Bible verses about "talent" | Coverdale

Exodus 31:3-5

3 and haue fylled him with ye sprete of God, with wysdome and vnderstodynge and knowlege, and to worke 4 with all maner of connynge worke, in golde, syluer, brasse, 5 to graue stones connyngly, and to set them, to carue well in tymbre, and to make all maner worke.

Jeremiah 1:4-19

4 The worde of the LORDE spake thus vnto me: 5 Before I fasshioned the in thy mothers wobe, I dyd knowe the: And or euer thou wast borne, I sanctified the, & ordened the, to be a prophet vnto the people. 6 The sayde I: Oh LORDE God, I am vnmete, for I am yet but yonge. 7 And the LORDE answered me thus: Saye not so, I am to yonge: For thou shalt go to all that I shall sende the vnto, and what so euer I comaunde the, that shalt thou speake. 8 Be not afrayed of their faces, for I wilbe with the, to delyuer the, saieth the LORDE. 9 And with that, the LORDE stretched out his honde, and touched my mouth, and sayde morouer vnto me: Beholde I put my wordes in thy mouth, 10 and this daye do I set the ouer the people and kingdomes: that thou mayest rote out, breake of, destroye, and make waist: and that thou mayest buylde vp, and plate. 11 After this, the LORDE spake vnto me sayenge: Ieremy, what seist thou? And I sayde: I se a wakynge rodde. 12 Then sayde ye LORDE: thou hast sene right, for I will watch diligently vpon my worde, to perfourme it. 13 It happened afterwarde, that the LORDE spake to me agayne, & sayde: What seist thou? And I sayde: I do se a seethinge pot, lokinge from out of the north hitherwarde. 14 Then sayde the LORDE vnto me: Out of the north shall come a plage vpon all the dwellers of the londe. 15 For lo, I will call all the officers of the kyngdomes of the north, (saieth the LORDE.) And they shall come, and euery one shall set his seate in the gates of Ierusalem, and in all their walles rounde aboute, and thorow all the cities of Iuda. 16 And thorow them shall I declare my iudgment, vpon all the wickednesse of those men that haue forsaken me: that haue offred vnto straunge goddes, & worshipped the workes of their owne hondes. 17 And therfore gyrde vp thy loynes, arise, and tell them all, that I geue the in comaundement. Feare them not, I will not haue the to be afrayed of the. 18 For beholde, this daye do I make the a stroge fensed towne, an yron pyler, and a wall of stele agaynst ye whole londe, agaynst the kinges and mightie men of Iuda, agaynst the prestes and people of the londe. 19 They shall fight agaynst the, but they shall not be able to ouercome the: for I am wt the, to delyuer the, saieth the LORDE.

Matthew 6:1-34

1 Take hede to youre almes, that ye geue it not in the syght of men, to the intent that ye wolde be sene of them: or els, ye get no rewarde of youre father which is in heauen. 2 When soeuer therfore thou geuest thine almes, thou shalt not make a trompet to be blowen before the, as the ypocrites do in the synagoges and in the stretes, for to be praysed of me. Verely I saye vnto you: they haue their rewarde. 3 But whe thou doest almes, let not thy lefte hande knowe, what thy righte hande doth; 4 that thine almes maye be secrete: and thy father which seith in secrete, shall rewarde the openly. 5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as ye ypocrytes are. For they loue to stode and praye in the synagoges, and in the corners of the stretes, to be sene of men. Verely I saie vnto you: they haue their rewarde. 6 But when thou prayest, entre in to thy chamber, and shut thy dore to the, & praye to thy father which is in secrete: and thy father which seith in secrete, shall rewarde the openly. 7 And when ye praye, bable not moch, as ye Hethen do: for they thinke that they shalbe herde, for their moch bablynges sake. 8 Be not ye lyke them therfore. For youre father knoweth where of ye haue nede, before ye axe of him. 9 After thys maner therfore shall ye praye:O oure father which art in heauen, halowed be thy name. 10 Thy kyngdome come. Thy wyll be fulfilled vpon earth as it is in heauen. 11 Geue vs this daye oure dayly bred. 12 And forgeue vs oure dettes, as we also forgeue oure detters. 13 And lede vs not in to teptacion: but delyuer vs from euell. For thyne is the kyngdome, and the power, and the glorye for euer. Amen. 14 For yf ye forgeue other men their treaspases, youre heauenly father shall also forgeue you. 15 But and ye wyll not forgeue me their trespases, nomore shall youre father forgeue you youre trespases. 16 Moreouer when ye fast, be not sad as ye ypocrytes are. For they disfigure their faces, that they myght be sene of men to fast. Verely I saye vnto you: they haue their rewarde. 17 But thou, whe thou fastest, annoynte thyne heed, and wash thy face, 18 that it appeare not vnto men, that thou fastest: but vnto thy father which is in secrete: and thy father which seyth in secrete, shal rewarde the openly. 19 Se that ye gather you not treasure vpon the earth, where rust and mothes corrupte, and where theues breake through and steale. 20 But gather you treasure together in heauen, where nether rust nor mothes corrupte, and where theues nether breake vp nor yet steale. 21 For where youre treasure is, there is youre herte also. 22 The eye is the light of the body. Yf thyne eye then be syngle, all thy body shalbe ful of light: 23 But and yf thyne eye be wycked, all thy body shalbe full of darckenes: Wherfore yf the light that is in the, be darckenes, how greate then shall that darckenes be? 24 No ma can serue two masters. For ether he shall hate the one and loue the other: or els he shall leane to the one, and despise the other: Ye can not serue God and mammon. 25 Therfore I saye vnto you: be not ye carefull for your lyfe, what ye shall eate, or what ye shall drinke: nor yet for youre body, what ye shal put on. Ys not the lyfe more worth the meate, and the body more of value then raymet? 26 Beholde the foules of ye ayer: for they sowe not, nether reepe, nor yet cary in to the barnes: and yet youre heauely father fedeth the. Are ye not moch better the they? 27 Which of you (though he toke thought therfore) coulde put one cubit vnto his stature? 28 why care ye then for rayment? Considre the lylies of the felde, how they growe. They laboure not, nether spynne. 29 And yet for all that I saye vnto you, that euen Salomon in all his royalte was not arayed lyke vnto one of these. 30 Wherfore yf God so cloth the grasse, which is to daye in the felde, and to morowe shalbe cast into the fornace: shal he not moch more do the same vnto you, o ye of lytle fayth? 31 Therfore take no thought, sayinge: what shall we eate, or what shall we drinke? or where with shall we be clothed? 32 After all soch thynges do the heithen seke. For youre heauenly father knoweth, that ye haue nede of all these thynges. 33 Seke ye fyrst the kyngdome of heauen and the righteousnes therof, so shal all these thynges be ministred vnto you. 34 Care not then for the morow, for the morow shall care for it self: Euery daye hath ynough of his owne trauayll.

1 Corinthians 16:14

14 let all youre thinges be done in loue.

Exodus 35:10

10 And who so is wyse of hert amonge you, let him come, & make what the LORDE hath commaunded:

Matthew 5:14-16

14 Ye are the light of the worlde. A cite that is set on an hill, can not be hid: 15 nether do men lyght a candell, and put it vnder a busshell, but on a candelstick, and it lighteth all that are in the house. 16 Let youre light so shyne before men, that they maye se youre good workes, and glorify youre father which is in heauen.

1 Peter 4:10

10 & mynister one to another, eueryone with the gifte yt he hath receaued, as good stewardes of the manifolde grace of God.

James 1:17

17 Euery good gifte, & euery parfait gift, is from aboue, and cometh downe from ye father of light, with whom is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.

Matthew 25:14-30

14 Like wyse as a certayne ma ready to take his iourney into a straunge countre, called his seruautes, and delyuered his goodes vnto the. 15 And vnto one he gaue fyue talentes, to another two, and to another one: vnto euery man after his abilyte, and straight waye departed. 16 Then he that had receaued the fyue talentes, wente and occupied with the same, and wanne other fyue talentes. 17 Likewyse he yt receaued two talentes, wane other two also. 18 But he that receaued ye one wente and dygged a pyt in the earth, and hyd his lordes money. 19 After a longe season the lorde of those seruauntes came, and rekened with them. 20 Then came he that had receaued fyue talentes, and brought other fyue talentes, and sayde: Syr, thou delyuerdst vnto me fyue talentes:Beholde, with them haue I wonne fyue taletes mo. 21 Then sayde his lorde vnto hi: wel thou good & faithfull seruaunt, thou hast bene faithfull ouer litle, I wil set the ouer moch: entre thou in to the ioye of thy lorde. 22 The came he also that had receaued two talentes, and sayde: Syr, thou delyuerdst vnto me two talentes: Beholde, I haue wonne two other taletes with the. 23 His lorde sayde vnto him: Wel thou good and faithfull seruaut, thou hast bene faithfull ouer litle, I wil set the ouer moch: entre thou in to the ioye of thy lorde. 24 Then he that had receaued the one talet, came and sayde: Syr, I knew that thou art an hard man: thou reapest where thou hast not sowen, and gatherest where thou hast not strowed, 25 and so I was afrayed, and wete and hyd thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast thine owne. 26 But his lorde answered, and sayde vnto him: Thou euell and slouthfull seruaunt, knewest thou that I reape where I sowed not, and gather where I strawed not? 27 Thou shuldest therfore haue had my money to the chaungers, and then at my commynge shulde I haue receaued myne owne with vauntage. 28 Therfore take the talent fro him, and geue it vnto him that hath ten talentes. 29 For who so hath, to him shalbe geuen, and he shal haue abundaunce. But who so hath not, fro him shalbe take awaye euen that he hath. 30 And cast the vnprofitable seruaunt in to vtter darcknes: there shalbe waylinge and gnasshinge of teth.

Romans 12:6

6 and haue dyuers giftes, acordinge to the grace that is geuen vnto vs Yf eny man haue the gifte of prophecienge, let it be acordinge to the faith.

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