Bible verses about "devil" | Great

Matthew 25:41

41 Then shall he saye also vnto them, that shalbe on the lyfte hand: departe from me ye cursed into euerlastynge fyre: whych is prepared for the deuyll and his angels.

Luke 22:31-32

31 And the Lord sayde: Symon, Simon, beholde, Satan hath desyred to syfte you, as it were wheate: 32 but I haue prayed for the, that thy fayth fayle not. And when thou arte conuerted, strength thy brethren.

James 1:13-15

13 Let no man saye when he is tempted, that he is tempted of God, for as God can not be tempted with euill, so nether he hymselfe tempt the eny man. 14 But euery man is tempted, whan he is drawne awaye, & entysed of hys awne concupiscence. 15 Then, when lust hath conceaued, she bryngeth forth synne: & synne when it is finisshed, bryngeth forth deeth.

Revelation 12:9

9 And the great dragon, that olde serpent, called the deuyll & Sathanas, was cast out. Which deceaueth all the worlde. And he was cast into the erth & his angelles were cast out also

John 10:10

10 A thefe commeth not but for to steale, kyll, and to destroye. I am come, that they might haue life, and that they myght haue it more aboundantly.

1 Corinthians 10:13

13 Ther hath none other temptacyon taken you, but soche as foloweth the nature of man. But God is faythfull whych shall not suffer you to be tempted aboue youre strength: but shall in the myddes of the temptacyon make awaye, that ye maye be able to beare it.

Revelation 20:10

10 and the deuyll that deceaued them, was cast into a lake of fyre and brymstone, where the beast and the false prophetes shalbe tormented daye and nyght for euermore.

John 8:44

44 Ye are of youre father that deuyll, and the lustes of youre father will ye serue. He was a murtherer from the beginninge and abode not in the trueth, because there is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye, he speaketh of his awne. For he is a lyar, and the father of the same thing:

2 Corinthians 4:4

4 in whom the God of this world hath blynded the myndes of them which beleue not, lest the lyght of the gospell of the glory of Christ (whych is the ymage of God) shulde shyne vnto them.

Ephesians 6:11-12

11 Put on all the armoure of God, that ye maye stande agaynst the assautes of the deuyll. 12 For we wrestle not agaynst bloude and flesshe: but agaynst rule, agaynst power, agaynst worldy rulers, euen gouerners of the darcknes of thys worlde, agaynst spretuall craftynes in heauenly thynges.

2 Corinthians 11:14

14 And no maruayle: for Satan him selfe is chaunged into the fassyon of an angell of light.

James 4:7

7 Submit your selues therfore to God: but resyst the deuyll, and he will flye from you.

1 John 5:18-19

18 We knowe, that whosoeuer is borne of God, synneth not: but he that is begotten of God, kepeth hym selfe, & that wycked toucheth hym not. 19 We knowe, that we are of God, and the worlde is all together set on wyckednes.

1 John 3:4-10

4 Whosoeuer commytteth synne, committeth vnryghteousnes also, and synne is vnryghteousnes. 5 And ye knowe, that he appeared, to take awaye oure synnes, and in him is no synne. 6 As many as byde in hym, synne not: whosoeuer synneth, hath not sene hym, nether knowne hym. 7 Babes, let no man deceaue you. He that doeth ryghteousnes, is ryghteous, euen as he is ryghteous. 8 He that committeth synne, is of the deuyll: for the deuyll synneth sence the beginnynge. For this purpose appeared the sonne of God, to lowse the worckes of the deuyl. 9 Whosoeuer is borne of God, synneth not: for his seed remayneth in him, and he cannot synne, because he is borne of God. 10 In thys are the chyldren of God knowen, and the chyldren of the deuyll. Whosoeuer doeth not ryghteousnes, is not of God, nether he that loueth not hys brother.

1 Peter 5:8

8 Be sober and watch, for youre aduersary the deuyll as a roaring lyon walketh about, sekyng whom he maye deuoure:

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