Bible verses about "gideon" | Great

Judges 8:23

23 And Gedeon sayd vnto them: I wyll not raygne ouer you, nether shall my childe raygne ouer you, but the Lord shall raygne ouer you.

Judges 6:1-40

1 And the chyldren of Israell committed wyckednes in the sight of the Lord. And the Lord delyuered them into the handes of Madian seuen yeres. 2 And the hande of Madian preuayled agaynst Israel, & because of the Madianites, the chyldren of Israel made them dennes in the mountaynes & caues and stronge holdes. 3 And when Israel had sowen, the Madianites, the Amalechites & they of the east contreye came vp together against them: & pytched their tentes against them, 4 & destroyed the encrease of the erthe, euen till thou come vnto Azah: & lefte no sustistinaunce for Israell, nether shepe, oxe or asse: 5 for they went vp, they and their cattell, & came wt their tentes as a multitude of greshopers: so that bothe they & also their camels were wt out nombre. And they entred into the lande to destroye it. 6 And so was Israel excedingly impouereshed in the sight of the Madianites, & cryed vnto the Lord. 7 And when the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lord because of the Madianites, 8 the Lord sent vnto them a prophet, which sayd vnto them: Thus sayth the lord god of Israel: I fette you from Egypt & brought you oute of the house of bondage, 9 & I rydd you out of the hande of the Egypcians, & out of the hand of all that oppressed you & cast them out before you, & gaue you their land. 10 And I sayd vnto you: I am the Lorde youre God, feare not the goddes of the Amorytes in whose lande you dwell. But you haue not obeyed my voyce. 11 And the Angell of the Lorde came, & sate vnder an Oke which was in Ephrah, that pertayned vnto Ioas the father of the Eserites. And his sonne Gedeon pressed out whete out of the eares in a presse, to hyde it from the Madianites: 12 & the angell of the Lord apeared vnto hym, & sayde: the Lord is wyth the, thou mightie man of warre. 13 And Gedeon answered him: Oh my Lord, yf the Lord be wyth vs, why is all this come vpon vs? ye & where be all hys myracles which oure fathers tolde vs of, and sayde? Did not the lord bring vs out of Egypte? But now the Lorde hath forsaken vs, & delyuered vs into the handes of the Madianites. 14 And the Lord loked vpon him, & sayd: Go hence in this thy might, and thou shalt delyuer Israel out of the handes of the Madianites: Haue not I sent the? 15 And he answered him: Oh lord, wherwith shall I saue Israel? Beholde, my kinred is poore in Manasses, and I am lytle in my fathers house. 16 The Lord sayde vnto him: I will be with the: and thou shalt smyte the Madianites, as they were but one man. 17 And he answered him: Oh: yf I haue founde grace in thy syght, then shewe me a sygne, that it is thou that talkest wt me. 18 Departe not hence, vntill I come agayne vnto the, and till I bring myne offryng, & haue sett it before the. And he sayde: I wyll tarye vntyll thou come agayne. 19 And Gedeon went in, & made redye a kydd, and swete kakes of an Epha of flowre, & put it wt the fleshe in a basket, & put the broth in a potte, & brought it out vnto hym vnder the Oke, & presented it. 20 And the angell of God sayd vnto him: take the flesh & the swete kakes, & laye them vpon this rocke, & powre out the broth. And he dyd so. 21 Then the angell of the Lord put forth the ende of the staffe that he helde in his hande, & touched the fleshe and the swete kakes. And there arose vp fyre out of the rocke, & consumed the flesh & the swete kakes. But the angell of the Lord vanished out of his syght. 22 And when Gedeon perceaued that it was an angell of the Lord, he sayd: Alas, O Lord God, haue I therfore sene an angell of the lord face to face, that I shulde dye? 23 And the Lord sayde vnto him: peace be vnto the, feare not, thou shalt not dye. 24 Then Gedeon made an aultare there vnto the Lord, & called it: The Lorde of peace. And vnto thys daye it is yet in Ephrath, that pertayneth vnto the father of the Eserites. 25 And it fortuned that the same nyght the Lord sayde vnto him: take a yong bullock out of thy fathers droue, & another of .vii. yeres olde, & destroye the aultare of Baal that thy father hath, & cutte downe the groue that is by it, 26 & make an aultare vnto the Lord thy God vpon the toppe of this rocke in a conuenient place. And take the seconde bullock, & offer burnt sacrifice vpon the wodd of the groue, which thou shalt cut downe. 27 Then Gedeon toke ten men of his seruauntes, & dyd as the Lord bad him. But because he durst not do it by daye for feare of his fathers houshold & of the men of the cytie, he dyd it by nyght. 28 And when the men of the cytie were vp erlye in the morning: Beholde, the aultare of Baal was broken, & the groue cut downe that was by it, & the seconde bullock offered vpon the aulter that was made. 29 And they sayde one to another: who hath done this thing & whan they enquered & asked, they sayde: Gedeon the sonne of Ioas hath done this thing. 30 Then the men of the cytie sayde vnto Ioas: bringe out thy sonne, that he maye dye? because he hath destroyed the aulter of Baal, & cut downe the groue that was by it. 31 And Ioas sayde vnto all that stode by him: will ye leade Baals cause? or will ye be his defenders? he that hath medled agaynst him, let him dye or the mornynge. If he be a God, let him be auenged of him, that cast downe hys aulter. 32 And from that daye was Gedeon called: Ierobaal, because his father had sayde: Let Baal be auenged of hym, that hath broken downe his aulter. 33 All the Madianites therfore, & the Amalekites & they of the east, were geathered togeather, & went, & pitched in the valeye of Iesrael: 34 but the sprete of the Lord came vpon Gedeon. And he blewe a trompette, & called Abiezer to folow him, 35 & sent messengers thorow out all Manasses, & called them, which also dyd folowe him. And he sent messengers vnto Aser, Zabulon and Nephthalim, and they came to mete hym. 36 And Gedeon sayd vnto God: wilt thou saue Israel in my hande, as thou hast sayde: 37 Beholde, I wyll put a flece of wolle in the threasshyng place. And yf the dewe come on the flece onlye, & it be drye vpon all the erth besyde, then shall I be sure, that thou wilt saue Israel by my hande, as thou saydest. 38 And it came so to passe. For he rose vp erlye on the morowe, and thrust the flece togeather, and wronge the dewe therout, & fylled a bowle of water: 39 & Gedeon sayd agayne vnto God: be not angrye wt me, that I speake once moare. For I wyll proue once agayne by the flece. Let it be drye onlye vpon the flece, and dewe vpon all the grounde. 40 And God did so that same nyght: For it was drye vpon the flece onely, & there was dew on all the grounde.

Judges 7:1-25

1 Then Ierobaall (otherwyse called Gedeon) and all the people that were wyth hym, rose vp early, and pytched besyde the well of Harad, so that the hoste of the Madianites were on the northsyde of the rock that boweth towarde the valley. 2 And the Lorde sayde vnto Gedeon: the people that are with the, are to many for me to geue the Madianites into their handes, lest Israel make their vaunte agaynst me and saye: myne awne hande hathe saued me. 3 Now therfore make a proclamacyon in the eares of the people, & saye: yf any man dreade or be aferde, let him returne. And the people arose erlye. And there departed & returned of the people which weare at mount Gilead .xxii. thousand, and there abode ten thousande. 4 And the Lord sayde vnto Gedeon: the people are yet to many, bryng them downe vnto the water, and I wyll trye them vnto the there. And of whom I saye vnto the, thys shall go with the, the same shall go with the. And of whomsoeuer I saye vnto the, this shall not go wyth the, the same shall not go. 5 So he brought downe the people vnto the water, and the Lord sayde vnto Gedeon: as many as lappe the water wyth theyr tonges, as a dogge doth, them put by them selues, & so do them that knele downe vpon their knees to drincke. 6 And the nombre of them that put there handes to their mouthes and lapped, were .iii. hundred men. But all the remnaunt of the people kneled downe vpon their knees to dryncke water. 7 And the Lorde sayde vnto Gedeon: By these thre hundred men that lapped water, wyll I saue you: and delyuer the Madianites into thyne hande. And let all the other people go euery man vnto his place. 8 They therfore of the people toke vitailes with them, & their trompettes. And he sent all the rest of Israel, euery man vnto his tent, and conforted those thre hundred with him. And the host of Madian was benethe hym in a valeye. 9 And it fortuned that the same nyght the Lorde sayd vnto him: Aryse, get the downe vnto the hoste, for I haue delyuered it into thyne hande. 10 But & yf thou feare to go downe, then go thou & Pharah thy ladde downe to the hoost, 11 & thou shalt herken what they saye, & so shall thyne handes be strong, to go downe vnto the hoste. Then went he downe and Pharah hys ladde, euen harde vnto the men of armes that were in the hoste. 12 And the Madianites, the Amalekites, and all they of the East, lay a longe in the valeye, lyke a multitude of greshopers, and their camelles were without nombre, euen as the sande by the see syde in multitude. 13 And when Gedeon was come: Beholde, there was a man that tolde a dreame vnto his neyhgboure, & sayde: Behold, I dreamed a dreame, and me thought that a loffe of barley bread, tombled into the hoste of Madian, and came vnto a tente, and smote it that it felle, & ouerturned it, that the tente laye a longe. 14 And his felowe answerd and sayde: this is nothing elles saue the swerde of Gedeon the sonne of Ioas a man of Israell: for into his hande hath God delyuered Madian, and all the hoste. 15 When Gedeon hearde the tellynge of the dreame, and the interpretacion of the same, he worshypped, and returned vnto the hoste of Israel: and sayde: vp, for the Lorde hathe delyuered into youre hande the hoste of Madian. 16 And he deuyded the thre hundred men into thre companies, & gaue euery man a trompet in his hande, wyth an emptye pytcher, and lampes theri, 17 and sayde vnto them: loke on me, and do lykewyse: that when I come to the syde of the hoste, euen as I do, so do you: 18 When I blowe wyth a trompet and all that are wyth me, blowe ye with trompettes also on euery syde of the hoste, & saye: here is the swerde of the Lorde and of Gedeon. 19 And so Gedeon & the thre hundred men that were with him, came vnto the syde of the host in the begynning of the myddell watche, & reysed vp the watche men. And they blewe with their trompettes, & brake the pytchers that were in theyr handes. 20 And all the thre companyes blewe wt trompettes & brake the pytchers, & helde the lampes in their lefte handes, and the trompettes in their ryght, to blowe wythall. And they cried: the swerde of the Lord and of Gedeon. 21 And they stode still, euery man in his place rounde about the hoste. And they wythin the hoste, ranne, & cryed & fled. 22 And the thre hundreth blewe wyth trompettes, & the Lorde sett euery mannes swerde vpon hys neyghboure, thorow out all the hoste. And the hoste fled to Bethsitah, to Zererath, & to the edge of the playne of Meholah vnto Tabath. 23 And the men of Israel beynge geathered together out of the trybe of Nephthalim, of Aser, & of all Manasses folowed after the Madianites. 24 And Gedeon sent messengers vnto all mount Ephraim, saying: come downe against the Madianites, & take before them the waters vnto Bethbarath & to Iordan. Then all the men of Ephraim geathered together, & toke the waters vnto Bethbarath, & to Iordan. 25 And they toke two captaynes of the Madianites, Oreb and Zeb, and slew Oreb vpon the rocke Oreb, and Zeb at the presse Zeb, & folowed after Madian. And brought the heades of Oreb and Zeb, to Gedeon on the other syde Iordan.

Judges 6:11

11 And the Angell of the Lorde came, & sate vnder an Oke which was in Ephrah, that pertayned vnto Ioas the father of the Eserites. And his sonne Gedeon pressed out whete out of the eares in a presse, to hyde it from the Madianites: 12 & the angell of the Lord apeared vnto hym, & sayde: the Lord is wyth the, thou mightie man of warre.

Judges 7:2

2 And the Lorde sayde vnto Gedeon: the people that are with the, are to many for me to geue the Madianites into their handes, lest Israel make their vaunte agaynst me and saye: myne awne hande hathe saued me.

Judges 6:13

13 And Gedeon answered him: Oh my Lord, yf the Lord be wyth vs, why is all this come vpon vs? ye & where be all hys myracles which oure fathers tolde vs of, and sayde? Did not the lord bring vs out of Egypte? But now the Lorde hath forsaken vs, & delyuered vs into the handes of the Madianites.

Hebrews 11:32

32 And what shall I more saye: for the tyme wyll be to short for me to tell of Gedon, of Barach, & of Sampson, & of Iephthae, of Dauid also & Samuel, & of the Prophetes:

Judges 6:15

15 And he answered him: Oh lord, wherwith shall I saue Israel? Beholde, my kinred is poore in Manasses, and I am lytle in my fathers house.

Judges 6:36-40

36 And Gedeon sayd vnto God: wilt thou saue Israel in my hande, as thou hast sayde: 37 Beholde, I wyll put a flece of wolle in the threasshyng place. And yf the dewe come on the flece onlye, & it be drye vpon all the erth besyde, then shall I be sure, that thou wilt saue Israel by my hande, as thou saydest. 38 And it came so to passe. For he rose vp erlye on the morowe, and thrust the flece togeather, and wronge the dewe therout, & fylled a bowle of water: 39 & Gedeon sayd agayne vnto God: be not angrye wt me, that I speake once moare. For I wyll proue once agayne by the flece. Let it be drye onlye vpon the flece, and dewe vpon all the grounde. 40 And God did so that same nyght: For it was drye vpon the flece onely, & there was dew on all the grounde.

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