Bible verses about "partnership" | Coverdale

Genesis 1:26

26 And God sayde: let vs make man in or similitude after oure licknesse, that he maye haue rule ouer the fysh of the see, and ouer the foules vnder ye heauen, and ouer catell, and ouer all the earth, and ouer all wormes that crepe on ye earth.

Joshua 1:9

9 Lo, I haue commaunded the to be stronge and bolde. Feare not, and be not afrayed: for the LORDE thy God is with ye, whither so euer thou goest.

Matthew 11:28-30

28 Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden, and I wil ease you. 29 Take my yock vpon you, and lerne of me, for I am meke and lowlye of hert, & ye shal fynde rest vnto youre soules: 30 for my yock is easy, and my burden is light.

Acts 4:27

27 Of a trueth agaynst thy holy childe Iesus, whom thou hast anoynted, both Herode & Pontius Pilate with the Heythen and people of Israel, haue gathered the selues together,

1 Corinthians 1:9

9 For God is faithfull, by who ye are called vnto the fellishippe of his sonne Iesus Christ oure LORDE.

Philippians 4:15

15 But ye of Philippos knowe, that in the begynngnge of the Gospell whan I departed fro Macedonia, no congregacion bare parte with me concernynge geuynge and receauynge, but ye onely.

1 John 1:7

7 But yf we walke in lighte, euen as he is in lighte, then haue we fellishippe together, and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I knowe, what I haue deuysed for you, saieth the LORDE. My thoughtes are to geue you peace, & not trouble (which I geue you all redie) & that ye might haue hope agayne.

2 Corinthians 6:14-17

14 Set youre selues therfore at large.Beare not a straunge yock with the vnbeleuers. For what fellishippe hath righteousnes with vnrighteousnes? What company hath lighte wt darknesse? 15 How agreeth Christ with Belial? Or what parte hath the beleuer with the infydele? 16 How acordeth ye teple of God with ymages? Ye are the temple of the lyuynge God, as sayeth God: I wyl dwell in them, and walke in them, and wyl be their God, & they shalbe my people. 17 Wherfore come out from amoge them, and separate youre selues (sayeth the LORDE) and touche no vncleane thinge, so wyl I receaue you,

Amos 3:3

3 Maye twaine walke together excepte they be agreed amonge them selues?

Luke 1:37

37 for wt God is nothinge vnpossyble.

John 15:4-5

4 Byde ye in me, and I in you. Like as ye braunch can not brynge forth frute of it self excepte it byde in the vyne, Euen so nether ye also, excepte ye abyde in me. 5 I am the vyne, ye are the braunches. He that abydeth in me, and I in him, the same bryngeth forth moch frute: for without me can ye do nothinge.

John 6:37

37 All that my father geueth me, cometh vnto me: and who so cometh vnto me, him wyl not I cast out:

Philippians 1:5

5 because of youre fellishippe which ye haue in the Gospell from the first daye vnto now,

1 Corinthians 3:7

7 So then nether is he that planteth, eny thinge, nether he that watreth, but God which geueth the increase.

1 Corinthians 3:9

9 For we are Gods labourers, ye are Gods hussbandry, ye are Gods buyldinge.

2 Corinthians 6:1

1 We as helpers therfore exhorte you, that ye receaue not ye grace of God in vayne.

Philippians 2:13

13 For it is God which worketh in you both the wyll and the deed, euen of his owne good wyll.

Ecclesiastes 4:9

9 Therfore two are better then one, for they maye well enioye the profit of their laboure.

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