Bible verses about "abortion" | Coverdale

Genesis 1:28

28 And God blessed them, and sayde vnto them: Growe, and multiplie, and fyll the earth, and subdue it, & haue domynion ouer the fish of the see, and ouer the foules of the ayre, and ouer all the beastes that crepe vpo the earth.

Genesis 9:7

7 As for you, be ye frutefull, and increase, and be occupied vpon the earth, that ye maye multiplye therin.

2 Samuel 12:14

14 But for so moch as thou thorow this dede hast caused the enemies of the LORDE to blaspheme, ye sonne that is borne vnto the, shall dye the death.

2 Kings 8:12

12 The sayde Hasael: Wherfore wepeth my lorde? He sayde: I knowe what euell thou shalt do vnto the children of Israel. Thou shalt burne their stronge cities with fyre, and slaye their yonge men with the swerde, and kyll their yonge children, and ryppe vp their wemen with childe.

Job 3:16

16 O that I vtterly had no beynge, or were as a thige borne out of tyme (that is put asyde) ether as yonge children, which neuer sawe the light.

Psalms 22:10

10 I haue bene left vnto the euer sence I was borne, thou art my God, eue fro my mothers wombe.

Psalms 127:3

3 It is but lost labour that ye ryse vp early, and take no rest, but eate the bred of carefulnesse: for loke to whom it pleaseth him, he geueth it in slepe.

Psalms 137:8-9

8 O doughter Babilo, thou shalt come to misery thy self: yee happie shal he be, that rewardeth ye as thou hast serued vs. 9 Blessed shal he be, that taketh thy children, and throweth them agaynst the stones

Psalms 139:13-16

13 I wil geue thakes vnto the, for I am woderously made: maruelous are thy workes, and that my soule knoweth right well. 14 My bones are not hyd from the, though I be made secretly, and fashioned beneth in the earth. 15 Thine eyes se myne vnparfitnesse, they stonde all writte i thy boke: 16 my dayes were fashioned, when as yet there was not one of them

Isaiah 13:16

16 Their children shalbe slayne before their eyes, their houses spoyled, & their wyues rauyshed.

Genesis 9:5-6

5 For the bloude of you wherin youre soule is, wyll I requyre of the hande of all beastes: and the soule of ma wyll I requyre of mans hande, yee euery mans soule of anothers hande. 6 He that sheddeth mas bloude, his bloude shal be shed by man agayne, for God made man after his owne licknesse.

Exodus 21:22-25

22 Yf men stryue, and hytt a woman with childe, so that ye frute departe from her, and no harme happen vnto her, then shall he be punyshed for money, as moch as the womans husbande layeth to his charge, and he shall geue it, acordinge to the appoyntement of the dayes men. 23 But yf there come harme vnto her there thorow, then shal he paye soule for soule, 24 eye for eye, toth for toth, hande for hande, fote for fote, 25 burnynge for burnynge, wounde for wounde, strype for strype.

Psalms 51:5

5 Beholde, I was borne in wickednesse, and in synne hath my mother conceaued me.

Mark 7:20-23

20 And he sayde: The thinge that goeth out of the man, 21 that defyleth the man. For from within out of the hert of man proceade euell thoughtes, aduoutrye, whordome, murthur, 22 theft, coueteousnes, wickednes, disceate, vnclennes, a wicked eye, blasphemy, pryde, foolishnes. 23 All these euell thinges go from within, and defyle the man.

Hosea 13:16

16 As for Samaria, they shalbe made waist, & why? they are disobedient vnto their God. They shal perish with the swearde, their children shalbe slayne, and their women bygg with childe shalbe rypte vp.

Genesis 38:24

24 After thre monethes it was tolde Iuda: Thamar thy doughter in lawe hath plaied the whoore: and beholde, by whordome is she gotten with childe. Iuda sayde: brynge her forth, that she maye be brent.

Numbers 5:27-28

27 And wha she hath dronken the water, yf she be defyled and haue trespaced agaynst hir hu?bande, then shal the cursinge water go in to her, and be so bytter, that hir wombe shal berst, and hir thye shall rotte, and the wife shal be a curse amonge hir people. 28 But yf the same wife be not defyled, but is cleane, then shall it do her no harme, so that she maye be with childe.

Numbers 5:19-22

19 Yf no man haue lye with the, and thou hast not gone asyde from thy hu?bande, to defyle thy self, then shall not these bytter cursinge waters hurte the. 20 But yf thou hast gone asyde from thy hu?bande, so that thou art defyled, and some other man hath lyen with the besyde thy hu?bande, 21 then shall the prest coniure the wife with this curse, and shal saye vnto her: The LORDE sett the to a curse and a coniuracion amonge thy people, so that the LORDE make thy thye rotte, and thy wombe to berst. 22 So go this cursed water in to thy body, that yi wombe berst, and thy thye rotte. And the wife shal saye: Amen Amen.

Numbers 31:15-17

15 and sayde vnto the: Haue ye saued all ye wemen alyue? 16 Beholde, haue not they (thorow Balaams busynes) turned awaye ye childre of Israel to synne agaynst the LORDE vpo Peor, & their came a plage ouer the whole cogregacion of ye LORDE? 17 Now therfore slaie all the males amoge ye childre, & kyll all ye wemen yt haue knowne men & lyen wt them.

2 Kings 15:16

16 At the same tyme dyd Manahem smyte Tiphsa, & all yt were therin, & the coastes therof from Thirza, because they wolde not let him in, and smote all their wemen wt childe, and rypte them vp.

Proverbs 6:16-19

16 There be sixe thinges, which the LORDE hateth, & the seuenth he vtterly abhorreth: 17 A proude loke, a dyssemblynge tonge, hades that shed innocent bloude, 18 an herte yt goeth aboute wt wicked ymaginacios, fete that be swift in rennynge to do myschefe, 19 a false wytnesse yt bringeth vp lyes, & soch one as soweth discorde amonge brethren.

Exodus 20:13

13 Thou shalt not kyll.

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