Bible verses about "lies" | Great

Proverbs 6:32-33

32 But whoso committeth aduoutry with a woman, he is a foole and bryngeth his lyfe to destruction. 33 He getteth hym selfe also shame and dishonour, soche as shall neuer be put out.

Matthew 5:11

11 Blessed are ye, when men reuyle you, and persecute you, and shall falesy say all maner of euyll sayinge against you, for my sake.

Romans 1:26-2:1

26 Wherfore, God gaue them vp vnto shamefull lustes: For euen their wemen dyd chaunge the naturall vse in to that whych is agaynst nature. 27 And lyke wyse also the men, lefte the natural vse of the woman, and brent in their lustes one wyth another, men wyth men wrought fylthynes, and receaued to them selues the rewarde of theyr erroure, as it was accordynge. 28 And as they regarded not to knowe God euen so God delyuered them vp vnto a lewde mynde, that they shulde do those thynges whych were not comly, 29 beyng full of all vnryghteousnesse, fornicacyon, wyckednes, coueteousnes, malicyousnes, full of enuye morther, debate, disceyte, euyll condicyoned, whysperers, 30 backbyters, haters of God, dysdaynfull, proude, boasters, bringers vp of euyll thynges, disobedyent to father and mother, 31 wythout vnderstandynge, couenaunte breakers, vnlouynge, trucebreakers, vnmercyfull. 32 Which men, though they knew the ryghtewesnes of God, how that they which commyt soche thynges, are worthy of deeth, not only do the same but also haue pleasure in them that do them.

Romans 2:1-1

1 Therfore art thou inexcusable. O man, whosoeuer thou be that iudgest For in that same wherin thou iudgest another thou condemnest thy selfe. For thou that iudgest, doest euen the same selfe thynges.

Genesis 3:4-5

4 And the serpent sayde vnto the woman: ye shall not dye the death: 5 but God doth knowe, that the same daye that ye eat therof, your eyes shalbe opened, & ye shalbe euen as goddes, knowing good and euyll.

1 Timothy 1:10

10 to whormongers: to them that defyle them selues whyth mankynde: to manstealers: to lyars, to periured, and yf ther be eny other thynge that is contrary to the holsome doctryne,

2 Peter 3:9

9 The Lord that hath promised, is not slacke, as some men count slacknes: but is pacyent to vs warde: for asmoch as he wolde haue no man lost, but wyll receaue all men to repentaunce.

Romans 1:29

29 beyng full of all vnryghteousnesse, fornicacyon, wyckednes, coueteousnes, malicyousnes, full of enuye morther, debate, disceyte, euyll condicyoned, whysperers,

Psalms 101:7

7 There shall no disceatfull personne dwell in my house: he that telleth lyes, shall not tary in my syght.

Romans 1:30

30 backbyters, haters of God, dysdaynfull, proude, boasters, bringers vp of euyll thynges, disobedyent to father and mother,

1 John 2:4

4 He that sayth I knowe hym, and kepeth not hys commaundementes is a lyar, and the veritye is not in hym.

2 Corinthians 5:17

17 Therfore yf eny man be in Christ, he is a newe creature Olde thynges are passed awaye, beholde, all thinges are become new.

1 Corinthians 10:13

13 Ther hath none other temptacyon taken you, but soche as foloweth the nature of man. But God is faythfull whych shall not suffer you to be tempted aboue youre strength: but shall in the myddes of the temptacyon make awaye, that ye maye be able to beare it.

Colossians 3:9-10

9 Lye not one to another, seing that ye haue put of the olde man with hys workes, 10 and haue put on the newe man which is renued into the knowledge & ymage of him that made hym,

Proverbs 12:22

22 The Lorde abhorreth lyinge lyppes, but they that laboure for trueth please hym.

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