Bible verses about "floods" | Coverdale

Genesis 8:1-22

1 Then God remembred Noe and all the beastes, and all the catell that were with him in the Arcke, and caused a wynde to come vpon the earth: and ye waters ceassed, 2 and the fountaynes of the depe and the wyndowes of heauen were stopte, and the rayne of heaue was forbydden, 3 and the waters ranne styll awaye from ye earth, and decreased after an hundreth and fiftye dayes. 4 Vpon the seuentene daye of the seuenth moneth rested the Arcke vpon the mountaynes of Ararat. 5 And the waters wete awaye and decreased vntyll the tenth moneth: for the first daye of the tenth moneth, the toppes of the mountaynes appeared. 6 After fourtie dayes Noe opened ye wyndow of the Arcke which he had made, 7 & sent forth a rauen, which flew out, and came agayne, vntyll the waters were dryed vp vpo the earth. 8 Then sent he forth a doue from him, to wete, whether the waters were falle vpon the earth. 9 But when ye doue coude fynde no restynge place for hir fete, she came agayne vnto him in to the Arcke, for the waters were yet vpon the face of all the earth. And he put out his hande, and toke her to him in to the Arke. 10 Then he abode yet seuen dayes mo, & sent out the doue agayne out of the Arke: 11 & she returned vnto him aboute the euen tyde: and beholde, she had broken of a leaf of an olyue tre, & bare it in hir nebb. Then Noe perceaued, that the waters were abated vpon the earth. 12 Neuertheles he taried yet seuen other dayes, and sent forth the doue, which came nomore to him agayne. 13 In the sixte hundreth and one yeare of Noes age, vpon the first daye of ye first moneth, the waters were dryed vp vpon the earth. Then Noe toke of the hatches of the Arke, and sawe yt the face of the earth was drye. 14 So vpon the seuen and twentye daye of the seconde moneth the whole earth was drye. 15 Then spake God vnto Noe, and sayde: 16 Go out of the Arke, thou and thy wyfe, and thy sonnes, and thy sonnes wyues with the. 17 As for all the beastes that are with the, what so euer flesh it be (both foule & catell and all maner of wormes that crepe vpon the earth) let them go out with the, and be ye occupied vpon the earth, growe and multiplye vpon the earth. 18 So Noe wente out, with his sonnes, and with his wife, and with his sonnes wyues. 19 All the beastes also and all the wormes, and all the foules, and all that crepte vpon the earth, wente out of the Arke, euery one vnto his like. 20 And Noe buylded an altare vnto ye LORDE, and toke of all maner of cleane beastes & of all maner of cleane foules, and offred bret sacrifices vpon ye altare. 21 And ye LORDE smelled the swete sauor, & sayde in his hert: I wyl hence forth curse the earth nomore for mas sake, for the ymaginacion of mans hert is euell, euen from the very youth of him. Therfore from hece forth I wil nomore smyte all that lyueth, as I haue done. 22 Nether shall sowynge tyme and haruest, colde and heate Sommer and wynter, daye and night ceasse so longe as the earth endureth.

Genesis 8:20

20 And Noe buylded an altare vnto ye LORDE, and toke of all maner of cleane beastes & of all maner of cleane foules, and offred bret sacrifices vpon ye altare.

Psalms 93:3

3 From that tyme forth hath yi seate bene prepared, thou art from euerlastinge.

Isaiah 54:9

9 And this must be vnto me, as the water of Noe: For like as I haue sworne yt I wil not bringe the water off Noe eny more vpo the worlde: So haue I sworne, yt I wil neuer be angrie wt the, ner reproue the:

Matthew 24:22

22 Yee and excepte those daies shulde be shortened, there shulde no flesh be saued: but for ye chosens sake those dayes shalbe shortened.

Matthew 24:44

44 Therfore be ye ready also, for in the houre that ye thynke not, shal the sonne of man come.

Luke 21:36

36 Watch therfore cotynually, and praye, that ye maye be worthy to escape all this that shal come, & to stode before ye sonne of man.

Acts 17:30-31

30 And truly God hath ouersene the tyme of ignoraunce: But now he commaundeth all men euery where to repente, 31 because he hath appoynted a daye, in the which he wyl iudge the copasse of the worlde, with righteousnesse, by that one man in who he hath appoynted it: and offred faith vnto all men, after that he had raysed him vp from the deed.

Hebrews 11:7

7 By faith Noe honoured God, after yt he was warned of thinges which were not sene, & prepared the Arke, to ye sauinge of his housholde: thorow the which Arke he condemned the worlde, and became heyre of the righteousnes, which commeth by faith.

Revelation 21:4

4 And God shal wipe awaye all teares from their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth, nether sorowe, nether shal there be eny more payne, for ye olde thinges are gone.

Revelation 12:15

15 And the dragon cast out of his mouth water after the woma, as it had bene a ryuer, that he might cause her to be caught of ye floud.

Luke 17:27

27 They ate, they dranke, they maried, and were maried, euen vnto ye daye that Noe wente in to the Arke, and ye floude came, and destroyed them all.

Luke 17:26

26 And as it came to passe in the tyme of Noe, so shal it come to passe also in ye dayes of the sonne of man.

1 Peter 3:20

20 which in tyme past beleued not, whan God once a bode and suffred pacietly in the tyme of Noe, whyle the Arke was a preparynge: Wherin fewe (that is to saye eight soules) were saued by water.

Psalms 107:25-30

25 For at his worde, the stormy wynde aryseth, and lifteth vp the wawes therof. 26 They are caried vp to the heauen, & downe agayne to the depe, their soule melteth awaye in the trouble. 27 They rele to and fro, they stacker like a droncken man, and are at their wittes ende. 28 So they crie vnto the LORDE in their trouble, & he delyuereth the out of their distresse. 29 He maketh the storme to ceasse, so that the wawes are still. 30 The are they glad because they be at rest, & so he bryngeth them vnto the hauen where they wolde be.

2 Peter 2:5

5 Nether spared the olde worlde, but saued Noe the preacher of righteousnes himselfe beynge ye eight, and brought the floude vpo the worlde of the vngodly:

Genesis 6:17

17 For lo, I wyll bringe a floude of water vpon the earth, to destroye all flesh (wherin the breth of life is) vnder the heaue: All that is vpon earth, shal perishe.

Topical data is from, retrieved November 11, 2013, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.