Bible verses about "favor" | Great

Genesis 18:3

3 and sayde: Lorde (I beseche the) yf I haue founde fauoure in thy syght: goo not (I praye the) from thy seruaunte.

Genesis 39:4

4 And Ioseph founde grace in hys masters syghte, and serued him. And made hym rular of hys house, and put all that he had in his hande.

Esther 2:15-18

15 Now when the tyme came of Esther the daughter of Abihan the vncle of Mardocheus (whych had receaued her as hys awne daughter) that she shuld come into the kyng, she desyred nothyng, but what Hagei the kynges chamberlayne the keper of the wemen, sayde. And Esther found fauoure in the syght of all them that loked vpon her. 16 And Esther was taken vnto kyng Ahasuerus into his house royall, in the tenth moneth which is the moneth Tebeth, in the seuenth yeare of his raygne. 17 And the kyng loued Esther aboue all the wemen, & she found grace and fauoure in hys syght before all the virgins: so that he set the crowne of the kyngdome vpon hir head, and made her quene in steade of Uasthi. 18 And the kyng made a great feast vnto all his princes and seruauntes (which feast was because of Esther) & caused the landes to be in quyernes, & gaue giftes, as became the royaltye of a king.

Psalms 102:13

13 Thou shalt aryse, & haue mercy vpon Sion, for it is tyme that thou haue mercy vpon her, yee the tyme is come.

Proverbs 18:22

22 Who so fyndeth a wyfe fyndeth a good thynge, and receaueth an wholsome benefyte of the Lorde.

Proverbs 3:3-4

3 Let mercy and faythfulnes neuer go from the: bynde them about thy necke, and wryte them in the tables of thyne herte. 4 So shalt thou fynde fauour & good vnderstanding, in the syght of God and men.

Isaiah 58:11

11 The lord shall euer be thy guyd, & satisfie the desyre of thyne herte in the tyme of drougthe, & fyll thy bones wt mary. Thou shalt be lyke a fresh waterd garden & lyke the fountayne of water, that neuer leaueth runnynge.

Matthew 6:31-33

31 Therfore, take no thought, saying: what shall we eate, or what shall we dryncke, or wherwith shall we be clothed? 32 after all these thynges do the gentyls seke. For youre heuenly father knoweth, that ye haue nede of all these thynges. 33 But rather seke ye fyrst the kyngdome of God, and the ryghteousnesse therof, and al these thinges shalbe ministred vnto you.

Luke 2:52

52 And Iesus prospered in wysdome & age, and in fauoure, with God & men.

Ephesians 2:8-9

8 For by grace are ye made safe thorow fayth, and that not of youre selues. It is the gyfte of God, 9 and commeth not of workes, lest eny man shulde boast him selfe

Genesis 6:8

8 But Noah founde grace in the eyes of the Lorde:

Psalms 30:5

5 For hys wrath endureth but the twinclinge of an eye, and in hys pleasure is lyfe: heuynesse maye endure for a nyght, but ioye commeth in the mornynge.

Proverbs 3:1-4

1 My sonne, forget not thou my lawe, but se that thyne hert kepe my commaundementes. 2 For they shall prolonge the dayes & yeres of thy lyfe, and bringe the peace. 3 Let mercy and faythfulnes neuer go from the: bynde them about thy necke, and wryte them in the tables of thyne herte. 4 So shalt thou fynde fauour & good vnderstanding, in the syght of God and men.

Ephesians 1:11

11 euen by hym by whom we are made heyres, and were therto predestinate accordynge to the purpose of hym by whose power all thynges are wrought accordinge to the purpose of hys awne wyll:

Psalms 84:11

11 I had rather be a dore keper in the house of my God, then to dwell in the tentes of vngodlynesse.

Psalms 90:17

17 And the glorious maiesty of the Lorde oure God be vpon vs: prospere thou the worke of oure handes vpon vs, O prospere thou oure handy worke.

Psalms 5:12

12 For thou Lorde wylt geue thy blessynge vnto the ryghteous: and with thy fauorable kyndnesse wylt thou defende hym, as with a shylde.

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