Bible verses about "ears" | Great

1 Corinthians 2:9

9 But as it is written. The eye hath not sene, and the eare hath not heard, nether haue entred into the hert of man, the thynges which God hath prepared for them that loue hym.

Hebrews 10:26

26 For yf we synne wyllfully after that we haue receaued the knowledge of the trueth, ther remayneth nomore sacryfyce for synnes,

1 John 4:1

1 Dearly beloued beleue not euery sprete: but proue the spretes, whether they are of god or not, for many false prophetes are gone out into the worlde.

Isaiah 33:15-16

15 He that ledeth a godly lyfe, say I, & speaketh the trueth. He that abhorreth gaines wonne by violence & disceyte: he that kepeth his hande that he touch no rewarde: which stoppeth his eares, that he heare no councell agenst the innocent bloude: which holdeth downe his eyes, that he se none euell. 16 He it is, that shall dwell on hye: whose sauegarde shalbe in a bulwarcke of rockes, to hym shalbe geuen meate, & hys waters shall not fayle.

Luke 1:44

44 For lo, as sone as the voyce of thy salutacion sownded in myne eares, the babe sprange in my wombe for ioye.

Revelation 1:1-20

1 The reuelacyon of Iesus Christ which God gaue vnto him, for to shewe vnto hys seruauntes, thynges whych muste shortely come to passe. And whan he had sent, he shewed by hys Angell vnto his seruaunt Iohn, 2 which bare recorde of the worde of God, and of the testymony of Iesus Christ, and of all thynges that he sawe. 3 Happy is he that readith, and they that heare the wordes of the prophesy, and kepe those thynges which are written therin. For the tyme is at hande. 4 Iohn to the seuen congregacions in Asia. Grace be vnto you and peace, from him which is and which was, and which is to come, & from the seuen spretes which are before his trone, 5 & from Iesus Christ, which is a faythfull wytnes, & fyrst begotten of the deed: & Lorde ouer the kynges of the erth. Unto him that loued vs, and wesshed vs from oure synnes in hys awne bloude, 6 & made vs kynges and Prestes vnto God his father, be glory and dominion for euermore. Amen. 7 Beholde, he cometh with cloudes, & all eyes shall se him, & they also which pearsed him. And all kynredes of the erth shall wayle. Euen so: Amen. 8 I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the endynge, sayth the Lorde almyghty, which is and which was, and which is to come. 9 I Iohn youre brother, and companion in tribulacion, and in the kyngdome & pacience in Iesu Christ, was in the yle that is called Pathmos, for the worde of God, and for the witnessing of Iesu Christ: 10 I was in the sprete on a sondaye, & herde behynde me a great voyce, as it had bene of a trompe, 11 sayinge: I am Alpha and Omega, the fyrst and the laste. That thou seyst, wryte in a boke, and sende it vnto the seuen congregacions which are in Asia, vnto Ephesus, & vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamos, and vnto Thiatira, and vnto Sardis, & vnto Philadelphia, and vnto Laodicia. 12 And I turned backe to se the voyce that spake to me. And when I was turned: I sawe seuen golden candelstickes, 13 & in the myddes of the candelstickes, one lyke vnto the sonne of man, clothed with a lynnen garment downe to the fete, and gyrd about the pappes wt a golden gyrdle. 14 His heed, & his heares were whyte, as whyte woll, & as snowe and hys eyes were as a flame of fyre: 15 & hys fete lyke vnto brasse, as though they brent in a fornace, and his voyce as the sounde of many waters. 16 And he had in his ryghte hande .vii. starres. And out of his mouthe went a sharpe two edged swearde. And his face shone, euen as the sonne in his strength. 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his fete. euen as deed. And he layde his ryghte hande vpon me, saying vnto me: feare not. I am the fyrst & the laste, 18 & and am a lyue, and was deed. And beholde I am a lyue for euermore & haue the keyes of hell & of deeth. 19 Wryte therfore the thynges which thou hast sene, and the thynges which are, and the thinges which must be fulfylled here after: 20 the mistery of the .vii. starres which thou sawest in my ryght hande, and the .vii. golden candelstickes. The .vii. starres are the messengers of the .vii. congregacions, And the seuen candelstickes which thou sawest, are the seuen congregacyons.

Mark 4:23-24

23 If eny man haue eares to heare, let him heare. 24 And he sayde vnto them: take hede what ye heare: With what measure ye meete, with the same shall other men measure vnto you agayne. And vnto you that heare, shall more be geuen.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

3 For the tyme will come, when they shall not suffer wholsome doctryne: but after their awne lustes shall they (whose eares ytche) gett them an heepe of teachers, 4 and shall withdrawe their eares from the trueth, and shalbe turned vnto fables.

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