Bible verses about "easter" | Great

Isaiah 1:1-31

1 The vision of Esay the sonne of Amos which he sawe vpon Iuda and Ierusalem: in the dayes of Uzia and Ioatham, Ahaz & Iehezikiah kynges of Iuda. 2 Heare, O heauen, & Herken O earth: For the Lorde hath spoken: I haue norished and promoted children, but they haue done wyckedly against me. 3 The oxe hath knowne his owner & the asse his masters cribb: but Israel hath receaued no knowledge, my people hath no vnderstandyng. 4 Alas for thys synfull nacion, a people of great iniquitie: a seed of vngracious people corruptinge ther wayes. They haue forsaken the Lorde, they haue prouoked the holy one of Israel vnto anger, and are gone backward. 5 Wherby shulde ye be plaged any more for ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole head is syck, & the hert is heuy. 6 From the sole of the fote vnto the head, there is no whole parte in all your body: but all are woundes, botches, sores, & strypes, whych can nether be helped, bounde vp, molifyed, ner eased wt any oyntment. 7 Your land lyeth waste, your cyties are brent vp, your enemyes deuoure youre lande, & ye must be fayne to stande, & loke vpon it: & it is desolate, as they were subuerted that were alienate from the Lorde. 8 Moreouer, the daughter of Syon ys left alone lyke a cotage in a vineyard, lyke a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, lyke a wasted cytie. 9 And excepte the Lorde of Hostes had left vs a fewe alyue: we shuld haue bene as Sodoma, and lyke vnto Gomorra. 10 Heare the worde of the lorde ye Lordes of Sodoma: & herken vnto the lawe of our God, thou people of Gomorra. 11 Why offre ye so many sacrifices vnto me saith Lorde? I am full of the brentoffrynges of wethers, and of the fatnesse of fedbeastes. I haue no pleasure in the bloud of bullokes, lambes and goates. 12 When ye come to apeare before me, who requireth this of you to treade within my porches? 13 Therfore offre me no mo oblacions, for it is but lost laboure. Incense is an abhominable thinge vnto me. I Maye not awaye with youre newe moones, your Sabbathes & gatheringe togyther at the solempne dayes. 14 I hate your newe mone dayes & solempne feastes, euen fro my very hert. I can not awaye wt suche vanitie & holdinge in of the people. 15 They lye vpon me as a burthen, and I am wery of beringe them. Whan ye holde out your handes, I will turne myne eyes from you. And though ye make many prayers, yet wil I heare nothynge at all, seyng your handes are ful of bloude. 16 Wash you therfore, and make you cleane, put awaye your euell ententes out of my syght, cease from doynge of euell. 17 Lerne to do ryght, applye your selues to equite, delyuer the oppressed, helpe the fatherles to his ryght, let the widowes complainte come before you. 18 Come I praye ye (sayeth the Lorde) let vs reason oure matter together. Though youre sinnes be as read as scarlet, thei shalbe as white as snowe. And though they were lyke purple, they shalbe as whit as wolle. 19 If ye be louynge & obedient, ye shal enioye the best thyng that groweth in the land. 20 But yf ye be obstinate & rebellyous, ye shalbe deuoured wt the swerde: for thus the Lorde hath promised wt his awne mouth. 21 How happepeneth it then that the ryghteous cytie (which was full of equite) is become vnfaythfull as an whore? ryghtuousnes dwelt in it, but now murtherers. 22 Thy syluer is turned to drosse, & thy wyne myxte with water. 23 Thy prices are wicked & companyons of theues. They loue gyftes altogether, and gape for rewardes. As for the fatherles, they helpe him not to his ryght, nether wyll they lett the wydowes causes come before them. 24 Therfore, sayeth the lorde God of Hostes, the myghty gouerner of Israel, Oute vpon ye, I wyll ease me of myne enemyes, & I will auenge me of myne aduersaryes, 25 I shall laye my hand vpon the, & burne out thy drosse from the fynest & purest, & put out all thy tynne, 26 & set thy iudges agayne as they were somtyme & thy Senatours as they were from the beginynge. Then shalt thou be called the ryghteous cytie, the faythfull cytie. 27 Sion shalbe redemed wt equite, & they shal turne againe vnto her in ryghteousnesse. 28 For the transgressours & vngodly, and soch as are be come vnfaythfull vnto the Lord, must altogether be vtterly destroyed. 29 For they shall be ashamed of the goddes that you longed for. And ye shall be put to shame for the Idols grouegardens that ye haue chosen: 30 ye shalbe as a tree whose leaues are fallen awaye, & as a garden that hath no moystnesse. 31 And as for the glory of your graued Images, it shalbe turned to drye strawe, and he that made them to a sparke. And they shal both burne together, so that no man shalbe able to quench them.

Isaiah 53:1-12

1 But who hath geuen credence vnto the thynge we haue hearde? Or to whom is the arme of the Lord knowne? 2 For he dyd growe before the Lord lyke as a braunche, & as a rote in a drye grounde, he hath nether bewtye nor fauoure. When we shall loke vpon hym, there shalbe no fayrnesse: we shall haue no lust vnto him. 3 He is despised & abhorred of men, he is soch a man as is full of sorowe & as hath good experience of infirmyties. We haue rekoned hym so vyle, that we hyd oure faces from hym, ye he was despised & therfore we regarded him not. 4 Howbeit he only hath taken on hym oure infyrmitie, & borne our paynes. Yet we dyd iudge hym, as though he were plaged & cast downe of God: 5 and punished where as he (not wythstandynge) was wounded for oure offences, and smytten for oure wyckednes. For the chastysement of oure peace was layde vpon him, and wyth hys strypes are we healed. 6 As for vs, we haue gone all astraye (like shepe) euery one hath turned his awne way. But the Lorde hath heaped together vpon him the iniquitie of vs all. 7 He suffred violence and was euell intreated, & dyd not yet open his mouth. He shalbe led as a shepe to be slayne, yet shall he be as styll as a lambe before the shearer, and not open hys mouth. 8 He was had awaye from preson hys cause not herde, and wythout eny iudgement: Whose generacyon yet who maye nombre? he was cut of from the grounde of the lyuynge: Whych punyshment dyd go vpon hym, for the transgressyon of my people, whych in deade had deserued that punyshment, 9 Hys graue was geuen hym wyth the condemned, and wyth the ryche man at hys deeth. Where as he dyd neuer violence ner vnryght, nether hath there bene eny disceatfulnesse in hys mouth. 10 Yet hath it pleased the Lorde thus to bruste hym wyth plages, and to smyte hym wyth infyrmite, that when he had made his soule an offeryng for synne, he myght se longe lastynge sede. And thys deuyce of the Lorde shall prospere in hys hande. 11 With trauayle & laboure of hys soule, shall he optayne frute, and he shall be satisfyed by the knowledge of hym whych is my ryghteous seruaunt he shall iustifye the multitude, for he shall beare awaye theyr synnes. 12 Therfore wyll I geue hym the multitude for hys parte, and he shall deuyde the spoyle wyth the strongest because he geueth ouer hys soule to death, and is rekened amonge the transgressours, whych neuertheles hath taken awaye the synnes of the multitude, and made intercessyon for the mysdoers.

John 17:9

9 I praye for them, I praye not for the world: but for them which thou hast geuen me, for they are thyne.

1 Corinthians 15:42-44

42 So is the resurreccyon of the deed. It is sowen in corrupcion, it ryseth agayne in incorrupcyon. 43 It is sowen in dishonour, it ryseth agayne in honoure. It is sowen in weaknes, it ryseth agayne in power. It is sowen a naturall body, it ryseth agayne a spretuall body. 44 Ther is a naturall bodye, & ther is a spretuall body:

Romans 4:25

25 whych was delyuered for oure synnes, and was raysed agayne for oure iustificacyon.

Romans 5:11

11 Not onely this, but we also ioye in God by the meanes of oure Lorde Iesus Christ, by whom we haue now optayned the attonment.

1 Corinthians 5:7

7 Pourge therfore the olde leuen that ye maye be newe dowe, as ye are swete breed. For Christ oure passeouer is offered vp for vs.

Psalms 136:1-26

1 O geue thankes vnto the Lorde, for he is gracyous, and hys mercy endureth for euer. 2 O geue thankes vnto the God of all goddes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 3 O thanke the Lord of all Lordes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 4 Whych only doth greate wonders, for his mercy endureth for euer. 5 Which by his excellentt wysdome made the heauens, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 6 Whych layed out the earth aboue the waters, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 7 Whych hath made greate lyghtes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 8 The sunne to rule the daye, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 9 The Moone and the starres to gouerne the nyght, for his mercy endureth for euer. 10 Whych smote Egypt wyth theyr fyrst borne, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 11 And brought out Israel from amonge them, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 12 Wyth a myghtye hande and stretched out arme, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 13 Whych deuyded the reed see into partes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 14 And made Israel to go thorowe the myddest of it, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 15 But as for Pharao and hys hoost, he ouerthrewe them in the reed see, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 16 Which led his people thorowe the wildernesse, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 17 Which smote great kinges: for his mercy endureth for euer. 18 Yee, & slue myghtye kynges: for his mercy endureth for euer. 19 Sehon kynge of the Amorites: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 20 And Og the kyng of Basan: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 21 And gaue awaye theyr lande for an heritage: for his mercy endureth for euer. 22 Euen for an heritage vnto Israel hys seruaunt: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 23 Which remembred vs, when we were in trouble: for his mercy endureth for euer. 24 And hath delyuered vs from oure enemyes: for his mercy endureth for euer. 25 Whych geueth fode vnto all flesshe: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 26 O geue thanckes vnto the God of heauen, for hys mercy endureth for euer.

Mark 16:1-8

1 And when the Saboth was past, Mary Magdalen, & Mary Iacob, & Salome, bought swete odoures, that they myght come, & anoynt him? 2 And early in the mornyng the fyrst daye of the Sabboth they came vnto the sepulcre, when the Sonne was rysen. 3 And they sayd among them selues: who shall rolle vs awaye the stone from the dore of the sepulchre? 4 And when they loked, they sawe how that the stone was rolled awaye, for it was a very greate one. 5 And they went into the sepulcre, and sawe a younge man syttyng on the ryghtsyde, clothed in a longe white garment, & they were afrayed. 6 And he sayeth vnto them, be not afrayed: ye seke Iesus of Nazareth, whych was crucifyed. He is rysen, he is not here. Beholde the place where they had put him. 7 But goo youre waye, and tell his disciples, & Peter, that he goeth before you into Galile: there shall ye se him, as he sayd vnto you. 8 And they went oute quyckly, and fledd from the sepulcre. For they trembled & were amased. Nether sayde they eny thynge to eny man, for they were afrayed.

Matthew 28:1-20

1 Vpon an euening of the Sabbothes, whych dawneth the fyrst daye of the Sabbathes, came Mary Magdalene & the other Mary, to se the sepulcre. 2 And beholde, ther was a greate earthquake. For the angell of the Lord descended from heauen, & came & rowlled backe the stone from the dore, and sat vpon it. 3 Hys countenaunce was lyke lyghtnynge, and his rayment whyte as snowe. 4 And for feare of him the kepers were astonnyed, and became as deed men. 5 The angell answered, & sayd vnto the wemen, feare ye not. For I knowe, that ye seke Iesus which was crucifyed: 6 he is not here: he is rysen as he sayde. Come se the place where the the Lord was layed: 7 & go quickly, & tell his disciples, that he is rysen agayne from the deed. And behold, he goeth before you into Galile, there ye shall se him. Lo I haue tolde you: 8 And they departed quickly from the sepulcre, with feare and greate Ioye, & dyd runne, to bryng his disciples worde. 9 And as they went to tell his disciples: beholde, Iesus met them, sayinge: All hayle. And they came, & held him by the fete, & worshipped him. 10 Then sayd Iesus vnto them: be not afrayde. Go tell my brethren, that they go into Galile & there shal they se me. 11 When they were gone, behold, some of the kepers came into the cytie & shewed vnto the hye prestes, all the thinges that had happened. 12 And they gathered them together with the elders, & toke counsell, & gaue large money vnto the soudiers, 13 saying: Saye ye, that his disciples came by nyght & stole hym awaye whyle ye slept. 14 And yf this come to the rulers eares, we will persuade him, and saue you harmeles. 15 So they toke the money, & dyd as they were taught. And this sayinge is noysed amonge the Iewes vnto this daye. 16 Then the .xj. disciples went awaye into Galile, into a mountayne where Iesus had appoynted them. 17 And when they sawe him, they worshipped him. But some douted. 18 And Iesus came, and spake vnto them, sayinge: All power is geuen vnto me in heauen, & in erth. 19 Go ye therfore, & teach all nacions, baptising them in the name of the father, & of the sonne, & of the holy goost: 20 Teachinge them to obserue all thinges, whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo I am wyth you allwaye, euen vntyll the ende of the worlde.

Luke 24:36-39

36 As they thus spake Iesus hym selfe stode in the myddes of them, and sayeth vnto them: peace be vnto you. 37 But they were abasshed and afrayde, & supposyd that they had sene a sprete. 38 And he sayde vnto them: why are ye troubled, and why do thoughtes aryse in youre hertes? 39 Beholde my handes and my fete, that it is euen I my selfe. Handle me and se: for a sprete hath not flesshe and bones, as ye se me haue.

John 20:1-18

1 The fyrst daye of the Sabbothes cam Mary Magdalene early (when it was yet darcke) vnto the sepulchre, and sawe the stone taken awaye from the graue. 2 Then she ranne, and came to Symon Peter, and to the other dyscyple whom Iesus loued, and sayeth vnto them. They haue taken awaye the Lorde out of the graue, & we cannot tell where they haue layde him. 3 Peter therfore went forth, & that other disciple, and came vnto the sepulchre. 4 They ranne both together, & the other disciple dyd out runne Peter, & came fyrst to the sepulchre. 5 And whan he had stowped downe he sawe the lynnen clothes lyenge, yet went he not in. 6 Then came Symon Peter, folowinge him, & went into the sepulchre, & sawe the lynnen clothes lye, 7 & the napkin that was aboute his heed, not lyinge wt the lynnen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by it selfe. 8 Then went in also the other discyple, which came fyrst to the sepulchre, and he sawe & beleued. 9 For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he shulde ryse agayne from deeth. 10 Then the disciples went awaye agayne vnto theyr awne home. 11 Mary stode without at the sepulcre wepinge. So as she wepte, she bowed her selfe into the sepulchre, 12 & seeth two angels clothed in whyte, sytting, the one at the heed & the other at the fete, where they had layde the body of Iesus. 13 They saye vnto her, woman, why wepest thou? She sayeth vnto them: for they haue taken awaye my Lord, & I wote not where they haue layde him. 14 When she had thus sayd, she turned her selfe backe, & sawe Iesus standinge, and knewe not that it was Iesus: 15 Iesus sayeth vnto her: woman, why wepest thou? Whom sekest thou? She supposing that he had bene a gardener, sayeth vnto him. Syr: yf thou haue borne him hence, tell me wher thou hast layde him, and I wyll fet him. 16 Iesus sayeth vnto her. Mary. She turned her selfe, & sayd vnto hym: Rabboni, which is to saye, master. 17 Iesus sayeth vnto her, touche me not, for I am not yet ascended to my father. But go to my brethren, & saye vnto them? I ascende vnto my father & youre father: & to my God, & youre God. 18 Mary Magdalene came & tolde the disciples, that she had sene the Lorde, and that he had spoken soch thinges vnto her.

Isaiah 58:1-14

1 Crye nowe, as loude as thou canst. Leaue not of, lyft vp thy voyce lyke a trompet, & shewe my people theyr offences, & the house of Iacob their synnes. 2 For they seke me daylye, & wyll knowe my wayes, euen as it were a people that dyd ryght, and had not forsaken the statutes of theyr God. They argue wyth me concernynge ryght iudgement, and will be nye vnto God. 3 Wherfore fast we (saye they) and thou seest it not? we put out lyues to straytenes, and thou regardest it not? 4 Beholde, when ye fast, youre lust remayneth styll: for ye do no lesse vyolence to your detters: lo, ye fast to stryfe and debate, & to smyte with youre fyst without mercy. Now ye shall not fast thus that your voyce myght be hearde aboue. 5 Thyncke ye this fast pleaseth me, that a man shulde chasten him selfe for a daye, and to wrythe his head aboute lyke an hoope, & to lye vpon the earth in an heary cloth? Shulde that be called fastynge, or a daye that pleaseth the Lorde? 6 Doth not this fastynge rather please me, that thou loose him out of bondage, that is in thy daunger: that thou breake the ooth of wycked bargaynes, that thou lett the oppressed go fre, and take from them all maner of burthens: 7 to deale thy bread to the hongry, & bringe the poore wandringe, home into thy house, when thou seest the naked that thou couer him, and hyde not thy face from thy neyghboure. 8 Then shall thy lyght breake forth as the mornyng, & thy health floryshe ryght shortly: thy righteousnesse shall go before the, and the glory of the Lorde shall embrace the. 9 Then yf thou callest, the Lorde shall answere the: yf thou cryest, he shall saye: here I am. Yee, yf thou layest awaye from the thy burthens, and holdest thy fingers, & ceasest from blasphemous talkinge, 10 yf thou hast compassyon vpon the hongrye, & refreshest the troubled soule: Then shall thy lyght sprynge out in the darcknesse, & thy darcknesse shalbe as the noone day. 11 The lord shall euer be thy guyd, & satisfie the desyre of thyne herte in the tyme of drougthe, & fyll thy bones wt mary. Thou shalt be lyke a fresh waterd garden & lyke the fountayne of water, that neuer leaueth runnynge. 12 Then the places that haue euer bene waste, shalbe builded of the: there shalt thou laye a foundacion for many kynredes. Thou shalt be called the maker vp of hedges, & the buylder agayne of the waye of the Sabboth. 13 Yee, yf thou turne thy fete in the Sabbath, so that thou do not the thynge which pleaseth thy self in my holy daye: & thou call the pleasaunt, holy, and glorious Sabbath of the Lorde, and that thou gyue him the hononoure: so that thou do not after thyne awne ymagination, nether seke thyne awne wyll, ner speake thyne awne wordes. 14 Then shalt thou haue thy pleasure in the Lord, and I wyll carye the hye aboue the earth, and fede the wyth the herytage of Iacob thy father: for the Lordes awne mouth hath so promysed.

Acts 12:4

4 And when he had caught hym, he put him in preson also, & delyuered him to .iiij. quaternions of soudiers to be kepte, entendynge after Ester to bringe him forth to the people.

Romans 1:4

4 and hath bene declared to be the sonne of God wt power, after the sprete that sanctifyeth, sence the tyme that Iesus Chryst oure Lorde rose agayne from deeth

Romans 5:8

8 But God setteth out his loue toward vs, seynge that whyll we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs.

John 3:16

16 For God so loue the worlde, that, he gaue is only begotten sonne, that whosoeuer beleueth in him, shulde not perisshe, but haue euerlastyng lyfe.

1 Peter 1:3

3 Blessed be God the father of oure Lord Iesus Chryst, whych accordyng to his aboundant mercye begat vs agayne vnto a lyuely hope (by that that Iesus Christ rose agayne from deeth)

Luke 24:1-12

1 But vpon the fyrst daye of the Sabbothes, very early in the mornynge, they came vnto the sepulcre, and brought the swete odoures whych they had prepared, and other wemen wyth them. 2 And they founde the stone rowled awaye from the sepulcre, 3 and they went in: but founde not the body of the Lorde Iesu. 4 And it happened, as they were amased therat, Beholde, two men stode by them in shynynge garmentes. 5 And as they were afrayde, and bowed doune theyr faces to the erth, they sayde vnto them: why seke ye the lyuynge amonge the deed? 6 He is not here: but is rysen. Remember, how he spake vnto you, when he was yet in Galile, 7 sayinge: that the sonne of man must be delyuered into the handes of synfull men, and be crucyfyed, and the thyrde daye ryse agayne. 8 And they remembred hys wordes, 9 & returned from the sepulcre, & tolde all these thynges vnto those eleuen, & to all the remnaunt. 10 It was Mary Magdalen, & Ioanna, and Mary Iacobi, and other that were wyth them, whych tolde these thynges vnto the Apostles. 11 And theyr wordes semed vnto them fayned thynges, nether beleued they them. 12 Then arose Peter and ran vnto the sepulchre, and loked in, and sawe the lynnen clothes layde by them selfe, and departed, wondrynge in hym selfe at that whych had happened.

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