Bible verses about "unforgiveness" | Bishops

Ephesians 4:29

29 Let no fylthy communication procede out of your mouth, but that whiche is good to edifie withal, as oft as neede is, that it may minister grace vnto the hearers

1 John 1:9

9 If we knowledge our sinnes, he is faythfull & iust to forgeue vs our sinnes, and to clense vs from all vnryghteousnesse

1 John 4:20

20 If a man say, I loue God, & yet hate his brother, he is a lyer: For how can he yt loueth not his brother whom he hath seene, loue God who he hath not seene

2 Peter 1:9

9 But he that lacketh these thynges, is blynde, and can not see farre of, & hath forgotten that he was purged from his olde sinnes

Matthew 6:12

12 And forgeue vs our dettes, as we forgeue our detters

Matthew 18:21-35

21 Then came Peter to hym, and sayde: Lorde howe oft shall my brother sinne agaynst me, and I forgeue hym? tyll seuen tymes 22 Iesus sayth vnto hym, I say not vnto thee vntyll seuen tymes: but, vntyll seuentie tymes seuen 23 Therfore is the kyngdome of heauen, lykened vnto a certayne man, that was a kyng, which woulde take accomptes of his seruauntes 24 And when he had begunne to recken, one was brought vnto hym, which ought hym ten thousande talentes 25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his Lorde commaunded hym to be solde, and his wyfe, and chyldren, and all that he had, and payment to be made 26 The seruaunt fell downe, & besought hym, saying: Lorde, haue pacience with me, and I wyll pay thee all 27 Then the Lorde of that seruaunt, moued with pitie, loosed hym, and forgaue hym the debt 28 But the same seruaunt went out, and founde one of his felowes, which ought hym an hundred pence: and he layde handes on hym, and toke hym by the throte, saying: pay me that thou owest 29 And his felowe fel downe at his feete, and besought him, saying: haue pacience with me, and I wyll pay thee all 30 And he woulde not: but went, and cast hym into prison, tyll he shoulde pay the debt 31 So, when his felowes sawe what was done, they were very sory: & came, and tolde vnto their Lorde all that was done 32 Then his Lorde called hym, and sayd vnto him: O thou vngracious seruaunt, I forgaue thee all that debt, when thou desiredst me 33 Shouldest not thou also, haue had compassion on thy felowe, euen as I had pitie on thee 34 And his Lorde was wroth, and delyuered hym to the tormentours, tyll he shoulde pay all that was due vnto him 35 So lykewyse, shall my heauenly father do also vnto you, yf ye from your heartes, forgeue not, euery one his brother, their trespasses

2 Corinthians 2:10-11

10 To whom ye forgeue any thyng, I forgeue also. For if I forgaue any thing, to whom I forgaue it, for your sakes forgaue I it, in the sight of Christe 11 Lest Satan shoulde circumuent vs: For his thoughtes are not vnknowen vnto vs

James 1:19-20

19 Wherfore my deare brethre, let euery man be swyft to heare, slowe to speake, slowe to wrath 20 For the wrath of man, worketh not that which is ryghteous before God

Colossians 3:12-13

12 Put on therfore (as the elect of God, holy and beloued) bowels of mercie, kyndenesse, humblenesse of mynde, mekenesse, long sufferyng 13 Forbearyng one another, and forgeuyng one another, yf any man haue a quarel agaynst any: euen as Christe forgaue you, so also [do] ye

Proverbs 24:17

17 Reioyce not thou at the fall of thyne enemie, and let not thyne heart be glad when he stumbleth

Hebrews 12:14

14 Folowe peace with all men, and holynesse, without the which, no man shall see the Lorde

Ephesians 4:32

32 Be ye curteous one to another, merciful, forgeuing one another, euen as God for Christes sake hath forgeuen you

Ephesians 4:26-27

26 Be ye angry, and sinne not, let not the sunne go downe vpon your wrath 27 Neither geue place to the deuyll

Matthew 6:14-15

14 For, yf ye forgeue men theyr trespasses, your heauenly father shall also forgeue you 15 But, yf ye forgeue not men theyr trespasses: no more shall your father, forgeue [you] your trespasses

Mark 11:25

25 And when ye stande & pray, forgeue, yf ye haue ought agaynst any man: that your father also which is in heauen, may forgeue you your trespasses

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