Bible verses about "homosexaulity" | Bishops

Mark 10:6-8

6 But from the begynnyng of the creation, God made them male & female 7 [And sayde] for this cause shall a man leaue his father and mother, and byde by his wyfe 8 And they twayne shalbe one fleshe. So then are they no more twayne, but one fleshe

Romans 1:22-32

22 When they counted them selues wyse, they became fooles 23 And turned the glorie of the immortall God, vnto an image, made not only after the similitude of a mortal man, but also of birdes, and foure footed beastes, and of crepyng beastes 24 Wherefore God gaue them vp to vncleanenesse, through the lustes of their owne heartes, to defyle their owne bodies among them selues 25 Whiche chaunged his trueth for a lye, and worshipped and serued the creature, more then the creator, which is to be praysed for euer. Amen 26 Wherefore God gaue them vp vnto shamefull lustes: For euen their women dyd chaunge the naturall vse, into that which is agaynst nature 27 And likewise also, the men left the naturall vse of the woman, and brent in their lustes one with another, and men with men wrought fylthynesse, and receaued to them selues the rewarde of their errour (as it was accordyng 28 And as they regarded not to knowe God: euen so God deliuered them vp vnto a leude mynde, that they should do those thinges which were not comely 29 Beyng full of all vnrighteousnes, fornication, craftynesse, couetousnes, maliciousnes, full of enuie, murther, debate, deceite, euyll conditioned, whysperers 30 Backbyters, haters of God, dispiteful, proude, boasters, bryngers vp of euyll thinges, disobedient to father & mother 31 Without vnderstandyng, couenaunt breakers, without naturall affection, truice breakers, vnmercyfull 32 The whiche knowyng the righteousnes of God, howe that they which commit such thynges are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also haue pleasure in them that do them

1 Timothy 1:8-11

8 But we knowe that the lawe is good, yf a man vse it lawfully 9 Knowyng this, that the lawe is not geuen vnto a ryghteous man, but vnto the lawlesse and disobedient, to the vngodly and to sinners, to vnholy and vncleane, to murtherers of fathers & murtherers of mothers, to manslears 10 To whoremongers, to them that defyle them selues with mankynde, to manstealers, to lyers, to periured, and yf there be any other thyng that is contrarie to wholsome doctrine 11 Accordyng to the Gospell of glorie of the blessed God, whiche is committed vnto me

Deuteronomy 22:5

5 The woman shall not weare that whiche parteyneth vnto the man, neither shall a man put on womans rayment: For all that do so, are abhomination vnto the Lorde thy God

Isaiah 56:4-5

4 For thus saith the Lorde vnto the gelded that kepeth my Sabbath, [namelye] that holdeth greatly of the thyng that pleaseth me, and kepeth my couenaunt 5 Unto them wyll I geue in my householde and within my walles, a better heritage and name then yf they had ben called sonnes and daughters: I wyll geue them an euerlastyng name that shall not perishe

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

9 Knowe ye not that the vnrighteous shall not inherite the kingdome of God? Be not deceaued: neither fornicatours, nor idolatours, nor adulterers, nor weaklinges, nor abusers of them selues with mankinde 10 Nor theeues, nor couetous, nor drunckardes, nor cursed speakers, nor pyllers, shall inherite the kingdome of God 11 And such were some of you: but ye are wasshed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus, and by the spirite of our God

Romans 1:26-2:4

26 Wherefore God gaue them vp vnto shamefull lustes: For euen their women dyd chaunge the naturall vse, into that which is agaynst nature 27 And likewise also, the men left the naturall vse of the woman, and brent in their lustes one with another, and men with men wrought fylthynesse, and receaued to them selues the rewarde of their errour (as it was accordyng 28 And as they regarded not to knowe God: euen so God deliuered them vp vnto a leude mynde, that they should do those thinges which were not comely 29 Beyng full of all vnrighteousnes, fornication, craftynesse, couetousnes, maliciousnes, full of enuie, murther, debate, deceite, euyll conditioned, whysperers 30 Backbyters, haters of God, dispiteful, proude, boasters, bryngers vp of euyll thinges, disobedient to father & mother 31 Without vnderstandyng, couenaunt breakers, without naturall affection, truice breakers, vnmercyfull 32 The whiche knowyng the righteousnes of God, howe that they which commit such thynges are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also haue pleasure in them that do them

Romans 2:1-4

1 Therefore art thou inexcusable, O ma, whosoeuer thou be that iudgest. For in that same wherin thou iudgest another, thou condempnest thy self. For thou that iudgest, doest euen ye selfe same thynges 2 But we are sure that the iudgement of god is according to the trueth, against them which commit such thynges 3 Thinkest thou this, O thou man that iudgest them whiche do such thynges, and doest the same [thy selfe] that thou shalt escape the iudgement of God 4 Eyther despisest thou the rychesse of his goodnes, & pacience, and long sufferaunce, not knowyng that the kyndnesse of god leadeth thee to repentauce

Hebrews 13:4

4 Wedlocke is honorable among all men, and the bed vndefiled: But whoremongers and adulterers God wyll iudge

Leviticus 20:13

13 If a man also lye with mankinde after the maner as with women kynde, they haue both committed an abhomination: let them dye, their blood be vpon them

1 Timothy 1:10

10 To whoremongers, to them that defyle them selues with mankynde, to manstealers, to lyers, to periured, and yf there be any other thyng that is contrarie to wholsome doctrine

Romans 1:26-27

26 Wherefore God gaue them vp vnto shamefull lustes: For euen their women dyd chaunge the naturall vse, into that which is agaynst nature 27 And likewise also, the men left the naturall vse of the woman, and brent in their lustes one with another, and men with men wrought fylthynesse, and receaued to them selues the rewarde of their errour (as it was accordyng

1 Corinthians 6:9

9 Knowe ye not that the vnrighteous shall not inherite the kingdome of God? Be not deceaued: neither fornicatours, nor idolatours, nor adulterers, nor weaklinges, nor abusers of them selues with mankinde

Leviticus 18:22

22 Thou shalt not lye with mankynde as with womankynde, for it is abhomination

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