Bible verses about "forgiving" | Coverdale

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 to humble my people, which is named after my name: and yf they praye, and seke my face, and turne from their euell wayes, the wyl I heare them from heauen, and wyll forgeue their sinne, and heale their londe.

Proverbs 15:18

18 An angrie man stereth vp strife, but he yt is pacient stilleth discorde.

Acts 2:38

38 Peter sayde onto them: Amede youre selues, and let euery one of you be baptysed in the name of Iesus Christ, for the remyssion of synnes, and ye shal receaue the gifte of the holy goost.

Acts 3:19

19 Do penaunce now therfore and turne you, that youre synnes maye be done awaye, whan the tyme of refreshinge shal come before the presence of the LORDE,

John 14:6

6 Iesus sayde vnto him: I am the waye, and the trueth, and the life. Noman cometh to the father but by me.

Galatians 5:13

13 But brethre, ye are called vnto liberty, onely let not youre libertie be an occasion vnto the flesh, but by loue serue one another.

Romans 5:20

20 But the lawe in the meane tyme entred, that synne shulde increace. Neuertheles where abundaunce of synne was, there was yet more plenteousnes of grace:

1 John 4:9-10

9 By this appeared the loue of God to vs warde, because that God sent his onely begotten sonne in to this worlde, that we mighte lyue thorow him. 10 Herein is loue, not that we loued God, but that he loued vs, and sent his sonne to make agremet for oure synnes.

Hebrews 10:17

17 and their synnes and iniquities wil I remebre nomore.

2 Timothy 3:16

16 For all scripture geue by inspiracion of God, is profitable to teach, to improue, to amende, and to instructe in righteousnes,

Matthew 5:21-24

21 Ye haue herde, how it was sayde to the of the olde tyme: Thou shalt not kyll. For whosoeuer kylleth, shall be in daunger of iudgement. 22 But I saye vnto you: whosoeuer is angrie with his brother, is in daunger of the iudgement. Whosoeuer sayeth vnto his brother: Racha, is in daunger of ye cousell. But whosoeuer sayeth: thou foole, is in daunger of hell fyre. 23 Therfore when thou offrest thy gift at the altare, and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought agaynst the: 24 leaue there thyne offrynge before the altare, and go thy waye first, and reconcyle thy selfe to thy brother, & then come and offre thy gyfte.

Matthew 18:15-18

15 Yf thy brother trespace agaynst the, go and tell him his faute betwene the and him alone. Yf he heare the, thou hast wone thy brother. 16 But yf he heare the not, then take yet with the one or two, that in the mouth of two or thre wytnesses, euery matter maye be stablyshed. 17 Yf he heare not them, tell it vnto the congregacion. Yf he heare not the cogregacion, holde him as an Heithen and Publican. 18 Verely I saye vnto you: what soeuer ye shal bynde vpon earth, shalbe boude also in heauen: & what soeuer ye lowse vpon earth, shalbe lowsed also in heaue.

Matthew 18:21-22

21 Then came Peter vnto him, & sayde, LORDE, how oft shal I forgeue my brother, yt trespaceth agaynst me? Seue tymes? 22 Iesus saide vnto hi: I saye not vnto ye seue tymes, but seuetie tymes seuen tymes.

Ephesians 4:26

26 Be angrie, but synne not. Let not ye Sonne go downe vpo youre wrath:

Proverbs 10:12

12 Euell will stereth vp strife, but loue couereth ye multitude of synnes.

1 John 1:9

9 But yf we knowlege oure synnes, he is faithfull and iust to forgeue vs oure synnes, & to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes.

Proverbs 19:11

11 A wyse man putteth of displeasure, & it is his honor to let some fautes passe.

Colossians 3:13

13 forbearinge one another, and forgeuynge one another, yf eny man haue a quarell agaynst another. Like as Christ hath forgeuen you, euen so do ye also.

Proverbs 15:1

1 A softe aswere putteth downe displeasure, but frowarde wordes prouoke vnto anger.

Mark 11:25

25 And whan ye stonde and praye, forgeue yf ye haue ought ageynst eny man, that youre father also in heauen, maye forgeue you youre trespaces.

Luke 6:37

37 Iudge not, and ye shal not be iudged. Condepne not, and ye shal not be condempned. Forgeue, and ye shal be forgeuen.

Luke 17:3-4

3 Take hede to youre selues. Yf thy brother trespace agaynst the, rebuke him: 4 and yf he amende, forgeue him. And though he synne agaynst the seuen tymes in a daye, and come seuen tymes in a daye to ye agayne, and saye: It repenteth me, forgeue him.

Ephesians 4:32

32 But be ye curteous one to another, mercifull, and forgeue one another, eue as God hath forgeuen you in Christ.

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