Bible verses about "loneliness" | Great

Psalms 38:9

9 Lorde, thou knowest all my desyre, and my gronynge is not hyd from the.

John 14:18

18 I wyll not leaue you comforteles: but will come to you:

Philippians 4:6-7

6 Be carefull for nothynge: but in all prayer and supplicacyon let youre peticyons be manifeste vnto God with geuynge of thankes. 7 And the peace of God (which passeth all vnderstandynge) kepe youre hertes and myndes thorowe Christ Iesu.

Romans 8:35-39

35 Who shall seperate vs from the loue of God? shall tribulacyon? or angusshe? or persecucyon? other honger? ether nakednesse? ether parell? ether swearde? 36 As it is written: for thy sake are we kylled all daye longe, and are counted as shepe apoynted to be slayne. 37 Neuerthelesse, in all these thynges we ouercome thorowe hym that loued vs. 38 For I am sure, that nether deeth, nether lyfe, nether Angels, nor rule, nether power, nether thynges present, nether thynges to come, 39 nether heygth, nether loweth, nether eny other creature shal be able to departe vs from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesu oure Lorde.

Hebrews 13:1-25

1 Let brotherly loue continu 2 Be not forgetfull to lodge straungers, For therby haue dyuers men lodged angels vnwares. 3 Remember them that are in bondes, euen as though ye were bounde wt them your selues. Be myndfull of them which are in aduersyte, as ye which are yet in the bodye. 4 Wedlocke is to be had in honoure among all men, and the bed vndefyled. As for whore kepers & aduoutrers God shall iudge them. 5 Let your conuersacyon be without coueteousnes and be content with soch thynges as ye haue all ready. For he hath sayd: I will not fayle the, nether forsake the: 6 so that we maye boldly saye: the Lorde is my helper, and I will not feare what man maye do vnto me. 7 Remember them whych haue the ouersyght of you, whych haue spoken vnto you the worde of God. Whose fayth se that ye folowe, and consider the ende of theyr conuersacyon. 8 Iesus Christ yesterdaye and to daye, and the same continueth for euer. 9 Be not caryed aboute with diuers and straunge learnyng. For it is a good thynge that the herte be stablysshed with grace, and not wt meates, which haue not proffeted them that haue had theyr pastyme in them. 10 We haue an aulter, wherof they maye not eate, which serue in the tabernacle. 11 For the bodyes of those beastes whose bloud is brought into the holy place by the hye prest to purge synne, are burnt with out the tentes. 12 Therfore Iesus also to sanctifye the people with hys awne bloud, suffered without the gate. 13 Let vs goo forth therfore vnto hym, out of the tentes, and suffer rebuke with hym. 14 For here haue we no continuynge cytie: but we seke one to come. 15 By him therfore do we offer sacrifyce of lande alwayes to God: that is to saye, the frute of those lippes, which cofesse his name. 16 To do good & to distribute, forget not, for wt such sacrifyces God is pleased. 17 Obeye them that haue the ouer syght of you, & submyt your selues vnto them, for they watch for your soules, euen as they that must geue acomptes: that they maye do it with ioye, & not with grefe. For that is an vnproffitable thyng for you. 18 Praye for vs. For we trust we haue a good conscience among all men, and desyre to lyue honestly, 19 But I desyre you the more, that ye so do, that I maye be restored to you the sooner. 20 The God of peace that brought agayne from deeth our Lorde Iesus the gret shepperde of the shepe, thorow the bloud of the euerlastyng testament, 21 make you parfect in all good workes, to do hys wyll, and bryng to passe, that the thyng which ye do, maye be pleasaunt in his syght thorowe Iesus Christ. To whom be prayse for euer whyle the world endureth. Amen. 22 I beseche you brethren, suffre the worde of exhortation: for we haue wrytten vnto you in feawe wordes. 23 Ye knowe our brother Timothe, that he is at libertye: with whom (yf he come shortly) I wyll se you. 24 Salute them that haue the ouersyght of you, and all the saynctes. They of Italy salute you. 25 Grace be with you all. Amen.

2 Timothy 4:16-18

16 At my fyrst answerynge, no man assisted me, but all forsoke me. I praye God, that it maye not be layde to their charges: 17 Not wythstandynge the Lorde, assysted me, and strengthed me, that by me the preachynge shulde be fulfylled to the vtmost, and that all the Gentyls shulde heare. And I was delyuered out of the mouth of the lyon. 18 And the Lorde shall delyuer me from all euyll doynge, and shall kepe me vnto hys heuenly kyngdom. To whom be prayse for euer and euer. Amen.

Psalms 27:10

10 Thou hast bene my succoure, leaue me not, nether forsake me, O God of my saluacyon.

Matthew 28:20

20 Teachinge them to obserue all thinges, whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo I am wyth you allwaye, euen vntyll the ende of the worlde.

Hebrews 13:5

5 Let your conuersacyon be without coueteousnes and be content with soch thynges as ye haue all ready. For he hath sayd: I will not fayle the, nether forsake the:

Genesis 2:18

18 And agayne, the Lord God sayd: It is not good that Adam shulde be alone I will make him an helpe, which maye be present wt him.

Deuteronomy 31:6

6 Plucke vp youre hartes therfore, and be stronge, dreade not, nor be aferde of them: for the Lord thy God him selfe doth go wyth the. He shall not fayle the, nor forsake the.

Joshua 1:5

5 There shall not a man be able to withstande that all the dayes of thy lyfe. For as I was with Moses, so will I be with the and will not fayll the, nor forsake the.

Psalms 23:4

4 Yee though I walke thorowe the valleye of the shadow of death, I wyll feare no euell, for thou art wt me thy rodde & thy staffe comforte me.

1 Peter 5:7

7 Cast all your care vpon him: for he careth for you.

Isaiah 41:10

10 be not afrayed, for I am wt the. Melt not away as waxe, for I am thy God, to strength the, helpe the, & to kepe the wt this ryght hande of myne.

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