Bible verses about "agriculture" | Coverdale

Leviticus 26:1-5

1 Ye shall make you no Idols ner ymage, and ye shal reare you vp no piler, ner set vp eny markstone in youre londe, to bowe youre selues therto. For I am the LORDE youre God. 2 Kepe my Sabbathes, and stonde in awe of my Sanctuary. I am the LORDE. 3 Yf ye wyll walke now in my statutes, and kepe my commaundementes and do them, 4 the wyl I geue you rayne in due season, and ye londe shal geue hir increase, and the trees of ye felde shal brynge forth their frute. 5 And the thresshinge tyme shall reache vnto the wyne haruest, and the wyne haruest shal reache vnto the sowynge tyme. And ye shall eate yor bred in plenteousnes, and shal dwell safe in youre londe.

Mark 4:26

26 And he sayde: The kyngdome of God is after this maner, as when a man casteth sede vpon the londe,

John 15:1

1 I am a true vyne, and my father is an hussbande man.

Leviticus 19:23-25

23 What tyme as ye are come in to the londe and plante all maner trees wherof men eate, ye shall circumcise the foreskynne of the same with their frutes: thre yeares shall ye holde them for vncircumcysed, so that ye eate them not: 24 but in the fourth yeare shall all their frutes be holy and praysed vnto ye LORDE. 25 In the fifth yeare shall ye eate the frutes, and gather them in: for I am ye LORDE youre God.

Mark 4:31

31 It is like a grayne of mustarde sede, which wha it is sowe vpo the londe, is the leest amonge all sedes of the earth.

Hosea 10:12

12 that they might sowe vnto rightuousnes, and reape the frutes of weldoynge: yt they might plowe vp their fresh londe, and seke the LORDE, till he came, and lerned them rightuousnes.

Genesis 1:12

12 And the earth brought forth grene grasse and herbe, yt beareth sede euery one after his kynde, & trees bearinge frute, & hauynge their owne sede in them selues, euery one after his kynde. And God sawe that it was good.

Matthew 13:1-10

1 The same daye wente Iesus out of ye house, and sat by the see syde, 2 & moch people resorted vnto him: so yt he wete in to a shyppe and satt him downe, and all the people stode vpo the shore. 3 And he spake many thinges vnto the in symilitudes, sayenge: Beholde, The sower wente forth to sowe: 4 and as he sowed, some fell by the waye syde: Then came the foules, & ate it vp. 5 Some fell vpon stony grounde, & anone it spronge vp, because it had no depth of earth: 6 But whan the Sonne arose, it caught heate: and for so moch as it had no rote, it withred awaye. 7 Some fell amoge the thornes, & the thornes grewe vp, and choked it. 8 Some fell vpo good groude, & gaue frute: some an hundreth folde, some sixtie folde, some thirtie folde. 9 Who so hath eares to heare, let hi heare. 10 And the disciples came vnto him, and sayde: Why speakest thou to the by parables?

1 Corinthians 3:6-9

6 I haue planted, Apollo hath watred, but God hath geuen the increase. 7 So then nether is he that planteth, eny thinge, nether he that watreth, but God which geueth the increase. 8 As for him that planteth, and he that watreth, ye one is as the other: but yet shal euery one receaue his rewarde acordinge to his laboure. 9 For we are Gods labourers, ye are Gods hussbandry, ye are Gods buyldinge.

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