Bible verses about "damascus" | Coverdale

Genesis 15:2

2 But Abram sayde: LORDE LORDE, what wilt thou geue me? I go childles, and the seruaunt of my house (this Eleasar of Damascos) hath a sonne.

Genesis 14:15

15 & deuyded the, & fell vpo them by night wt his seruauntes, and smote the, and chased them awaye vnto Hoba, which lieth on ye left hande of the cite of Damascos,

1 Kings 20:34

34 and sayde vnto him: The cities that my father toke from thy father, wyl I geue the agayne. And make thou stretes for thyselfe at Damasco, as my father did at Samaria, so wyl I let the go with a bonde of peace. And he made a couenaunt with him, and let him go.

1 Kings 11:24

24 and gathered men agaynst him, and was a captayne of the men of warre whan Dauid slewe them: and they wente vnto Damascus and dwelt there, and reigned at Damascus,

2 Kings 14:28

28 What more there is to saye of Ieroboam, and all that he dyd, and of his power, how he foughte, and how broughte Damascon and Hemath agayne vnto Iuda in Israel, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel.

2 Kings 16:9

9 And ye kinge of Assiria cosented vnto him, & wente vp to Damascon, & wanne it, & caried them awaye vnto Cira, & slewe Rezin.

Isaiah 7:8

8 for the headcitie of ye Sirians is Damascus, but the head of Damascus is Rezin. And after fyue and threscore yeare, shal Ephraim be nomore a people.

Isaiah 17:2

2 The cities of Aroer shalbe waist, The catel shal lie there, & noma shal fraye the awaye.

Ezekiel 47:17

17 Thus the borders fro the see forth, shalbe Hazar Euan, the border of Damascus the north, and the borders of Hemath: that is the north parte.

Amos 1:5

5 Thus wil I breake the barres off Damascus, & rote out the inhabiter fro the felde of Auen, and him yt holdeth the scepter, out of ye pleasunt house: so yt the people shalbe dryuen out of fayre Siria, sayeth the LORDE.

Amos 1:3

3 Thus sayeth the LORDE: for thre & foure wickednesses of Damascus, I will not spare her: because they haue thro?hed Galaad wt yro flales:

1 Kings 19:15

15 But the LORDE sayde vnto him: Go yi waye agayne thorow the wyldernes vnto Damascon, & go in, & anoynte Hasael kynge ouer Siria,

Isaiah 8:4

4 For why, or euer the childe shal haue knowlege to saye: Abi and Im, yt is father, and mother: shal ye riches of Damascus and ye substaunce of Samaria be take awaye, thorow the Kynge of ye Assirians.

2 Samuel 8:6

6 and layed people vnto Damascus in Syria. Thus was Syria subdued vnto Dauid, so that they broughte him giftes: for ye LORDE helped Dauid whither so euer he wente.

Acts 9:1-9

1 Saul was yet breathinge out threatnynges and slaughter agaynst the disciples of the LORDE. And wente vnto ye hye preste, 2 and desyred of him letters to Damascon vnto the synagoges, that yf he foude eny of this waye (whether they were men or wemen) he mighte brynge the bounde vnto Ierusalem. 3 And as he was goinge on his iourney, it fortuned, that he came nye vnto Damasco, and sodenly there shyned rounde aboute hi a light fro heaue, 4 and he fell to the earth, and herde a voyce, which sayde vnto him: Saul Saul why persecutest thou me? 5 He sayde: LORDE, who art thou? The LORDE sayde: I am Iesus, who thou persecutest. It shalbe harde for ye to kycke agaynst the prycke. 6 And he both tremblinge and astonnyed, sayde: LORDE what wilt thou that I shal do? The LORDE sayde vnto him: Aryse, and go into the cite, there shal it be tolde the what thou shalt do. 7 As for ye me that iourneyed wt him, they stode and were amased: for they herde a voyce, but sawe noman. 8 Saul rose from the earth, and whan he had opened his eyes, he sawe noman. Neuertheles they toke him by the honde, & broughte him to Damasco: 9 and he was thre dayes without sighte, and nether ate ner dranke.

Isaiah 17:1

1 This is the heuy burthe vpo Damascus: Beholde, Damascus shal be nomore a cite, but an heape of broken stones.

Isaiah 17:1-14

1 This is the heuy burthe vpo Damascus: Beholde, Damascus shal be nomore a cite, but an heape of broken stones. 2 The cities of Aroer shalbe waist, The catel shal lie there, & noma shal fraye the awaye. 3 Ephraim shal no more be stroge, & Damascus shal nomore be a kyngdome. And as for ye glory of ye remnaunt of ye Sirians, it shalbe as the glory of the childre of Israel, saieth ye LORDE of hoostes. 4 At that tyme also shal ye glory of Iacob be very poore, & his fatnes leane. 5 It shal happe to the, as when one sheareth in haruest, which cutteth his handful wt the sickle, & when one gathreth ye sheaues together in the valley, of Rephaim, 6 there remayneth yet some ears ouer. Or as whe one shaketh an olyue tre, which fyndeth but two or thre olyue beries aboue in the toppe, and foure or fyue in the braunches. Thus the LORDE God of Israel hath spoken. 7 Then shal man couerte agayne vnto his maker, & turne his eyes to the holy one of Israel 8 And shal not turne to the aulters that are ye worke of his owne hodes, nether shal he loke vpon groaues & ymages, which his fyngers haue wrought. 9 At the same tyme shal their stronge cities be desolate, like as were once ye forsake plowes & corne, which they forsoke, for feare of ye children of Israel. 10 So shalt thou (o Damascus) be desolate, because thou hast forgotte God yi Sauioure, & hast not called to remebraunce ye rock of thi stregth, Wherfore thou hast also set a fayre plate, & grafted a straunge braunch. 11 In the daye when thou diddest plante it, it was greate, and gaue soone the frute of thi sede: But in the daye of haruest, thou shalt reape an heape of sorowes & miseries. 12 Wo be to the multitude of moch people, that russh in like the see, and to the heape of folke, that renne ouer all like greate waters. 13 For though so many people increase as the flowinge waters, and though they be armed, yet they fle farre of, and vanish awaye like the dust with the wynde vpon an hill, and as the whyrle wynde thorow a storme. 14 Though they be fearful at night, yet in the morninge it is gone with the, This is their porcion, that do vs harme, and heretage of them, that robbe vs.

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