Bible verses about "makeup" | Bishops

Genesis 1:27

27 So God created man in his owne image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them

Ezekiel 23:40

40 And howe much more [is it] that they sent for men to come from farre, vnto whom a messenger was sent, and lo they came? for whom thou didst washe thy selfe, and paynted thine eyes, and deckedst thee with ornamentes

Hosea 2:2

2 As for your mother, ye shall chyde with her and reproue her, for she is not my wyfe, neither am I her husbande: let her therefore put away her whordome from her face, and her adulterie from her brestes

2 Kings 9:30

30 And when Iehu was come to Iezrahel, Iezabel hearde of it, & paynted her face, and tired her head, and loked out at a wyndowe

1 Peter 3:3-4

3 Whose apparel shal not be outward with brayded heere, & hanging on of gold, eyther in putting on of gorgeous apparel 4 But let the hid man whiche is in the heart, be without all corruption, so that the spirite be at rest and quiet, whiche [spirite] is before god a thing much set by

Deuteronomy 22:5

5 The woman shall not weare that whiche parteyneth vnto the man, neither shall a man put on womans rayment: For all that do so, are abhomination vnto the Lorde thy God

Leviticus 19:28

28 Ye shall not rent your fleshe for any soules sake, nor print any markes vpon you: I am the Lorde

Jeremiah 4:30

30 What wylt thou nowe do, thou being destroyed? For though thou clothest thy selfe with scarlet, and deckest thee with golde, though thou payntest thy face with colours nowe, yet shalt thou trimme thy selfe in vayne: For those that hitherto haue ben thy louers, shall abhorre thee, and go about to slay thee

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