Bible verses about "caleb" | Great

Numbers 34:19

19 The names of the men are these: Of the tribe of Iuda, Caleb the sonne of Iephune.

1 Chronicles 4:15

15 And the sonnes of Caleb the sonne of Iephune were: Iru, Ela and Naan. And the sonne of Ela was Kenas. 16 Therfore by fayth is the inheritaunce geuen, that it myght come of fauoure: that the promes myght be sure to all the seed. Not to them onely whych are of the lawe: but to them also which are of the fayth of Abraham, which is the father of vs all.

Numbers 13:6

6 Of the trybe of Iuda, Caleb the sonne of Iephune.

Numbers 14:38

38 But Iosua the sonne of Nun & Calleb the sonne of Iephune which were of the men that wente to search the lande, lyued styll.

Numbers 26:63-65

63 These are the nombres, when Moses and Eleazar the preast nombred the children of Israel in the playne of Moab, fast by Iordan, ouer against Iericho. 64 And among these there was not a man of them, whom Moses and Aaron nombred, when they tolde the chyldren of Israel in the wyldernesse of Sinai. 65 For the Lorde sayde of them: they shall dye in the wildernes: and ther was not left a man of them, saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune, and Iosua the sonne of Nun.

Numbers 14:30

30 shalt not come into the land, ouer which I lyfted vp myne hande, to make you dwell therin, saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune, and Iosua the sonne of Nun.

Numbers 14:6-9

6 And Iosua the sonne of Nun, and Caleb the sonne of Iephune (which were of them that searched the lande) rent theyr clothes, 7 and spake vnto all the companye of the chyldren of Israel, sayinge: The lande which we walked thorowe to searche it, is a very good lande. 8 If the Lorde hath lust to vs, he wyll brynge vs into this lande and geue it vs, which is such a lande as floweth with mylke and honye, 9 But in any wyse rebell not ye agaynst the Lorde. Neyther nede ye to feare the people of the lande: for they are but bread for vs. Theyr shadowe is departed from them, and the Lorde is with vs, feare them not therfore.

Joshua 15:13-16

13 And vnto Caleb the sonne of Iephune dyd Iosua geue a parte among the children of Iuda, accordynge to the mouthe of the Lorde, euen kiriatharbe of the father of Enock, whiche cytye is Hebron. 14 And Caleb droue thence the thre sonnes of Enack, Sesai, and Ahman, and Thalmai, which were, the sonnes of Enack. 15 And he went vp thence, to the enhabitoures of Dabir. And the name of Dabir in the olde tyme was kariath sephar. 16 And Caleb sayde: he that smyteth kariath sepher, & taketh it: to hym wyll I geue Acsah my daughter to wyfe.

Numbers 32:11-13

11 None of the men that came out of Egipte from twentye yere olde and aboue, shall se the lande which I sware vnto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, because they haue not wholy folowed me: 12 saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune the Kenesite, and Iosua the sonne of Nun: for they haue folowed the Lorde. 13 And the Lorde was angry with Israel, and made them wandre in the wildernes fourty yere, vntyll all the generacyon that had done euell in the syght of the Lorde were consumed.

Numbers 13:26-30

26 And they went and came to Moses and Aaron, and vnto all the multitude of the chyldren of Israel, in the wildernes of Pharan: which is Cades, and brought them worde, and also vnto all the congregacion, and shewed them the frute of the lande. 27 And they tolde hym, and sayde: we came vnto the lande whether thou sendedst vs, and surely it floweth with mylke and honye: and here is of the frute of it. 28 Neuerthelesse, the people be stronge that dwell in the lande, and the cityes are walled and exceadynge greate: and moreouer, we sawe the children of Enack there. 29 The Amaleckes dwell in the south contrey, and the Hethites, Iebusites, & the Amorites dwell in the mountaynes, & the Cananites dwell by the see, and by the coaste of Iordan. 30 And Caleb stylled the of the people before Moses, saying: we wyll go vp, and conquerre it: for we be able to ouercome it.

Joshua 14:7-10

7 Fourty yeare olde was I when Moses the seruaunt of the Lorde sent me from Cades Barne to spie out the lande. And I brought hym worde agayne euen as it was in myne herte. 8 Neuerthelesse my brethren that went vp wyth me, dyscouraged the herte of the people. And I folowed the Lorde God. 9 And Moses sware the same daye, saying: the lande wheron thy fete haue troaden, shalbe thyne enheritaunce and thy chyldrens for euer, because thou hast folowed the Lorde God. 10 And beholde, the Lorde hath kept me alyue (as he sayde) this fourtye and fyue yeares, euen sence the Lord spake this word vnto Moses, whyle the chyldren of Israell wanderyd in the wyldernesse. And now lo, I am this daye foure skore & fyue yere old:

Psalms 26:1-12

1 Of Dauid. Be thou my iudge, O Lorde, for I haue walked innocently: my trust hath bene also in the Lorde therfore shall I not fall. 2 Examen me, O Lord, & proue me: trye out my reynes and my hert. 3 For thy louynge kindenesse is before mine eyes, & I will walke in thy trueth. 4 I haue not dwelt with vayne personnes, nether wyll I haue fellishipe with the disceatfull. 5 I haue hated the congregacyon of the wicked, and will not syt amonge the vngodly. 6 I will washe my handes in innocencye, O Lorde, and so will I go to thyne aulter. 7 That I maye shewe the voyce of thankesgeuynge, and tell of all thy wonderous worckes. 8 Lorde, I haue loued the habitacion of thy house, & the place where thyne honoure dwelleth. 9 O shutt not vp my soule with the synners, ner my lyfe with the bloudthurstye. 10 In whose handes is wyckednesse, & their ryghthande is full of gyftes. 11 But as for me I will walcke innocently: O delyuer me, and be mercyfull vnto me. 12 My fote standeth ryght: I will prayse the Lorde in the congregacyons.

Numbers 14:24

24 But my seruaunt Caleb: with whom there was another maner of sprete: and because he hath folowed me vnto the vtmost, hym will I brynge into the lande whiche he hath walked in, and his seed shall inheret it,

Joshua 14:6-15

6 And the children of Iuda came vnto Iosua in Gilgall. And Caleb the sonne of Iephune the kenesyte sayde vnto hym: thou wottest what the Lorde sayd vnto Moses the man of God, about my matter and thyne in Cades Barne. 7 Fourty yeare olde was I when Moses the seruaunt of the Lorde sent me from Cades Barne to spie out the lande. And I brought hym worde agayne euen as it was in myne herte. 8 Neuerthelesse my brethren that went vp wyth me, dyscouraged the herte of the people. And I folowed the Lorde God. 9 And Moses sware the same daye, saying: the lande wheron thy fete haue troaden, shalbe thyne enheritaunce and thy chyldrens for euer, because thou hast folowed the Lorde God. 10 And beholde, the Lorde hath kept me alyue (as he sayde) this fourtye and fyue yeares, euen sence the Lord spake this word vnto Moses, whyle the chyldren of Israell wanderyd in the wyldernesse. And now lo, I am this daye foure skore & fyue yere old: 11 & yet am as stronge at this tyme, as I was when Moses sent me: looke how stronge I was then, so strong am I now whether I go to warre, or come agayne. 12 Now therfore geue me thys mountayne wherof the Lorde spake in that daye, for thou herdest in that daye, how the Enakins are there, and the cities great & walled. Peraduenture the Lorde wilbe with me, & I shall he able to dryue them out, as the Lorde sayd. 13 And Iosua blessed him, & gaue vnto Caleb the sonne of Iephune, Hebron to enheret. 14 And Hebron therfore became the enheritaunce of Caleb the sonne of Iephune the kenesite, vnto thys daye: because he folowed the Lord God of Israell. 15 And the name of Hebron was called in olde tyme, kariatharbe. For the same was a great man amonge the Enakims. And the lande ceased from warre.

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