Bible verses about "666" | Coverdale

Deuteronomy 18:18

18 I wil rayse them vp a prophet from amonge their brethren like vnto the, and wyl put my wordes in his mouth, & he shal speake vnto them all that I shal comaunde him.

Daniel 7:25

25 He shall subdue thre kynges, and shall speake wordes agaynst the hyest off all: he shall destroye the sayntes of the most hyest and thynke, that he maye chaunge tymes and lawes. They shall be geuen vnder his power, vntill a tyme, two tymes, and halff a tyme.

Revelation 20:4

4 And I sawe seates, and they sat vpon them, and the iudgement was geuen vnto them: and I sawe the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnes of Iesu, and for the worde of God: which had not worshipped the beest, nether his ymage, nether had taken his marke vpon their forheades, or on their hondes: and they lyued, and raygned with Christ a thousand yeare:

Revelation 12:1-17

1 And there appeared a greate token in heauen. A woman clothed with the Sonne, and the mone vnder her fete, and vpon her heed a crowne of twolue starres. 2 And she was with childe, and cryed trauaillinge in byrth, and payned redy to be delyuered. 3 And there appeared another token in heauen, and beholde a greate reed dragon, hauinge seuen heades, and ten hornes and seue crownes vpo his heades: 4 and his tayle drue the thyrde parte of the starres, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stode before the woma, which was ready to be delyuered: for to devoure her childe as sone as it were borne. 5 And she brought forth a man childe, which shulde rule all nacions with a rod of yron. And her sonne was taken vp vnto God, and to his seate. 6 And the woman fled in to wyldernes, where she had a place prepared off God, that they shulde fede her there a M.ij.C. and lx. dayes. 7 And there was a greate batayll in heaue Michael and his angels foughte with the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 and preuayled not, nether was their place founde eny more in heauen. 9 And the greate dragon that olde serpent (called the deuell and Sathanas) was cast out. Which disceaued all the worlde. And he was cast in to the earth, and his angelles were cast out with him also. 10 And I harde a lowde voyce, which sayde in heauen: Now is saluacion, and strength and the kyngdome become oure Gods, and ye power his Christes: For he is cast downe, which accused them before God daye and night. 11 And they ouercame him by the bloude of the lambe, and by the worde of their testimony, and they loued not their lyues vnto the deeth. 12 Therfore reioyce ye heauens, and ye that dwell in them. Wo to the inhabiters of the earth, and of the see: for the deuell is come downe vnto you, which hath greate wrath, because he knoweth, that he hath but a short tyme. 13 And when the dragon sawe, that he was cast vnto the earth, he persecuted the woman, which brought forth the man childe. 14 And to the woman were geue two wynges of a greate egle that she might flye in to the wyldernes, in to her place, where she is norysshed for a tyme, two tymes, and halffe a tyme, from the presence of the serpet. 15 And the dragon cast out of his mouth water after the woma, as it had bene a ryuer, that he might cause her to be caught of ye floud. 16 And the earth holpe the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swalowed vp the ryuer which the dragon cast out of his mouth. 17 And the dragon was wroth with the woma: and went and made warre with the remnaunt of hyr sede, which kepe the comaundementes of God, and haue the testimony of Iesus Christ. And I stode on the see sonde.

Revelation 13:17

17 And that no man might by or sell, saue he yt had ye marke, or the name of the beest, ether the nombre of his name.

2 Chronicles 9:13

13 The golde that was broughte vnto Salomon in one yeare, was sixe hundreth and sixe and thre score talentes,

Ezra 6:1-22

1 Then comaunded kinge Darius, that search shulde be made in ye library of ye kynges treasure house, which laye at Babilon. 2 So at Egbathanis in a castell that lyeth in the londe of the Meedes, there was founde a boke, & in it was there an acte wrytten after this maner: 3 In the first yeare of kynge Cyrus, comaunded the same kynge Cyrus to buylde ye house of God at Ierusalem, in the place where the sacrifice is made, & to laye the foundacion to beare thre score cubites heyght, & thre score cubites bredth, 4 & thre walles of all maner of stones, and one wall of tymber, & the expences shalbe geuen of the kynges house. 5 And the golde and syluer vessell of ye house of God (which Nabuchodonosor toke out of the temple at Ierusalem, and broughte vnto Babilon) shalbe restored agayne, yt they maye be broughte vnto the temple at Ierusale to their place in to the house of God. 6 Get you farre from them therfore, thou Thathnai Debyte beyonde the water, and Sethar of Bosen, & youre councelers which are beyonde the water. 7 Let them worke in ye house of God, that the Debyte of ye Iewes and their Elders maye buylde the house of God in his place. 8 I haue commaunded also, what shalbe done to ye Elders of Iuda for the buyldinge of the house of God, that there shal diligently be take of the kynges goodes, euen of the rentes beyonde the water, & geuen vnto the men, and that they be not hyndered. 9 And yf they haue nede of calues, lambes, or goates for the burntoffrynge vnto ye God of heauen, wheate, salt, wyne and oyle, after the custome of the prestes at Ierusalem, there shalbe geuen them daylie as is acordinge: and se that this be not done necligetly, 10 that they maye offre swete sauoures vnto ye God of heauen, and praye for the kynges lyfe, and for his children. 11 This commaundement haue I geue. And what man so euer he be that altereth these wordes, there shal a balke be taken from his house, and set vp, and he shalbe hanged theron, and his house shalbe prysed for the dede. 12 But the God that dwelleth in heauen, destroye all kynges and people, that put to their hade to alter and to breake downe the house of God at Ierusalem. I Darius haue commaunded, that this be diligently done. 13 Then Thathnai ye Debyte beyonde ye water, and Sethar of Bosen with their councelers (to whom kynge Darius had sent) dyd their diligence. 14 And ye Elders of the Iewes buylded, and they prospered thorow the prophecienge of Aggeus the prophet and Zachary the sonne of Iddo: and they buylded, and set vp the worke, acordinge to the commaundement of the God of Israel, and after the commaundement of Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerses kynges of Persia. 15 And they perfourmed the house vnto the thirde daye of the moneth Adar, that was the sixte yeare of the reigne of kynge Darius. 16 And the children of Israel, the prestes, the Leuites, and the other children of ye captyuite helde the dedicacion of the house of God with ioye, 17 and offred at the dedicacion of the house of God, an hundreth calues, two hundreth lambes, foure hundreth goates: and for the synofferynge for all Israel, twolue he goates, acordinge to the nombre of the trybes of Israel, 18 and set the prestes in their courses, and ye Leuites in their offices, to mynister vnto God which is at Ierusale, as it is wrytten in the boke of Moses. 19 And the children of the captyuite helde Passeouer vpon the fourtenth daye of the first moneth: 20 for ye prestes and Leuites had purified them selues, so yt they were all cleane as one man, and kylled Passeouer for all the children of the captyuite, and for their brethre the prestes, and for them selues. 21 And the childre of Israel which were come agayne out of captiuyte, and all soch as had separated them selues vnto them from the fylthinesse of the Heythen in the londe, to seke the LORDE God of Israel, ate 22 & helde the feast of vnleueded bred seuen dayes with ioye: for the LORDE had made them glad, and turned the hert of the kynge of Assur vnto the, so that their handes were strengthed in the worke of the house of God, which is ye God of Israel.

Revelation 14:1-20

1 And I loked, and lo, a lambe stode on the mout Syon, and with him .C. and xliiij. thousande hauynge his fathers name wrytten in their forheades. 2 And I herde a voyce from heauen, as the sounde of many waters, and as the voyce of a greate thondre. And the voyce that I herde, was as the harpers that playe vpon their harpers. 3 And they songe as it were a newe songe, before the seate, & before ye foure beestes, and the elders, and no man coulde learne yt songe, but the hondred and xliiij.M. which were redemed from the earth. 4 These are they, which were not defyled with wemen, for they are virgyns. These folowe the lambe whither soeuer he goeth. These were redemed from men, beynge the fyrst frutes vnto God and to the lambe, 5 and in their mouthes was founde no gyle. For they are withoute spot before the trone of God. 6 And I sawe an angell flye in the myddes of heauen hauinge an euerlastinge Gospell, to preache vnto them that syt and dwell on the earth, and to all nacions, kinreddes, and toges and people, 7 sayege with a lowde voyce: Feare God, and geue honour to him, for the houre of his iudgement is come: and worshippe him that made heauen and earth, and the see, and the fountaynes off water. 8 And there folowed another angell, sayenge: She is fallen, she is fallen: eue Babilon that greate cite, for she made all nacions drynke off the wyne off hyr whordome. 9 And the thyrde angel folowed the, sayenge with a loude voyce: Yf eny man worshippe the beest and his ymage, and receaue his marke in his forhed, or on his honde, 10 the same shall drynke of the wyne of the wrath of God, which is powred in the cuppe of his wrath. And he shalbe punysshed in fyre and brymstone, before the holy Angels, and before the lambe. 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth vp euermore. And they haue no rest daye ner nyght, which worshippe the beast and his ymage, and whosoeuer receaueth the prynt of his name. 12 Here is the pacience of sayntes. Heare are they that kepe the commaundementes and the faith off Iesu. 13 And I herde a voyce from heauen, sayenge vnto me: wryte: Blessed are ye deed, which here after dye in the LORDE. Yee the sprete sayeth, that they rest from their laboures, for their workes folowe them. 14 And I loked and beholde, a whyte cloude, and vpo ye cloude one syttynge like vnto the sonne of man, hauinge on his heed a golden crowne, and in his hode a sharpe sykle. 15 And another angell came out of the temple, cryenge with a loude voyce to him that sat on the cloude: Thruste in thy sycle and reepe: for the tyme is come to reepe, for the corne of the earth is rype. 16 And he that sat on ye cloude thrust in his sykle on the earth, and the earth was reeped. 17 And another angell came out of the temple, which is in heauen, hauinge also a sharpe sykle. 18 And another angel came out from the aultre, which had power ouer fyre, and cryed with a loude crye vnto hym that had the sharpe syckle, and sayde: Thruste in thy sharpe syckle, and gather the clusters of ye earth, for hir grapes are rype. 19 And the angell thrust in his syckle on the erthe, and cut downe the grapes of the vynyarde of the earth, and cast them in to the greate wynefat of ye wrath of God: 20 & the wynefat was trodden without the cite, and bloude came out of the fat, euen vnto the horsse brydles by the space of a thousande and sixe hundreth furlonges.

Revelation 13:16-18

16 And he made all bothe smale and greate, ryche and poore, fre and bond, to receaue a marke in their right hondes, or in their forheades. 17 And that no man might by or sell, saue he yt had ye marke, or the name of the beest, ether the nombre of his name. 18 Here is wissdome. Let him that hath wyt, count the nombre of the beest. For it is the nombre of a man, and his nombre is sixe hondred, thre score and sixe.

Revelation 13:1-18

1 And I sawe a beest rise out of the see, hauinge seuen heades, and x. hornes, and vpon his hornes x. crownes, and vpo his heed, the names of blasphemy. 2 And the beest which I sawe was lyke a catt of the mountayne, and his fete were as the fete of a bear, and his mouth as the mouthe of a lyon. And ye drago gaue him his power and his seate, and greate auctorite: 3 and I sawe one of his heades as it were wounded to death, and his dedly wounde was healed. And all the worlde wodred at the beest, 4 and they worshipped the dragon which gaue power vnto the beest, and they worshipped the beest, sayenge: who is like vnto the beest? who is able to warre with him? 5 And there was geuen vnto him a mouth to speake greate thinges & blasphemies, and power was geuen vnto him, to do xlij. monethes. 6 And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy agaynst God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heauen. 7 And it was geuen vnto him to make warre with the sayntes, and to ouercome them. And power was geuen him ouer all kynred, tonge, and nacion: 8 and all that dwell vpon the earth worshipt him: whose names are not wrytten in the boke of life of the lambe, which was kylled from the beginnynge of the worlde. 9 Yf eny man haue an eare, let him heare. 10 He that leadeth in to captiuite, shal go in to captiuite: he that killeth with a swearde, must be killed with ye swearde. Heare is the pacience, and the faith of the saynctes. 11 And I behelde another beest commynge vp out of the earth, and he had two hornes like a lambe, and he spake as dyd the drago. 12 And he dyd all that the first beest coulde do in his presence, and he caused the earth, and them which dwell therin, to worshippe the fyrst beest, whose deedly woude was healed. 13 And he dyd greate wonders, so that he made fyre come downe from heaue in the sight of men. 14 And deceaued them that dwelt on the earth by ye meanes of those signes which he had power to do in the sight of the beest, sayenge to them that dwelt on the earth: that they shulde make an ymage vnto the beest, which had the wounde of a swearde and dyd liue. 15 And he had power to geue a sprete vnto the ymage of the beest, and that the ymage of the beest shulde speake, and shulde cause, that as many as wolde not worshippe the ymage of the beest, shulde be kylled. 16 And he made all bothe smale and greate, ryche and poore, fre and bond, to receaue a marke in their right hondes, or in their forheades. 17 And that no man might by or sell, saue he yt had ye marke, or the name of the beest, ether the nombre of his name. 18 Here is wissdome. Let him that hath wyt, count the nombre of the beest. For it is the nombre of a man, and his nombre is sixe hondred, thre score and sixe.

Revelation 13:18

18 Here is wissdome. Let him that hath wyt, count the nombre of the beest. For it is the nombre of a man, and his nombre is sixe hondred, thre score and sixe.

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