Bible verses about "necromancy" | Great

Deuteronomy 18:11

11 or a sorcerar, or a charmar, or that counceleth wyth spretes, or a sothsayer, or that asketh at them that be deed.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12

10 Let ther not be founde amonge you any one, that maketh hys sonne or daughter to go thorowe the fyre, or that vseth wytchcrafte, or a choser out of dayes or that regardeth the flyenge of foules, 11 or a sorcerar, or a charmar, or that counceleth wyth spretes, or a sothsayer, or that asketh at them that be deed. 12 For all that do soch thynges are abhominacyon vnto the Lorde: and because of these abhominacyons the Lorde thy God doeth cast them out before the.

Deuteronomy 18:9-14

9 When thou arte come into the lande whych the Lorde thy God geueth the, se that thou lerne not to do after the abhominacions of those nacions. 10 Let ther not be founde amonge you any one, that maketh hys sonne or daughter to go thorowe the fyre, or that vseth wytchcrafte, or a choser out of dayes or that regardeth the flyenge of foules, 11 or a sorcerar, or a charmar, or that counceleth wyth spretes, or a sothsayer, or that asketh at them that be deed. 12 For all that do soch thynges are abhominacyon vnto the Lorde: and because of these abhominacyons the Lorde thy God doeth cast them out before the. 13 Thou shalt be perfecte therfore in the syght of the Lorde thy God. 14 For these nacyons whych thou shalt conquere, herken vnto chosers oute of dayes, and vnto sorcerers: But the Lord thy God hath not suffred the so to do.

Isaiah 19:3

3 The mynde also of Egipte shalbe cleane without councell within it selfe, & the deuyce that they take, wyll I destroye, so that they shall seke councell at ydols & at sorcerers, at workers with spretes & at sothsayers.

John 16:13

13 Howbeit when he is come (which is the sprete of treuth) he will leade you into all treuthe. He shall not speake of hym selfe: but whatsoeuer he shall heare, that shall he speake, and he will shewe you thinges to come.

1 Timothy 4:1

1 The sprete speaketh euydently, that in the later tymes some shall departe from the fayth, and shall geue hede vnto spretes of erroure, and deuelysshe doctrines of them

2 Corinthians 11:14

14 And no maruayle: for Satan him selfe is chaunged into the fassyon of an angell of light.

Romans 12:2

2 & fassyon not youre selues lyke vnto this worlde: but be ye chaunged in youre shape, by the renuyng of your mynde, that ye maye proue what thynge that good, and acceptable, and perfaycte wyll of God is.

1 Corinthians 2:14

14 The naturall man perceaueth not the thinges that belonge to the sprete of God. For they are but folyshnes vnto him. Nether can he perceaue them, because they are spretually examined.

2 John 1:9-11

9 Whosoeuer transgresseth & bydeth not in the doctryne of Christ, hath not God. He that endureth in the doctrine of Christ, hath both the father & the sonne. 10 If ther come eny vnto you, & bringe not this learninge, him receaue not to house: nether byd him God spede. 11 For he that byddeth him God spede, is partaker of hys euyl dedes.

Revelation 22:15

15 For wythout shalbe dogges and inchaunters, and whormongers, and mortherers, and ydolaters, & whosoeuer loueth or maketh leasynges.

Leviticus 20:27

27 If there be a man or woman that worketh wyth a spryte, or that is a sothsayer, let them dye. Men shall stone them wyth stones, their bloude be vpon them.

Deuteronomy 18:10

10 Let ther not be founde amonge you any one, that maketh hys sonne or daughter to go thorowe the fyre, or that vseth wytchcrafte, or a choser out of dayes or that regardeth the flyenge of foules,

1 Samuel 28:7-19

7 Then sayd Saul vnto his seruauntes seke me a woman that hath a sprete of prophesye, that I maye go to her & aske of her. And hys seruauntes sayde to him: Beholde, there is a woman that hath a sprete of prophesye at Endor. 8 And Saul chaunged him self, and put on other rayment, & then went he & two men with hym, and they came to the woman by nyght. And he sayde: prophesye vnto me by the sprete, & bring me him vp whom I shall name vnto the. 9 And the woman sayde vnto hym: Beholde thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath destroyed the wemen that had prophesying spretes, & the Sorcerars out of the lande. Wherfore then sekest thou an occasion agaynst my soule, that he maye kyll me? 10 And Saul sware to her by the Lorde saying: As suerly as the Lorde lyueth, there shall no harme chaunce the for this thyng. 11 Then sayd the woman: whom shall I fetche vp vnto the? He answered: Bring me vp Samuel. 12 When the woman saw Samuel, she cryed wt a lowde voyce, and spake to Saul saying: why hast thou disceaued me? for thou art Saul. 13 And the kyng sayde vnto her, be not afrayde: What seest thou? The woman sayd vnto Saul. I se goddes ascending vp out of the erth. 14 He sayde vnto her agayne: what fassion is he of? She answered: there cometh vp an olde man wt a mantell vpon hym. And Saul perceaued that it was Samuel & he stouped wt his face to the grounde, & bowed hym selfe. 15 And Samuel sayd to Saul: why hast thou vnquieted me, to make me be brought vp? Saul answered: I am sore encombred. For the Philystynes make warre agaynst me, & God is departed from me and answereth me no more, nether by prophetes, nether by dreames. And therfore I haue called the, that thou mayest tell me, what I shall do. 16 Then sayd Samuel: wherfore doest thou aske of me, whyle the Lorde is gone from the, & is become thyne enemye? 17 Truly the Lord hath done for hym selfe, euen as he spake by my hand. For the Lorde hath rent the kingdome out of thyne hande, & geuen it thy neyboure Dauid. 18 Because thou obeyedst not the voyce of the Lord, nor executedst hys fearce wrath vpon the Amaleckites, therfore hath the Lord done this vnto the this daye. 19 And moreouer, the Lorde wyll delyuer Israel wt the, into the handes of the Philistines. To morowe shalt thou and thy sonnes be with me, and the Lorde shall geue the hoste of Israel into the handes of the Philistines.

1 Chronicles 10:13

13 So Saul dyed for hys trespace that he trespaced agaynst the Lorde, in that he kept not the worde of the Lorde, and in that he sought and asked councell of a woman that wrought with a sprete,

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearfull and vnbeleuynge, and the abhominable, and murdrers, & whormongers, and sorcerers, and ydolaters, and all lyars shall haue theyr parte in the lake which burnyth with fyre and brymstone, which is the seconde death.

Leviticus 20:6

6 If a soule turne hym selfe after such as worke wyth spretes, and after sothsayers, to goo a whorynge after them, I wyll put my face agaynst that soule, & wyll destroye hym from amonge hys people.

2 Kings 21:6

6 And he offered hys sonnes in fyre, and gaue hede vnto witchcraft and sorcery, and mayntened workers with spretes, and tellers of fortunes: and brought moche wyckednesse in the syght of the Lorde to angre hym.

Isaiah 8:19

19 And yf they saye vnto you: aske councell at the sothesayers, witches, charmers and coniurers, then make them thys answere. Is there a people eny where, that asketh not councell at his God? Shulde men renne vnto the dead for the lyuynge?

1 John 4:1

1 Dearly beloued beleue not euery sprete: but proue the spretes, whether they are of god or not, for many false prophetes are gone out into the worlde.

Leviticus 19:31

31 Ye shall not regarde them that worke with sprytes, nether seke after sothsayers to be defyled by them, I am the Lorde youre God.

Deuteronomy 18:9-12

9 When thou arte come into the lande whych the Lorde thy God geueth the, se that thou lerne not to do after the abhominacions of those nacions. 10 Let ther not be founde amonge you any one, that maketh hys sonne or daughter to go thorowe the fyre, or that vseth wytchcrafte, or a choser out of dayes or that regardeth the flyenge of foules, 11 or a sorcerar, or a charmar, or that counceleth wyth spretes, or a sothsayer, or that asketh at them that be deed. 12 For all that do soch thynges are abhominacyon vnto the Lorde: and because of these abhominacyons the Lorde thy God doeth cast them out before the.

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