Bible verses about "clothing" | Coverdale

Leviticus 19:19

19 My statutes shal ye kepe, that thou let not yi catell gendre with beestes of another kynde: nether sowe thy felde with myngled sede. And let no garment come vpon the, yt is mixte with wollen and lynnen.

Nehemiah 9:21

21 Fortye yeares longe madest thou prouysion for them in the wyldernesse, so that they wanted nothinge: their clothes waxed not olde, and their fete swelled not.

Psalms 104:2

2 Thou deckest thy self with light, as it were wt a garment, thou spredest out the heauen like a curtayne.

Matthew 6:28-30

28 why care ye then for rayment? Considre the lylies of the felde, how they growe. They laboure not, nether spynne. 29 And yet for all that I saye vnto you, that euen Salomon in all his royalte was not arayed lyke vnto one of these. 30 Wherfore yf God so cloth the grasse, which is to daye in the felde, and to morowe shalbe cast into the fornace: shal he not moch more do the same vnto you, o ye of lytle fayth?

Colossians 3:12-13

12 Now therfore as the electe of God, holy and beloued, put on tender mercye, kyndnes, humblenes of mynde, mekenesse, longe sufferynge, 13 forbearinge one another, and forgeuynge one another, yf eny man haue a quarell agaynst another. Like as Christ hath forgeuen you, euen so do ye also.

Romans 8:5

5 For they that are fleshly, are fleshly mynded: but they that are goostly, are goostly mynded.

Romans 12:1-2

1 I beseke you brethre by the mercyfulnesse of God, that ye geue ouer youre bodies for a sacrifice, yt is quycke holy, and acceptable vnto God, which is yor reasonable seruynge off God. 2 And fashion not youre selues like vnto this worlde, but be chaunged thorow the renewynge off yor mynde, yt ye maye proue, what thinge that good, yt acceptable, & perfecte wil of God is.

1 Peter 3:3

3 Whose apparell shal not be outwarde wt broyded heer, & hanginge on of golde, or in puttynge on of gorgious araye,

Deuteronomy 22:11

11 Thou shalt not weere a garmet, yt is mixte with wollen and lynnen together.

Matthew 6:25-34

25 Therfore I saye vnto you: be not ye carefull for your lyfe, what ye shall eate, or what ye shall drinke: nor yet for youre body, what ye shal put on. Ys not the lyfe more worth the meate, and the body more of value then raymet? 26 Beholde the foules of ye ayer: for they sowe not, nether reepe, nor yet cary in to the barnes: and yet youre heauely father fedeth the. Are ye not moch better the they? 27 Which of you (though he toke thought therfore) coulde put one cubit vnto his stature? 28 why care ye then for rayment? Considre the lylies of the felde, how they growe. They laboure not, nether spynne. 29 And yet for all that I saye vnto you, that euen Salomon in all his royalte was not arayed lyke vnto one of these. 30 Wherfore yf God so cloth the grasse, which is to daye in the felde, and to morowe shalbe cast into the fornace: shal he not moch more do the same vnto you, o ye of lytle fayth? 31 Therfore take no thought, sayinge: what shall we eate, or what shall we drinke? or where with shall we be clothed? 32 After all soch thynges do the heithen seke. For youre heauenly father knoweth, that ye haue nede of all these thynges. 33 Seke ye fyrst the kyngdome of heauen and the righteousnes therof, so shal all these thynges be ministred vnto you. 34 Care not then for the morow, for the morow shall care for it self: Euery daye hath ynough of his owne trauayll.

1 Corinthians 11:6-10

6 Yf the woma be not couered, let hir heer also be cut of. But yf it be vncomely for a woman to haue hir heer cut of or to be shauen, then let hir couer hir heade. 7 Neuertheles the man oughte not to couer his heade, for so moch as he is the ymage and glory of God: but the woma is the glory of the man. 8 For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. 9 Nether was the man created for the womans sake, but the woma for the mans sake. 10 Therfore ought the woman to haue a power vpon hir heade, for the angels sakes.

1 Peter 3:1-5

1 Likewyse let the wyues be in subieccion to their hussbandes, that euen they which beleue not the worde, maye without the worde be wonne by ye couersacion of the wyues, 2 whan they beholde yor pure conuersacion in feare. 3 Whose apparell shal not be outwarde wt broyded heer, & hanginge on of golde, or in puttynge on of gorgious araye, 4 but let ye inwarde ma of ye hert be vncorrupte wt a meke & a quyete sprete, which before God is moch set by. 5 For after this maner in the olde tyme, dyd ye holy weme which trusted in God, tyer the selues, & were obedient vnto their hussbades:

Ephesians 4:22-24

22 So then as concernynge the conuersacion in tyme past laye from you that olde man which marreth himselfe thorow disceauable lustes: 23 but be ye renued in the sprete of youre mynde, 24 and put on that new man, which is shapen after God, in true righteousnes and holynes.

Matthew 6:31-33

31 Therfore take no thought, sayinge: what shall we eate, or what shall we drinke? or where with shall we be clothed? 32 After all soch thynges do the heithen seke. For youre heauenly father knoweth, that ye haue nede of all these thynges. 33 Seke ye fyrst the kyngdome of heauen and the righteousnes therof, so shal all these thynges be ministred vnto you.

Isaiah 61:10

10 And therfore I am ioyful in the LORDE, & my soule reioyseth in my God. For he shall put vpon me the garmet of health, & couer me with the matle of rightuousnes. He shal decke me like a brydegrome, & as a bryde that hath hir apparell vpo her.

Luke 12:33-34

33 Sell that ye haue, and geue almesse. Make you bagges, which waxe not olde: euen a treasure that neuer fayleth in heauen, where no thefe commeth, and no moth corruppeth: 34 for where youre treasure is, there wil youre hert be also.

1 Timothy 2:9-10

9 Likewyse also the wemen, that they araye them selues in comly apparell with shamfastnes and discrete behaueor, not with broyded heer, or golde, or perles, or costly araye: 10 but with soch as it becommeth weme that professe godlynes thorow good workes.

1 Timothy 2:9

9 Likewyse also the wemen, that they araye them selues in comly apparell with shamfastnes and discrete behaueor, not with broyded heer, or golde, or perles, or costly araye:

Deuteronomy 22:5

5 A woman shall not weere yt which pertayneth to a man, nether shal a man put on womans raymet. For who so euer doth soch, is abhominacion vnto ye LORDE yi God.

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