Bible verses about "perfectionism" | Bishops

Romans 4:15

15 Because the lawe causeth wrath. For where no lawe is, there is no transgression

1 Peter 2:1-25

1 Wherefore lay asyde all maliciousnesse, and all guile, and faynednesse, and enuie, and all backbityng 2 And as newe borne babes, desire ye ye milke of the worde, which is without deceipt: that ye may growe therby [vnto saluatio 3 If so be that ye haue tasted howe gratious the Lorde is 4 To whom ye come, as vnto a lyuyng stone, disalowed of men, but chosen of God and precious 5 And ye as lyuely stones, be you made a spirituall house, an holy priesthood, for to offer vp spirituall sacrifices, acceptable to God by Iesus Christe 6 Wherefore it is conteyned also in the scripture: beholde, I put in Sion a stone to be laide in the chiefe corner, elect and precious, and he that beleueth on hym, shall not be confounded 7 Unto you therfore which beleue, he is precious: but vnto them whiche beleue not, the stone which the buylders refused, the same is made the head of the corner 8 And a stone that men stumble at, and a rocke wherat they be offended, whiche stumble at the worde, and beyng disobedient, vnto the whiche thing they were euen ordeyned 9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royall priesthood, an holy nation, a peculier people: that ye should shewe foorth the vertues of hym that called you out of darknesse into his marueylous lyght 10 Which in time past were not a people, but are nowe the people of God: which sometime had not obteyned mercy, but nowe haue obteyned mercy 11 Dearely beloued, I beseche you as straugers and pilgrimes, abstaine from fleshly lustes, whiche fight agaynst the soule 12 And see that ye haue honest conuersation among the gentiles: that where as they backbite you as euyll doers, they may by your good workes whiche they shall see, prayse God in the day of visitation 13 Submit your selues therfore vnto al maner ordinaunce of ma for the Lordes sake: whether it be vnto the king, as hauyng the preeminence 14 Other vnto rulers, as vnto them that are sent of hym for the punyshment of euyll doers, but for the laude of them that do well 15 For so is the wyll of God, that with well doyng, ye may stoppe the mouthes of foolishe and ignoraunt men 16 As free, and not as hauyng the libertie for a cloke of maliciousnes, but euen as the seruauntes of God 17 Honour all men. Loue brotherly felowship. Feare God. Honour the kyng 18 Seruauntes, obey your maisters with all feare, not only yf they be good & curteous, but also though they be frowarde 19 For it is thanke worthy, yf a man for coscience toward god, endure griefe, and suffer wrong vndeserued 20 For what prayse is it, yf when ye be buffeted for your faultes, ye take it paciently? But yf when ye do well ye suffer wrong, & take it paciently, then is there thanke with God 21 For herevnto veryly were ye called, for Christe also suffered for vs, leauyng vs an ensample, that ye should folowe his steppes 22 Which did no sinne, neyther was there guyle founde in his mouth 23 Whiche when he was reuiled, reuiled not agayne: when he suffred, he threatned not, but committed the vengeaunce to him that iudgeth righteously 24 Which his owne selfe bare our sinnes in his body on the tree, that we beyng deliuered from sinne, shoulde liue vnto ryghteousnes: By whose strypes ye were healed 25 For ye were as sheepe goyng astray: but are nowe turned vnto the sheephearde and Byshop of your soules

2 Samuel 22:31

31 God is vncorrupt in his way, the word of the Lord is tryed in the fyre: he is a shielde to all them that trust in him

Luke 16:15

15 And he sayde vnto them, Ye are they which iustifie your selues before men: but God knoweth your heartes. For that which is hyghly esteemed among men, is abhominable in the syght of God

1 Corinthians 2:1-16

1 And I brethren, when I came to you, came not in gloriousnesse of wordes, or of wisedome, shewing vnto you the testimonie of God 2 For I esteemed not to knowe any thyng among you saue Iesus Christe, and hym crucified 3 And I was among you in weaknesse, and in feare, and in much tremblyng 4 And my wordes and my preachyng was not with entysing wordes of mans wisedome, but in shewyng of the spirite, and of power 5 That your fayth should not stande in the wisedome of men, but in the power of God 6 And we speake wisedome among the that are perfite: not the wisedome of this world, neither of the princes of this world, which come to naught 7 But we speake the wisedome of God in a misterie [euen] the hyd [wisedome] which God ordeyned before the worlde, vnto our glorie 8 Which none of ye princes of this world knewe: For had they knowen it, they woulde not haue crucified the Lorde of glorie 9 But as it is written: The eye hath not seen, & the eare hath not heard, neither haue entred into the heart of man, the thynges which God hath prepared for them that loue hym 10 But God hath reuealed the vnto vs by his spirite: For the spirite searcheth all thinges, yea the deepe thinges of God 11 For what man knoweth the thynges of a man, saue ye spirite of man which is in hym? Euen so, the thinges of God, knoweth no man, but ye spirite of God 12 And we haue receaued, not the spirite of the worlde, but the spirite which is of God, that we myght know the thinges that are geuen to vs of God 13 Which thynges also we speake, not in the wordes which mans wisedome teacheth, but which ye holy ghost teacheth, comparyng spirituall thynges with spirituall thynges 14 But the naturall man perceaueth not the thynges of ye spirite of God, for they are foolyshenesse vnto hym: Neither can he knowe [them] because they are spiritually discerned 15 But he that is spirituall, discerneth all thynges, yet he hym selfe is iudged of no man 16 For who hath knowen the mynde of the Lorde, that he myght instruct hym? But we haue the mynde of Christe

Galatians 3:3

3 Are ye such fooles, that after ye haue begun in the spirite, ye woulde nowe ende in the fleshe

James 3:2

2 For in many thynges we sinne all. If a man sinne not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle all the body

Ecclesiastes 7:20

20 For there is not one iust vpon earth that doth good, and sinneth not

1 John 1:9

9 If we knowledge our sinnes, he is faythfull & iust to forgeue vs our sinnes, and to clense vs from all vnryghteousnesse

Philippians 3:12-14

12 Not as though I had alredy attayned, either were alredy perfect: but I folowe, yf that I may comprehende, wherein also I am comprehended of Christe Iesus 13 Brethren I count not my selfe as yet that I haue attained: but this one thing [I say] I forget those thinges which are behynde, and endeuour my selfe vnto those thynges which are before 14 And I prease towarde the marke, for the price of the hye callyng of God in Christe Iesus

Romans 8:1-39

1 There is then no dampnation to them which are in Christe Iesu, which walke not after the fleshe, but after the spirite 2 For the lawe of the spirite of lyfe, through Iesus Christe, hath made me free from the lawe of sinne and death 3 For what the lawe coulde not do, in as much as it was weake through the fleshe, God sendyng his owne sonne, in the similitude of sinfull fleshe, euen by sinne, condempned sinne in the fleshe 4 That the ryghteousnesse of the lawe, myght be fulfylled in vs, which walke not after the fleshe, but after the spirite 5 For they that are carnall, are carnally mynded: But they that are spirituall, are spiritually mynded 6 To be carnally mynded, is death: But to be spiritually mynded, is lyfe & peace 7 Because that the fleshly mynde is enmitie agaynst God: For it is not obedient to the lawe of God, neither can be 8 So then, they that are in the fleshe, can not please God 9 But ye are not in the fleshe, but in the spirite, yf so be that the spirite of God dwell in you. If any man haue not the spirite of Christe, the same is none of his 10 And yf Christe be in you, the body is dead because of sinne: but the spirite is lyfe for ryghteousnesse sake 11 But, yf ye spirite of hym that raysed vp Iesus from the dead, dwell in you: euen he that raised vp Christe from the dead, shall also quicken your mortall bodyes, because that his spirite dwelleth in you 12 Therfore brethren, we are detters, not to the fleshe, to lyue after the fleshe 13 For if ye liue after ye fleshe, ye shall dye: But if ye through the spirite, do mortifie the deedes of the body, ye shall lyue 14 For as many as are led by the spirite of God, they are the sonnes of God 15 For ye haue not receaued the spirite of bondage agayne to feare: but ye haue receaued the spirite of adoption, wherby we cry, Abba, father 16 The same spirite, beareth witnesse to our spirite, that we are ye sonnes of God 17 If we be sonnes, then are we also heyres, the heyres of God, and ioyntheyres with Christe: So that we suffer together, that we may be also glorified together 18 For I am certaynely perswaded that the afflictions of this tyme, are not worthy of the glory which shalbe shewed vpon vs 19 For the feruent desire of the creature, abydeth lokyng whe the sonnes of God shall appeare 20 Because the creature is subiect to vanitie, not wyllyng, but for hym which hath subdued the same in hope 21 For the same creature shalbe made free from the bondage of corruptio, into the glorious libertie of ye sonnes of God 22 For we knowe, that euery creature groneth with vs also, and trauayleth in payne, euen vnto this tyme 23 Not only [they], but we also which haue the first fruites of the spirite, and we our selues mourne in our selues, and wayte for the adoption, euen the deliueraunce of our body 24 For we are saued by hope: But hope that is seene, is no hope. For howe can a man hope for that which he seeth 25 But and yf we hope for that we see not, the do we with pacience abide for it 26 Lykewyse, the spirite also helpeth our infirmities. For we knowe not what to desire as we ought: but ye spirite maketh great intercession for vs, with gronynges, which can not be expressed 27 And he that searcheth the heartes, knoweth what is the meanyng of the spirite: for he maketh intercession for the saintes accordyng to the pleasure of God 28 For we knowe yt all thinges worke for the best, vnto them that loue God, to them which also are called of purpose 29 For those which he knewe before, he also dyd predestinate, that they shoulde be lyke fashioned vnto the shape of his sonne, that he myght be ye first begotten among many brethren 30 Moreouer, whom he dyd predestinate, the also he called. And whom he called, them also he iustified: And whom he iustified, them he also glorified 31 What shall we then say to these thynges? If God be on our syde, who can be agaynst vs 32 Which spared not his owne sonne, but gaue hym for vs all: Howe shall he not with hym also geue vs all thynges 33 Who shall lay any thyng to the charge of Gods chosen? It is God that iustifieth 34 Who is he that can condempne? It is Christe which dyed, yea rather which is raysed agayne, which is also on the ryght hande of God, and maketh intercession for vs 35 Who shall seperate vs from the loue of God? Shall tribulation or anguishe, or persecution, either hunger, either nakednesse, either peryll, either sworde 36 As it is written: For thy sake are we kylled all daye long, and are counted as sheepe for the slaughter 37 Neuerthelesse, in all these thinges we ouercome, through hym that loued vs 38 For I am sure, that neither death, neither lyfe, neither angels, nor rule, neither power, neither thynges present, neither thynges to come 39 Neither heygth nor deapth, neither any other creature, shalbe able to seperate vs from the loue of God, which is in Christe Iesu our Lorde

1 John 1:8

8 If we say that we haue no sinne, we deceaue our selues, and the trueth is not in vs

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

9 And he sayde vnto me: My grace is sufficient for thee. For my strength is made perfect in weakenesse. Most gladly therfore, I wyll rather glorie in my infirmities, that the power of Christ myght dwell in me 10 Therfore haue I delectation in infirmities, in rebukes, in necessities, in persecutions, in anguishes for Christes sake: For when I am weake, then am I strong

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