Bible verses about "judging" | Great

1 Corinthians 6:1-20

1 Darre one of you hauynge busynes wyth another, go to lawe vnder the wycked, & not rather vnder the saynctes? 2 Do ye not knowe, that the saynctes shall iudge the worlde? If the worlde shalbe iudged by you: are ye not good inough to iudge small trifles? 3 knowe ye not, howe that we shall iudge the angels? Howe moche more, maye we iudge thinges that pertayne to the lyfe? 4 If ye haue iudgementes of worldely matters, take then whych are despysed in the congregacyon, and make them iudges. 5 This I saye to youre shame. Is ther vtterly no wyse man amonge you? What not one at all, that can iudge betwene brother and brother, 6 but one brother goeth to lawe wt another: and that vnder the vnbeleuers? 7 Nowe therfore, there is vtterly a faute amonge you, because ye go to lawe one wyth another. Why rather suffer ye not wronge? why rather suffre ye not your selues to haue harme? 8 naye, ye youre selues do wronge, and robbe: & that the brethren. 9 Do ye not knowe, how that the vnryghteous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceaued. For nether fornicatours, nether worshyppers of ymages, nether aduoutrers, nether weaklynges, nether abusers of them selues wyth mankynde, 10 nether theues, nether couetouse, nether dronkardes, nether cursed speakers, nether pyllers, shall inheret the kyngdome of God. 11 And soch were some of you, but ye are wasshed: but ye are sanctifyed: but ye are iustifyed by the name of the Lorde Iesus, & by the sprete of oure God. 12 I maye do all thynges, but all thynges are not profytable. I maye do all thynges: but I will be brought vnder no mans power. 13 Meates are ordeyned for the belly, & the belly for meates: but God shall destroye both it and them. Let not the body be applyed vnto fornicacyon, but vnto the Lorde, and the Lorde vnto the body. 14 God hath raysed vp the Lorde, and shall rayse vs vp by hys power. 15 Ether knowe ye not, that youre bodyes are the membres of Christ? shall I nowe take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbyd. 16 Do ye not knowe, that he whych coupleth hym selfe wt an harlot, is become one body. For two (sayth he) shalbe one flesshe. 17 But he that is ioyned vnto the Lorde is one sprete. 18 Fle fornicacion. Euery synne that a man doth, is without the body. But he that is a fornicator, synneth against his awne body. 19 Ether knowe ye not, how that youre bodyes are the temple of the holy ghost, which dwelleth in you, whom ye haue of God, and how that ye are not youre awne? 20 For ye are dearly bought. Therfore glorifye God in youre bodyes, and in youre spretes, which are Goddes.

James 1:26

26 If eny man among you seme to be deuoute &, refrayneth not hys tong, but deceaueth hys awne hert, thys mannes deuocyon is in vayne.

Matthew 7:5

5 Thou ypocryte, fyrst cast oute the beame out of thyne awne eye, and then shalt thou se clearly to plucke out the mote oute of thy brothers eye.

1 Corinthians 5:12

12 For what haue I to do, to iudge them which are without. Do ye not iudge them that are within?

Matthew 7:1

1 Iudge not, that ye be not iudged.

James 4:11-12

11 Backbyte not one another, brethren. He that backbyteth his brother, & he that iudgeth hys brother, backbyteth the lawe, and iudgeth the lawe. But & yf thou iudge the lawe, thou art not an obseruer of the lawe: but a iudge. 12 Ther is one lawe geuer which is able to saue and to destroye. What art thou that iudgest another?

Romans 2:3

3 Thynkest thou thys, O thou man that iudgest them whych do soche thynges, and doest euen the very same thy selfe, that thou shalt escape the iudgement of God?

Matthew 7:1-5

1 Iudge not, that ye be not iudged. 2 For as ye iudge, so shall ye be iudged. And with what measure ye meate, with the same shall other men measure to you. 3 Why seest thou a mote in thy brothers eye, but consydrest not the beame that is in thyne awne eye? 4 Or how sayest thou to thy brother suffre me, I wyll plucke oute a moate out of thyne eye, and beholde, a beame is in thyne awne eye. 5 Thou ypocryte, fyrst cast oute the beame out of thyne awne eye, and then shalt thou se clearly to plucke out the mote oute of thy brothers eye.

Luke 6:37

37 Iudge not, and ye shall not be iudged: Condempne not, and ye shall not be condempned. Forgeue, and ye shalbe forgeuen.

John 7:24

24 Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce, but iudge with a ryghtewes iudgement.

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