastes 3:4

4 A tyme to wepe, and a tyme to laugh: A tyme to mourne, and a tyme to daunse.

Ephesians 5:1

1 Be ye therfore folowers of God as deare chyldren,

2 Timothy 2:22

22 Lustes of youth auoyde, but folowe ryghtwesnes, fayth, loue and peace, with them that call on the Lorde with a pure herte.

Proverbs 23:21

21 for soch as be dronckardes & ryotous shall come to pouerte, & he that is geuen to moch slepe, shall go wt a ragged coate.

Galatians 5:16

16 I saye: walke in the sprete, and fulfyll not the lust of the flesshe.

Galatians 5:13

13 Brethren, ye were called into libertye: only let not youre libertye be an occasion vnto the flesshe: but by loue serue one another.

1 Timothy 5:23

23 Dryncke no lenger water, but vse a lytell wyne for thy stommakes sake and thyne often dyseases.

1 Peter 4:2

2 that he hence forwarde shulde lyue (as moch tyme as remayneth in the flesshe) not after the lustes of men, but after the wyll of God.

James 4:4

4 Ye aduouterars, and wemen that breke matrimonye: knowe ye not how that the frendshyp of the worlde is enmytie wt God? whosoeuer therfore wilbe a frende of the worlde, is made the enemye of God.

1 Peter 4:3

3 For it is sufficyent for vs, that we haue spent the tyme that is past of the lyfe, after the wyll of the Gentyls, walkynge in wantannes, lustes, in excesse of wynes, in excesse of eatynge, in excesse of drinkynge and in abomynable ydolatrie.

Romans 12:2

2 & fassyon not youre selues lyke vnto this worlde: but be ye chaunged in youre shape, by the renuyng of your mynde, that ye maye proue what thynge that good, and acceptable, and perfaycte wyll of God is.

Romans 13:13-14

13 Let vs walke honestly as it were in the daye lyght: not in eatynge & drynckynge, nether in chamburyng and wantannes, nether in stryfe & enuyinge: 14 but put ye on the Lorde Iesus Chryst. And make not prouisyon for the fleshe, to fulfyll the lustes of it.

Galatians 1:10

10 Do I now perswade men, or God? Other do I seke to please men? For yf I had hythereto studyed to please men, I were not the seruaunt of Christ.

Ephesians 5:15-17

15 Take hede therfore howe ye walke circumspectly: not as vnwyse, but as wyse men. 16 Wynnynge occasyon, because the dayes are euyll. 17 Wherfore, be ye not vnwyse, but vnderstande what the wyll of the Lorde is, 18 and be not droncke with wyne wherin is excesse: but be fylled with the sprete, 19 The dedes of the flesshe are manyfeste, which are these: aduoutery, fornicacion, vnclennes, wantannes, 20 worshypping of ymages, witchcraft, hatred, variaunce, zele, wrathe, stryfe, sedicyons, sectes, 21 enuyinge, murther, dronkennes, glottonye, and soche lyke: of the which I tell you before as I haue told you in tyme past, that they which commyt soch thinges shall not be inheritours of the kyngdome of God.

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