Bible verses about "spiritualism" | Coverdale

Deuteronomy 18:11

11 or a witch, or a coniurer, or soythsayer, or an expounder of tokens, or yt axeth eny thinge of the deed.

Isaiah 8:20

20 Yf eny man want light, let him loke vpon the lawe and the testimony, whether they speake not after this meanynge.

Ecclesiastes 9:6

6 so yt they be nether loued, hated ner envyed: nether haue they eny more parte in ye worlde, in all yt is done vnder the Sonne.

Ecclesiastes 9:5

5 for they that be lyuynge, knowe yt they shall dye: but they yt be deed, knowe nothinge, nether deserue they eny more. For their memoriall is forgotte,

Psalms 115:17

17 The deed prayse not the (o LORDE) nether all they that go downe in to sylence.

1 John 4:16

16 and we haue knowne and beleued the loue that God hath to vs. God is loue, and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God, and God in him.

2 Peter 2:1

1 Bvt there were false prophetes also amonge the people, euen as there shalbe false teachers amonge you likewyse, which preuely shal brynge in damnable sectes, euen denyenge the LORDE that hath boughte them, and shal brynge vpon them selues swift damnacion:

Hebrews 9:27

27 And as it is appoynted vnto me yt they shal once dye, and then cometh the iudgmet: Eue

Leviticus 20:27

27 Yf a man or woman be a soythsayer or an expounder of tokens, the same shall dye the death: they shalbe stoned, their bloude be vpon them.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12

10 that there be not founde amonge you, yt maketh his sonne or doughter go thorow the fyre, or a prophecier, or a choser out of dayes, or that regardeth the foules cryenge, 11 or a witch, or a coniurer, or soythsayer, or an expounder of tokens, or yt axeth eny thinge of the deed. 12 For who so euer doth soch, is abhominacion vnto the LORDE: and because of soch abhominacions doth the LORDE yi God dryue the out before the.

1 Chronicles 10:13

13 Thus dyed Saul in his trespace which he commytted agaynst the LORDE, because he kepte not the worde of the LORDE: & because he axed councell at the soythsayer,

Luke 10:17-20

17 The seuetye came agayne with ioye, and sayde: LORDE, the deuels also are subdued vnto vs in thy name. 18 But he sayde vnto them: I sawe Sathan fall downe from heauen as a lightenynge. 19 Beholde, I haue geuen you power to treade vpon serpetes and scorpions, and ouer all power of the enemye, and nothinge shall hurte you. 20 Neuertheles, reioyce not ye in this, that the spretes are subdued vnto you: but reioyse, that youre names are wrytten in heauen.

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearefull and vnbeleuynge, and the abhominable, and murthurers, and whormongers, and sorcerers, and ydolaters, & all lyars, shal haue their parte in the lake, that burneth with fyre and brymstone, which is the seconde death.

Deuteronomy 18:9-13

9 Whan thou commest in to ye londe which the LORDE thy God shal geue ye, thou shalt not lerne to do ye abhominacions of these nacions, 10 that there be not founde amonge you, yt maketh his sonne or doughter go thorow the fyre, or a prophecier, or a choser out of dayes, or that regardeth the foules cryenge, 11 or a witch, or a coniurer, or soythsayer, or an expounder of tokens, or yt axeth eny thinge of the deed. 12 For who so euer doth soch, is abhominacion vnto the LORDE: and because of soch abhominacions doth the LORDE yi God dryue the out before the. 13 But thou shalt be perfecte with the LORDE yi God.

1 Timothy 4:1

1 The sprete speaketh euydently, that in ye latter tymes some shal departe from the faith, and shal geue hede vnto spretes of erroure, and deuelish doctrynes, of them

Leviticus 20:6

6 If eny soule turne him to ye soythsayers and expounders of tokens, so that he goeth a whorynge after them, I wyl set my face agaynst the same soule, and wyl rote him out from amonge his people.

1 John 4:1

1 Dearly beleued, beleue not ye euery sprete, but proue the spretes, whether they be of God. For many false prophetes are gone out in to the worlde.

Leviticus 19:31

31 Ye shal not turne yor selues to ye Soythsayers, and axe nothinge at the expounders of tokes, that ye be not defyled by them: for I am the LORDE youre God.

Isaiah 8:19

19 And therfore yf they saye vnto you: aske councel at the soythsayers, witches, charmers and coniurers, then make them this answere: Is there a people enywhere, that axeth not councel at his God: whether it be concernynge the dead, or the lyuynge?

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