Bible verses about "increase" | Bishops

Deuteronomy 1:11

11 (The Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many mo as ye are, and blesse you as he hath promised you.

Deuteronomy 19:7-9

7 Wherfore I commaunde thee, saying: Thou shalt appoynt out three cities for thee 8 And if the Lorde thy God enlarge thy coastes (as he hath sworne vnto thy fathers) and geue thee all the lande which he sayde he woulde geue vnto thy fathers 9 Thou shalt kepe all these commaundementes to do them, which I commaunde thee this day, that thou loue the Lorde thy God, and walke in his wayes euer: and adde three cities mo for thee beside these three

Deuteronomy 12:18-20

18 But thou must eate them before the Lorde thy God, in the place whiche the Lorde thy God hath chosen, thou and thy sonne, & thy daughter, thy seruaunt, and thy mayde, and the Lenite that is within thy gates: and thou shalt reioyce before the Lorde thy God, in all that thou puttest thyne hande to 19 Beware that thou forsake not the Leuite, as long as thou liuest vpon the earth 20 If when the Lorde thy God shall enlarge thy border as he hath promised thee, thou say, I will eate flesh (because thy soule longeth to eate fleshe) thou mayest eate fleshe whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth

Deuteronomy 32:13

13 He caryed hym vp to the hygh places of the earth, that he myght eate the encrease of the fieldes: And he fed hym with honye out of the rocke, and with oyle out of the most harde stone

2 Samuel 22:37

37 Thou hast enlarged my steps vnder me: and my legges shall not faile me

Psalms 18:36

36 (18:35) Thou hast made me roomth inough for to go on: so that my feete haue not slypt

Psalms 71:21

21 (71:20) Thou hast brought me to greater honour then I had before: & thou returnyng hast comforted me on euery syde

Psalms 115:14

14 God wyll encrease you more and more: both you and also your children

Psalms 144:13

13 That the corners of our houses may be fylled, yeeldyng foorth all maner of stoore: that our cattell may bring foorth thousandes, [yea] ten thousandes in our streates

Isaiah 9:7

7 He shall make no ende to encrease the rule & peace, and shall sit vpon the seate of Dauid, and in his kingdome, to order the same, and to stablishe it with equitie and righteousnesse from hence foorth for euermore: This shall the zeale of the Lorde of hoastes bring to passe

Matthew 25:26-30

26 His Lorde aunswered, and sayde vnto hym: Thou euyll and slouthfull seruaut, thou knewest that I reape where I sowed not, and gather where I haue not strowed 27 Thou oughtest therfore to haue delyuered my money to the exchaungers, and then at my commyng shoulde I haue receaued myne owne with vauntage 28 Take therfore the talent from hym, and geue it vnto hym whiche hath ten talentes 29 For vnto euery one that hath, shalbe geuen, and he shall haue aboundaunce: But he that hath not, from hym shalbe taken away, euen that which he hath 30 And cast the vnprofitable seruaunt into vtter darknesse, there shalbe wepyng, and gnasshyng of teeth

Romans 13:8-10

8 Owe nothyng to no man, but to loue one another: (For he that loueth another, hath fulfylled the lawe 9 For this: Thou shalt not commit adultrie, thou shalt not kyll, thou shalt not steale, thou shalt not beare false witnesse, thou shalt not lust: and yf there be any other commaundement, it is comprehended in this saying: Namelye, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe 10 Charitie worketh no yll to his neyghbour, therfore the fulfyllyng of the lawe is charitie.

Ephesians 3:20

20 Unto him that is able to do exceeding aboundauntly aboue all that we aske or thynke, accordyng to the power that worketh in vs

1 Corinthians 3:6-7

6 I haue planted, Apollo watered: but God gaue the encrease 7 So then, neither is he that planteth any thyng, neither he that watreth: but God that geueth the encrease

Job 8:7

7 In so much that wherin so euer thou haddest litle afore, thou shouldest haue nowe great aboundaunce

Proverbs 3:9-10

9 Honour the Lorde with thy substaunce, and with the firstlynges of all thyne encrease 10 So shall thy barnes be filled with plenteousnesse, and thy presses shall flowe ouer with sweete wine

Psalms 119:32

32 (119:8) I wyll runne the way of thy commaundementes: when thou shalt set my heart at libertie

Proverbs 19:17

17 He that hath pitie vpon the poore, lendeth vnto the Lord: and looke what he layeth out, it shalbe payde hym agayne

Isaiah 65:24

24 And it shalbe, that or euer they call, I shall aunswere them, whyle they are yet but thinking howe to speake, I shal heare them

John 3:30

30 He must increace, but I must decreace

Genesis 26:12

12 Then Isahac sowed in that lande, and receaued in the same yere an hundred folde: and the Lorde blessed hym

Malachi 3:10

10 Bryng euery tythe into the store house, that there may be meate in myne house, and prooue me withal, saith the Lorde of hoastes: if I wyl not open the windowes of heauen vnto you, and poure you out a blessing without measure

Mark 4:24

24 And he sayde vnto them, take heede what ye heare: With what measure ye meate, with the same shall it be measured to you agayne. And vnto you that heare, shall more be geuen

Psalms 115:14-15

14 God wyll encrease you more and more: both you and also your children 15 Ye are the blessed of God: which made heauen and earth

Luke 6:38

38 Geue, and it shalbe geuen vnto you: good measure, pressed downe, & shaken together, and runnyng ouer, shall men geue into your bosomes. For with the same measure that ye meate withall, shall other men meate to you agayne

1 Chronicles 4:9-10

9 And Iabes was more honorable then his brethren: And his mother called his name Iabes, saying: because I bare him with sorowe 10 And Iabes called on the God of Israel, saying: If thou wilt blesse me in deede, and enlarge my coastes, and shalt let thyne hande be with me, and wilt kepe me from euyll that it hurt me not. And God graunted him his desire

2 Corinthians 9:10

10 He that ministreth seede vnto ye sower, ministreth bread also for foode, and multiplieth your seede, and encreaseth the fruites of your ryghteousnesse

Isaiah 54:2

2 Make thy tent wyder, and spreade out the hanginges of thine habitation: spare not, lay foorth thy wardes, and make fast thy stakes

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