Bible verses about "babylon" | Coverdale

Genesis 10:10

10 And the origenall of his kyngdome was Babel, Erech, Acad & Chalne in ye londe of Synear.

Isaiah 13:1-22

1 This is ye heuy burthe of Babilo, which Esaye the sonne of Amos dyd se. 2 Make some tokes to the hie hilles, call vnto them, holde vp youre hode, that the prynces maye go in at the dore. 3 For I will sende for my debites and my gyautes (sayeth the LORDE) and in my wrath I will call for soch, as tryumphe in my glory. 4 With that, me thought I herde in the moutaynes, a noyse, like as it had bene of a greate people: and a ru?shinge, as though the kyngdomes of all nacions had come together. (And the LORDE of hoostes was the captayne of the whole armye.) 5 As they had come not only out of farre countrees, but also from the endes of the heaues: Eue the LORDE himself with the ministers of his wrath, to destroye the whole lode. 6 Mourne therfore, for the daye of the LORDE is at honde, and commeth as a destroyer from ye allmighty. 7 Then shall all hondes be letten downe, and all mens hertes shal melt awaie, 8 they shal stonde in feare, carefulnesse and sorowe shal come vpo them, and they shal haue payne, as a woman that traueleth with childe. One shall euer be aba?shed of another, & their faces shal burne, like ye flame. 9 For lo, the daye of the LORDE shall come, terrible, full of indignacion and wrath: to make the londe waist, and to root out the synne therof. 10 For the starres and planetes of heauen shal not geue their light, the Sonne shalbe quenched in the rysinge, and the Mone shal not shyne with his light. 11 And I wil punysh the wickednesse of the worlde, & the synnes of the vngodly, sayeth the LORDE. The hye stomackes of the proude will I take awaye, and will laye downe the boostinge of tyrauntes. 12 I will make a man dearer the fyne golde, and a man to be more worth, the a golden wedge of Ophir. 13 Morouer, I will so shake the heaue, that the earth shall remo out of hir place. Thus shall it go wt Babilon, in the wrath of the LORDE of hoostes in ye daye of his fearfull indignacio. 14 And Babilon shalbe as an hunted or chased doo, and as a flocke wt out a shepherde. Euery ma shal turne to his owne people, & fle echone into his owne londe. 15 Who so is founde alone, shalbe shot thorow: And who so gather together, shalbe destroyed wt the swerde. 16 Their children shalbe slayne before their eyes, their houses spoyled, & their wyues rauyshed. 17 For lo, I shall bringe vp ye Medes agaynst the, which shal not regarde syluer, nor be desyrous of golde. 18 Then shall yonge mens bowes be knapped asunder. The Medes shal haue no pitie vpo wome wt childe, & their faces shall not spare ye childre. 19 And Babilo (yt glory of kigdomes and bewtie of the Caldees honor) shalbe destroyed, eue as God destroyed Sodom & Gomorra. 20 It shal neuer be more inhabited, nether shal there be eny more dwellinge there, from generacion to generacion. The Arabians shall make no mo tentes there, nether shall the shepardes make their foldes there eny more: 21 but wylde beastes shal lie there, & ye houses shalbe full of greate Oules. Estriches shal dwell there, & Apes shal daunse there: 22 The litle Oules shall crie in the palaces, one after another, & Dragos shalbe in the pleasaut perlours. And as for Babilons tyme, it is at honde, & hir dayes maye not be longe absent.

Jeremiah 32:28

28 Therfore thus sayde the LORDE: beholde, I shal delyuer this cite in to the power of the Caldees, and in to the power of Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon, they shall take it in:

Jeremiah 46:13-26

13 These are the wordes that the LORDE spake to the prophet Ieremy, concernyge ye hoost of Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon, which was to destroye the londe off Egipte: 14 Preach out thorow the londe of Egipte, and cause it be proclamed at Migdal, Memphis and Taphnis, and saye: Stonde still, make the redie, for the swearde shal consume the rounde aboute. 15 How happeneth it that thy mightie worthies are fallen? why stode they not fast? Euen because the LORDE thrust them downe. 16 The slaughter was greate, for one fell euer still vpon another. One cried vpon another: Vp, let vs go agayne to oure owne people, and to oure owne naturall countre, from the swearde of oure enemie. 17 Crie euen there: O Pharao kynge of Egipte, the tyme will bringe sedicion. 18 As truly as I lyue (saieth the kynge, whose name is the LORDE of hoostes) it shall come as ye mount of Thabor, and as Libanus yf it stode in the see. 19 O thou doughter of Egipte, make redy thy geer to flyt. For Memphis shalbe voyde and desolate, so that no ma shal dwell therin. 20 The londe of Egipte is like a goodly fayre calfe, but one shall come out of the north to dryue her forwarde. 21 Hir wagied souldyers that be with her, are like fat calues. They also shall fle awaye together, and not abyde: for the daye off their slaughter and the tyme of their visitacion shall come vpon them. 22 The crie off their enemies shall make a noyse, as the blast of a trompet. For they shall entre in with their hooste, and come wt axes, as it were hewers downe of wod. 23 And they shall cut downe hir wod (saieth the LORDE) with out eny discrecion. For they shal be mo in nobre then the greshoppers, so that no man shalbe able to tell the. 24 The doughter of Egipte shalbe confouded. whe she shalbe delyuered in to the hondes off the people off the north. 25 Morouer thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: Beholde I will vyset that restlesse people off Alexandria, Pharao and Egipte, yee both their goddes and their kynges: euen Pharao, and all them yt litten vnto him. 26 Yee I will delyuer them in to the hondes off those, that seke after their lyues: Namely, in to the power off Nabuchodonosor the kynge off Babilon, and in to the power off his seruautes. And after all these thinges, it shalbe inhabited as afore tyme, saieth the LORDE

1 Peter 5:13

13 The companyons of youre eleccion that are at Babilon, salute you, and Marcus my sonne.

Psalms 137:8

8 O doughter Babilo, thou shalt come to misery thy self: yee happie shal he be, that rewardeth ye as thou hast serued vs.

Revelation 18:1-24

1 And after that I sawe another angel come downe fro heaue, hauinge greate power, and ye earth was lyghtned with his bryghtnes. 2 And he cryed mightely with a stronge voyce, sayenge: She is fallen, she is fallen, euen greate Babilon, and is become the habitacion of deuels, and ye holde of all fowle spretes, and a cage of all vncleane and hatefull byrdes: 3 for all nacios haue dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her whordome. And the kynges of the earth haue committed fornicacion with her, and her marchauntes are wexed ryche of the abundaunce of her pleasures. 4 And I herde another voyce from heauen saye: come awaye from her my people, that ye be not partakers of her synnes, lest ye receaue of her plages. 5 For her synnes are gone vp to heauen, and the LORDE hath remembred her wyckednes. 6 Rewarde her euen as she rewarded you, and geue her dubble acordinge to her workes. And poure in dubble to her in the same cuppe, which she fylled vnto you. 7 And as moche as she gloryfied her selfe and lyued wantanly, so moch poure ye in for her of punysshmet, and sorowe, for she sayeth in her herte: I syt beinge a quene, and am no wyddowe, and shall se no sorowe. 8 Therfore shal her plages come at one daye, death, and sorowe, and honger, and she shalbe bret with fyre: for stronge is the LORDE God which shal iudge her. 9 And the kynges of the earth shal bewepe her and wayle ouer her, which haue committed fornicacion and lyued wantanly with her, when they shal se the smoke of her burnynge, 10 and shal stonde a farre of for feare of her punysshment, sayenge: Alas, Alas, that greate cite Babylon, that mighty cite: For at one houre is thy iudgment come. 11 And the marchauntes off the earth shall wepe and wayle in them selues, because no man will bye their ware eny more, 12 the ware of golde, and syluer, and of precious stones, off pearle, & sylke, and purple, and skarlet, & all Thynen wod, and all manner vessels of yuery, and all manner vessels of most precious wod, and of brasse, and of yron, 13 & synomom and odours, and oyntmentes, and frankynsence, and wyne, and oyle, and fyne floure, and wheate, and catell, and shepe, and horses, and charrettes, and bodies and soules of men. 14 And the apples that thy soule lusted after, are departed from the. And all thinges which were deyntie, and had in pryce, are departed from the, and thou shalt fynde them no more. 15 The marchauntes of these thinges which were wexed ryche by her, shall stonde afarre of for feare of the punysshment of her, wepynge and waylinge, 16 and sayenge: alas alas, that greate cite, that was clothed in sylke, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with golde, and precious stone, and pearles: 17 for at one houre so greate ryches is come to naught. And euery shippe gouerner, and all they that occupie shippes, and shippmen which worke in the see, stode a farre of, 18 and cryed, when they sawe the smoke of her burnynge, and sayde: what cite is like vnto this greate cite? 19 And they cast dust on their heades, and cryed wepynge, and waylinge, and sayde: Alas, Alas the greate cite, wherin were made ryche all that had shippes in the see, by the reason of her wares: for at one houre is she made desolate. 20 Reioyce ouer her thou heaue, and ye holy Apostles, and prophetes: for God hath geuen youre iudgmet on her. 21 And a mighty angell toke vp a greate stone lyke a mylstone, and cast it in to the see, sayenge: with suche violece shal that greate cite Babylon be cast, and shalbe founde no more. 22 And the voyce of harpers, and musicions, and of pypers, and trompetters, shalbe herde no more in the: and no craftes man (of what soeuer craft he be) shalbe founde eny more in the: and the sounde of a myll shalbe herde no more in the: 23 and the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde, shalbe herde no more in the for thy marchauntes were prynces of the earth. And with thyne inchautment were deceaued all nacions: 24 and in her was founde the bloude of the prophetes, and of the sayntes, and of all that were slayne vpo the earth.

2 Kings 24:7

7 And the kynge of Egipte came nomore out of his londe: for the kynge of Babilon had conquered all that was the kynge of Egiptes, from the ryuer of Egipte vnto ye water Euphrates.

Revelation 16:19

19 And the greate cite was deuyded in to thre parties. And the cities of nacions fell. And greate Babilon came in remembraunce before God, to geue vnto hyr the cuppe of wyne of the fearcenes of his wrath.

Jeremiah 50:1-46

1 The wordes yt the LORDE spake vnto the prophet Ieremy, concernynge Babilon, & the londe of the Caldees: 2 Preach amonge the Gentiles, let youre voyce be herde, make a toke: crie out, kepe no sylence, but saye: Babilon shal be wonne, Bel shalhe cofounded, and Merodach shalbe ouer come. Yee their goddes shal be brought to shame, and their ymages shall stonde in feare. 3 For out of the north there shal come a people agaynst her, which shal make hir londe so waist, that no body shal dwell therin: nether man ner beast, for they shall fle and departe from thence. 4 In those dayes & at that tyme (saieth the LORDE) the childre of Israel shall come, they & the children of Iuda, wepinge & makinge haist, & shal seke the LORDE their God. 5 They shall axe the waye to Sion, thyther shall they turne their faces, & come, and hange vpon the, in a couenaunt that neuer shal be broken. 6 My people hath bene a lost flocke, my shepherdes haue disceaued them, & haue made them go astraye vpon the hilles. They haue gone from the mountayne to the litle hill, & forgotten their folde. 7 All they yt came vpon them, haue deuoured the: & their enemies sayde: We haue made no faute agaynst them, for they haue displeased the LORDE, yee euen the LORDE which is the bewtie of their rightuousnes, & yt defended their fathers. 8 Yet shal ye fle from Babilon, & departe out of ye londe of the Caldees, and ye shall be as the rammes that go before the flocke. 9 For lo, I will wake vp an hoost of people from ye northren londe, & bringe them vpon Babilon: these shal laye sege to it, & wynne it: Their arowes shal not mysse, like as a connynge archer shuteth not wronge. 10 And the Caldees shalbe spoyled, & all they that spoyle them, shalbe satisfied, saieth the LORDE: 11 because ye were so chearfull & glad, to treade downe myne heretage, & fulfilled youre pleasures, as the calues in the grasse: and triumphed ouer them like the bulles, when ye had gotten the victory. 12 Youre mothers shalbe sore confounded, and they that bare you, shal come to shame. She shall be the leest set by amonge the nacions, vyode, waist, & dried vp. 13 No man shal be able to dwell there, for the feare of ye LORDE, but she shal be whole desolate. All they that go by Babilon, shall stonde still, & be abashed, & shal wondre at all hir plages. 14 Go forth in yor araye agaynst Babilon rounde aboute, all ye that can hadle bowes: shute as her, spare no arowes, for she hath synned agaynst the LORDE. 15 Crie out: vpon her, vpon her, agaynst her roude aboute: she shal yelde herselfe, her foundacios shal fall, & hir walles shall come downe, for it shalbe the vengeaunce of the LORDE. Yee vegeaunce shalbe taken of her, & as she hath done, so shal she be dealt withall. 16 They shal rote out the sower from Babilon, & him yt handleth the sickle in haruest. For feare of the swearde of the enemie, euery man shall get him to his owne people, & euery man shal fle to his owne londe. 17 Israel is a scatred flocke, the Lyons haue dispersed them. First the kinge of the Assirians deuoured them, last of all this Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon hath brussed all their bones. 18 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: Beholde, I will viset the kinge of Babilon & his kingdome, as I haue visited the kinge of the Assirians: 19 and will bringe Israel agayne to his pleasaunt pasture, that he maye fede vpon Charmel & Basan, and be satisfied vpon the mount of Ephraim & Galaad. 20 In those dayes and at the same tyme (saieth the LORDE) yf the offence of Israel be sought for, there shal none be founde: Yf men enquere for the synne of Iuda, there shal be none: for I wil be mercifull vnto them, whom I suffre to remayne ouer. 21 Go downe (o thou avenger) in to the enemies londe, & viset them that dwell therin: downe with them, and smyte them vpon the backes, saieth the LORDE: do acordinge to all, that I haue commaunded the. 22 There is gone aboute the londe a crie of a slaughter & greate murthur, namely on this maner: 23 How happeneth it, that the hammer of the whole worlde is thus broken & brussed in sonder? How chaunceth it, that Babilon is become a wildernes amonge the Heithen on this maner? 24 I myself haue layed wayte for the, & thou art taken: vnawarres art thou trapped & snared: for why, thou hast prouoked ye LORDE vnto anger: 25 The LORDE hath opened his house of ordinaunce, & brought forth the weapens of his wrath. For the thinge that is done in the londe of the Caldees, it is the LORDE of hoostes worke. 26 These thinges shal come vpon her at the last, they shal breake in to hir preuy chabres, they shall leaue her as bare as stones, that be layed together vpon heapes. They shall so destroye her, yt nothinge shal be left. 27 They shal slaye all hir mightie souldyers, and put them to death. Wo be vnto the, for the daye & tyme of their visitacion is at honde. 28 Me thinke I heare already a crie, of them that be fled & escaped out of the londe of Babilon, which shewe in Sion the vengeaunce of the LORDE oure God, the vengeaunce of his temple: Yee a voyce of them, that crie agaynst Babilon: 29 Call vp all the archers agaynst Babilon, pytch youre tentes rounde aboute her, that none escape. Recompence her, as she hath deserued: and acordinge as she hath done, so deale with her agayne: for she hath set vp her self agaynst the LORDE, agaynst ye holy one of Israel. 30 Therfore shal hir yonge men fall downe in the stretes, & all hir men of warre shal be roted out in yt daye, saieth the LORDE. 31 Beholde, I speake vnto the (o thou proude) saieth the LORDE God of hoostes: for thy daye shal come, eue the tyme of yi visitacio. 32 And the proude shal stomble & fall, & no man shal helpe him vp. I wil burne vp his cities with fyre, & it shal consume all that is rounde aboute him. 33 Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: The children of Israel & Iuda suffre violence together. All they that haue them in captiuyte, kepe them fast, & wil not let them go: 34 but their aveger & redemer is mightie, whose name is the LORDE of hoostes: he shal manteyne their cause, he shal make the londe shake, & iudge them that dwell therin, one with another. 35 The swearde shall come vpon the Caldees (saieth the LORDE) vpon them that dwell in Babilon, vpon their prynces, & vpo their wyse me: 36 The swearde vpon their soythsayers, (as for those, they shall become fooles.) The swearde vpo their worthies, so that they shal stonde in feare: 37 The swearde vpon their horsmen and charettes, & vpon all the comon people that dwell vnder the: so that they all shal become like women: The swearde vpon their treasure, so that it shal be stolen awaye: 38 The swearde vpon their waters, so that they shalbe dried vp: For the londe worshippeth ymages, & delyteth in straunge wondrefull thinges. 39 Therfore shal wilde beestes, Apes & Estriches dwell therin: for there shal neuer man dwell there, nether shal eny man haue his habitacion there fore euermore. 40 Like as God destroyed Sodom & Gomorre, with the cities that laye there aboute, saieth the LORDE: So shal noman dwell there also, nether shal eny ma haue there his habitacion. 41 Beholde, there shal come a people from the north, with a greate bonde of men, & many kinges shal stonde vp from the endes of the earth: 42 They beare bowes & buclers, cruell are they & vnmercifull. Their voyce roareth like the raginge see, they ryde vpon horses, & come weapened to fight agaynst the: O Babilon. 43 As soone as the kinge of Babilon heareth tell of them, his hondes shal waxe feable: Sorowe and heuynes shall come vpon him, as a woman trauelinge with childe. 44 Beholde, like as the Lyon commeth vp from the pleasaunt medowes of Iordane vnto the grene pastures of Ethan, so wil I dryue the forth, and make them runne agaynst her. But whom shal I chose out, & ordene to soch thinge? For who is like me, or who wil stryue with me? or what shepherde maye stonde agaynst me? 45 Therfore heare the councel that the LORDE hath geuen vpon Babilon, and the deuyce that he hath taken vpon the londe of the Caldees. The leest amoge the people shal teare them in peces, & loke what pleasaunt thinge they haue: they shal laye it waist. 46 The noyse at ye wynnynge of Babilon shal moue the earth, & the crie shalbe herde amonge the Getiles.

Revelation 17:1-18

1 And there cam one of the seue angels, which had the seuen vialles, and talked with me, sayenge vnto me: Come, I wil shewe the the iugdment of the greate whore, that sytteth vpon many waters, 2 with whom the kynges of the earth haue commytted whordome, and the inhabiters of the earth are dronken with the wyne of her fornicacion. 3 And he caryed me awaye into the wildernes in ye sprete. And I sawe a woman syt vpon a rose colored beest, full of names of blasphemie, which had seue heades & ten hornes. 4 And ye woman was arayed in purple and rose color, and decked with golde, precious stone, and pearles, and had a cupp of golde in her honde, full of abhominacions, and fylthines of her wordome. 5 And in her forhed was a name wrytte, a mistery; greate Babilon the mother of whordome, and abominacios of the earth. 6 And I sawe the wyfe dronke with the bloude of sayntes, and with the bloud of the witnesses of Iesu. And when I sawe her, I wondred with greate mervayle. 7 And the angell sayde vnto me: wherfore meruayllest thou? I wyl shewe the the mistery of the woman, and of the beest that beerith her, which hath seuen heades, and ten hornes. 8 The beest that thou seest, was, and is not, and shall ascende out of the bottomlesse pytt, and shal go in to perdicion, and they that dwell on the earth shal wondre (whose names are not wrytten in the boke of life from the begynnynge of the worlde) when they beholde the beest that was, and is not. 9 And here is a mynde, that hath wissdome. The seuen heades are seuen mountanes, on which the woman sytteth: 10 they are also seuen kynges. Fyue are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come. When he commeth, he muste continue a space. 11 And the beest that was, and is not, is eue the eyght, and is of the seuen, and shal go in to destruccion. 12 And ye ten hornes which thou sawest, are ten kynges, which haue not yet receaued the kyngdome, but shal receaue power as kynges at one houre with ye beest. 13 These haue one mynde, and shal geue their power and stregth vnto ye beeste. 14 These shal fyght with the lambe, and the labe shal ouercome them: For he is LORDE of all lordes, and kinge of all kinges: and they that are on his syde, are called, and chosen and faithfull. 15 And he saide vnto me: The waters which thou sawest, where ye whore sytteth, are people, and folke, and nacions, and tonges. 16 And the ten hornes, which thou sawest vpon the beest, are they that shal hate the whore, and shal make her desolate, and naked, and shall eate hir flesshe, and burne her with fyre. 17 For God hath put in their hertes, to fulfill his wyll, and to do with one consent, for to geue hir kyngdome vnto the beest, vntill the wordes of God be fulfylled. 18 And the woma which thou sawest, is that greate cite, which raigneth ouer the kynges of the earth.

Jeremiah 51:58

58 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: The thicke wall of Babilon shalbe broken, and hir proude gates shalbe brente vp. And the thinge that the Getiles and the people haue wrought with greate trauayle and laboure, shal come to naught, and be consumed in the fyre.

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